• 上帝如果相信一个而且慷慨地给予就会祝福富有健康,祝福你的家,你的事业,你的时间,你的过去、现在以及未来。

    God says that if you trust him and give generously, he will bless your wealth, your health, you family, your career, your time, your past, your present and your future.


  • 1999年,因为相信欧元同样稳定而且德国纳税不会其他欧元国家的错误而埋单,德国放弃了德国马克

    They gave up the D-mark in 1999 on the understanding that the euro would be equally stable and that German taxpayers would not have to pay for other members' mistakes.


  • 一个十足乐观主义者而且的天性充满信心,相信一旦意识明智之处就会听取意见

    I am enough of an optimist, and I have enough faith in human nature, to believe that people will listen to reason if they are convinced that it is reason.


  • 非洲国民大会(非国大)的政策就是去教育所有甚至我们我们相信所有即使是在监狱服役的狱吏,也是改造的,而且我们要力争改变他们

    It was ANC policy to try to educate all people, even our enemies: we believed that all men, even prison service warders, were capable of change, and we did our utmost to try to sway them.


  • 主义极端表述就是选择自我实现而且党内一些而言,专家们相信的事实足以反驳

    The most radical statement of individualism is choosing your own reality, and to some in the Tea Party, the very fact that experts believe something is sufficient to disprove it.


  • 他们指出:“尽管并非所有创始成为杰出CEO大多数科技界的杰出公司创始的领导下运营一段时间往往长达数十年而且我们相信这种模式还会持续下去

    Not all founders can become great CEOs, but most of the great companies in our industry were run by a founder for a long period of time, often decades, and we believe that pattern will continue.


  • 调查显示,多数相信外星存在于地球年龄在35岁以下,而且收入阶层都有。

    Most of those believers are under the age of 35, and across all income classes, the survey showed.


  • 一些相信临近混乱的状态可能记忆来说至关重要而且这能解释为什么某些其他聪明

    Some believe that near-chaotic states may be crucial to memory, and could explain why some people are smarter than others.


  • 如果告诉,我只用40秒钟就完成了这幅“”,而且明白全部含义,相信吗?

    What if I said I drew all six so that everyone who saw them could understand what I was drawing in the matter of 40 seconds? How do you think I did it?


  • 结果表明(而且容易使人相信)原始问题就是下面三个子序列中最长的一个。

    I won't prove this, but it can be shown (and it's not hard to believe) that the solution to the original problem is whichever of these is the longest.


  • 希腊不但相信众神泰坦巨而且相信其它森林山岳河流精灵

    Not only did the Greeks believe in gods and titans, but they believed in other spirits who lived in the woods, mountains and streams.


  • 红色就会完美,因为通常快乐事情联结在一起而且有些相信可以避开

    Red would be perfect because it's usually associated with happy events, and some people believe it can get rid of evil spirits.


  • 星期二早些时候一些物理学家他们相信道轨迹飞行器留下而且天气晴朗时,由于错觉蒸汽显得像是垂直上升的。

    Some physicists said earlier on Tuesday they believed the trail had been left by an aircraft, and that on a clear day vapour can appear to rise vertically as the result of an optical illusion.


  • 而且专家相信抗体免疫细胞逐渐累积,最后许多非洲免于疟疾摧残

    Furthermore, experts believe that antibodies and immune cells that build up over time eventually protect many Africans from malaria's overt wrath.


  • 相反一些赞成……,他们相信……,而且,他们认为……。

    On the contrary, there are some people in favor of...... At the same time, they say.......


  • 他们相信世界由于生活大约悸动而且美丽的,有力的所有样子一起

    They believe that the world about throbs with life and is peopled with all manner of beautiful, powerful folk.


  • 如果我们觉得一个称职的,在他自己的领域是称职而且是诚实可靠的。 我们理由相信他们因为他们信赖的。

    And if we find that a person is competentin the relevant matters, and reliable and honest, we'll have a pretty good reason to trust them, because they'll be trustworthy.


  • 西海岸相信自己波西米亚,更艺术,更自由而且当然,更有意思

    West coasters believe that they are more bohemian, more artistic, more liberal and definitely more fun.


  • 非常胆怯女孩如此不多第一数个星期但是英国语改良而且很快开始相信我里面甚至她的年龄附近唯一的女孩。

    She is a very shy girl so she didn't speak much to me the first few weeks, but her English improved and soon she started confiding in me as I was the only girl even close to her age.


  • 西方星座相似很多相信性格属相有关,而且属相影响做出的所有决定。

    Similar to western horoscopes, many people believe the Chinese animalsigns decide what your character will be like and can influence your decisions.


  • 不久就有理由相信已经开始了,而且不由得在,虽说她没有过命那个吉普赛说不定哈丽带来好运

    She had soon afterwards reason to believe that the beginning was already made, and could not but hope that the gipsy, though she had told no fortune, might be proved to have made Harriet's.


  • 害怕这些相信上帝,这些祈祷,这些拥有财富而且随意杀生

    It was afraid of man more than anything else, man who believes in god, man who prays, the man of wealth with his gun, with his casual killing.


  • 相反一些赞成……,他们相信……,而且,他们认为……。

    On the contrary, there are some people in favor of... they believe... At the same time, they say...


  • 相反一些赞成……,他们相信……,而且,他们认为……。

    On the contrary, there are some people in favor of……t the same time, they say……


  • 而且相信数以千计支持者们都会关注那些年轻表现,他们会关注可能成为阿森纳未来的巨星

    And I am sure the supporters will come in their thousands to watch maybe a couple of younger players who will be big players in the future for Arsenal.


  • 而且相信数以千计支持者们都会关注那些年轻表现,他们会关注可能成为阿森纳未来的巨星

    And I am sure the supporters will come in their thousands to watch maybe a couple of younger players who will be big players in the future for Arsenal.


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进来说说原因吧 确定