• 映夕阳”乌鲁木齐老八景中第一奇特的景观

    "Towering sunset" is the eldest one in Urumqi, the first strange landscape.


  • 将自己父母接上黑龙兄弟留在险境之中

    Eight old bear their parents connected to the black dragon mountain, but his brother to stay in the risk.


  • 然而这件事情马戎上山的内应兄弟泄露马戎。

    However, this thing to send the mountain but w. connor should bear old eight brothers leaked to the w. connor.


  • 声音音符而不是惯常出现焦躁,在每一有序

    In his voice was an old quaver which was not habitual and there was agitation in every line of his visage.


  • 号召人民反对教条,就是五四运动个极大功绩。

    One of five four movement's achievements is to unveil the ugly performance of old Stereotyped writhing and old rules to people and to call on people resisting them.


  • 程式基础对练套路锻炼卦掌实战功夫好的方法。

    The Old Eight Diagrams Palm of Cheng's is the basis, one of the regularizing exercise is a very good method to practice the actual combat.


  • 当家的告诉王小红这些只有兄弟下,王小红决定黑木真伪。 。

    Tell WangXiaoGong involves six these days old bear only eight brothers have mountain, WangXiaoGong decided to help HeiMu Jiao a try authenticity.


  • 孔雀山上白孔雀射奇热兄弟信鸽知道黑木自己已经下山了。

    The show. Nets fall the old bear eight brothers of the pigeons, this just know HeiMu Jiao for save himself has gone down.


  • 正在危急时刻,梅贤祖率着熊前来救援黑木大喜过望许诺只要这次活着回去一定跟梅贤祖拜把子。

    Is this a crisis, MeiXian ZuLv old bear such as the eight people who come to the rescue, HeiMu Jiao overjoyed, promise as long as this can back alive to MeiXianZu BaiBaZi.


  • 大家看到梅显祖带来之后高兴得不行自己弟弟留下来看,梅显祖大家行动计划带着大家上路了。

    You see MeiXianZu brought joy after a shot: no, old bear eight made his brother stay and see mountain, MeiXianZu give everyone said action plan would take you on the road.


  • 一位骑士说:“只鸟使想起了我们逝去皇后音盒。”

    "How much the bird reminds me of the musical box that belonged to our blessed Empress," said an old knight.


  • 具体不太记得了,他也时间管诸如此类的胡说道。

    Mr. Chen was fuzzy on the details and didn't have much time for this nonsense.


  • 为向泰勒致敬各家戏院周五晚点整,也就是传统演出开幕时间,熄灯分钟

    In Taylor's honor, Broadway's theater marquees will be dimmed at exactly 8 p.m., the traditional curtain time for shows, for one minute.


  • 一些美食零后的童年记忆坚称黑莓秋季水果十分少见

    Many older foraging books, and my childhood memories of the 1980's, insist that blackberries are an autumnal fruit rarely seen before the end of August.


  • 有趣的是高年级每天课,而每位通常每天两节课(每节课一般十五分钟)。

    Interestingly, in the upper grades, teachers typically teach just two periods a day (typically 45 minutes in length) out of eight or nine periods.


  • 从此每年十五一天江南家家户户流传南瓜糯米饭的风俗

    Since then, every year in August fifteen that day, each and every family spread south August half eat pumpkin roast glutinous rice customs.


  • 会所》卦村结构独特村落布局各种建筑雕刻工艺精湛建筑豪华,已经让人眼花缭乱

    The community for the old Visitors are dazzled by the unique layout of the village, the different exquisite carving craftwork of various architectures as well as the luxurious buildings.


  • 江南各地中秋节家家户户流传着南瓜糯米饭风俗

    Parts of southern China Mid-Autumn Festival, each and every family circulating August half eat pumpkin roast glutinous rice customs.


  • 地表水主要来源于降水,降水汛期降雨为主水主要来源于沙河、、沙东干渠。

    Surface water mainly from precipitation and off the water, precipitation, rainfall in the main flood season, water comes mainly from the old passenger Shahe, Song eight Tuan, sand east of the trunk.


  • 这个问题已经寓言有关瓶塞呼吸胡说

    The problem I have with this old fable about corks breathing is that it's pure nonsense.


  • 客家话叫玩意应该可以说平山市场标志了。

    Hakka "Tsai eight boards" This thing can be said to be Hirayama old mark of the market.


  • 亚当斯当然个有着长远计划估计阿森纳教练的职位会花费的时间,但是他到达了一位置后他想要那儿到天荒地,必须地!

    Adams certainly is a man with a plan, and he reckons that it will take him about eight years to work his way up to the Arsenal job, but when he gets there he intends to stay there for life, literally!


  • 亚当斯当然个有着长远计划估计阿森纳教练的职位会花费的时间,但是他到达了一位置后他想要那儿到天荒地,必须地!

    Adams certainly is a man with a plan, and he reckons that it will take him about eight years to work his way up to the Arsenal job, but when he gets there he intends to stay there for life, literally!


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