• 时间增加来自工业思维

    Increasing time comes from the old industrial mindset.


  • 经济计划能否遏制工业衰落?。

    New Economy and New Projects in Old Industrial Areas: Do They Slow Down the Trend of Decline?


  • 重庆市不仅新兴西部唯一的直辖市也是一座工业城市

    Chongqing is not only a new, exclusive municipality directly under the Central Government in the west of China, and also an old industrial city.


  • 建设大连振兴工业基地大连市工业战线面临根本性战略任务

    Constructing Great Dalian and revitalizing the old industry base is the essential strategic task confronting Dalian industry lines.


  • 钢厂工业厂区内深基坑工程地质条件施工条件复杂周边环境恶劣

    The geological conditions of old industry steelmaking plant Pour-Pit foundation are poor. The construction conditions are complex and its construction environment is worse.


  • 建筑必须适应周围传统石头土坯住宅环境,和一些小工业楼宇

    The building had to fit into it's surrounding environment of both traditional two storey stone and adobe single family dwellings, and some small old industrial buildings.


  • 如今科里挂帅上海复旦皇冠假日酒店位于上海市东北角—杨浦区,传统意义上的老工业区。

    Now Christophe has taken the leadership of Crowne Plaza Fudan, which is located in Yangpu District in the north east corner of Shanghai.


  • 场地邻近工业,曾经厚重工业综合设施现在设计师艺术家以及其他创意专业人士所占据

    The site is near Industry City, a massive, old industrial complex that is now occupied by designers, artists and other creative professionals.


  • 位于世博公园东端,为上世纪30年代仓库,进行改造翻新后在这里可以体会工业沧桑巨变

    Located in the eastern end of the Expo Park, this old warehouse from 1930's, has been renovated to show the enormous changes the industry underwent during the last century.


  • 哈市乡镇企业促进经济增长扩大就业增加财政收入振兴工业基地中发挥越来越重要作用

    Harbin township enterprise in economic growth of promoting, expand employment, increase fiscal revenues and revitalize old industrial base play a more and more important role.


  • 差距扩大不仅表现在东西部之间,还表现在新兴工业地区工业区之间,东南沿海内部次区域之间。

    The gap widening is not only reflected between the new industrialized zones and the old ones, and between the areas of the southeast coastal internal sub-regions.


  • 上海伊川塑料制品有限公司位于上海市东北部工业,依傍着秀丽黄浦江,紧邻着著名的复兴公园

    Shanghai Yichuanshui Plastic Product Co. LTD is located in the old industrial area in northeast of Shanghai . It is situated besides the beautiful Huangpu River and near the Fuxing Dao Park.


  • 共有25个地区列入优先考虑范围,其中包括集中英国中部北部工业区嫌疑惯犯,和16个伦敦自制市

    Twenty-five districts have been identified as priorities, including the usual suspects—old mill towns in the Midlands and the North—and 16 London boroughs.


  • 提出东北工业区域主导产业选择东北老工业区域产业结构升级转换具有关键性导向推动作用的观点。

    The choosing of regional leading industry of the old industrial base of northeast China has critical orienting and promoting functions to the upgrading and transformation of industry structure.


  • 现在印度公司拥有英国西北部的大量工业靠近哈利伍德Stanlow石油精炼厂今年早些时候印度埃莎集团收购

    Today Indian firms own large chunks of Britain’s old industrial north-west. The Stanlow oil refinery close to Halewood was bought earlier this year by Essar, an Indian conglomerate.


  • 本文关于企业区位战略理论理论探索和实证分析,处于中心城市工业区内的企业实施区位调整战略提供了一个可以借鉴的思路和方法

    This thesis provides a way for reference for those enterprises located in old industrial bases in inner cities to exercise the adjustment of regional strategy.


  • 爱丽丝历史一章生动地描述了乡村农村来到城市工业中心早期工人情况

    The chapter "Old Alice's History" brilliantly dramatizes the situation of that early generation of workers brought from the villages and the countryside to the urban industrial centers.


  • 斯的历史一章生动地描述了早期一代工人农村被带到城市工业中心情况

    The chapter "Old Aice's History" brilliantly dramatizes the situation of that early generation of workers brought from the villages and the countryside to the urban industrial centers.


  • 年前投资者吉林敖东医药工业集团辽宁成大两个国有企业公开交易股票根本感兴趣。

    Two years ago investors had no use for Jilin Aodong Medicine Industry Group or the Liaoning Cheng Da co., two of the many clunker state-owned companies with publicly traded shares.


  • 2009年6月达成的“欧洲工业排放指导意味着朗格·尼特这样的企业2020年无论无何进行昂贵的技术更新。

    And the European Industrial Emissions Directive, agreed in June 2009, means old belchers like Longannet would anyway have to make pricey modernisations by 2020.


  • 亚洲的是著名大雁迁移的比喻,眼看着主要工业转移工资国家

    The old Asia relied on the famous flying geese analogy that saw mature industries move to low-wage countries.


  • 一项最新麦肯锡的报告指出绿色能源工业工业很大的不同,如劳力密集型制造工业钢铁汽车

    As a new study from McKinsey points out, the clean-energy industry doesn't have much in common with old, labor-intensive manufacturing industries like steel and cars.


  • 建于采空区上方的大型工业建筑应采取变形措施进行了研究。

    The anti deformation measures are studied for heavy industrial buildings over abandoned mine goafs.


  • 工业团体法国劳工机构之一。

    The metallurgy industry body is one of France's oldest employers' associations.


  • 鲁尔区欧洲最大工业之一也是德国人口最稠密地区之一。

    Ruhr is one of the biggest and oldest industry areas in Europe, and is also one of the densest areas in Germany.


  • 20世纪80年代以前建造工业民用建筑一般满足节能要求

    Before the 1980 s, to the construction of the industrial and civil buildings are usually not satisfy old energy requirements.


  • 这个仓房之前停车场它位于巴西圣保罗周围工业

    The old warehouse that was used to be a parking lot, is located in a neighborhood in São Paulo, that used to be an industrial area, Barra Funda.


  • 这个仓房之前停车场它位于巴西圣保罗周围工业

    The old warehouse that was used to be a parking lot, is located in a neighborhood in São Paulo, that used to be an industrial area, Barra Funda.


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