• 委员会妄自尊大的书呆子控制着。

    The committee was dominated by self-important eggheads.


  • 这样组织者”细胞可以对最终形成骨骼数量形状进行控制

    This allows the organizer to control the number and shape of the bones that ultimately make up a digit.


  • 但是真正成功平台,不仅可以扩展的直接用户而且更可以高效地建立控制巨大的市场

    But a truly successful one can extend far beyond its immediate group of users and effectively create and control an enormous market.


  • 表观基因组研究分布控制分子的基因组DNA (叫作甲基).

    Epigenomics studies the distribution over the genome’s DNA of control molecules called methyl groups.


  • 如果网络成为了一私有,上岛工具又供应商远程控制,那么互联网失去“生成性”(generativity),哈佛大学的吉特仁先生警告说

    Should the network become a collection of proprietary islands accessed by devices controlled remotely by their vendors, the internet would lose much of itsgenerativity”, warns Harvard’s Mr Zittrain.


  • 农家后院的中发现控制禽流感暴发极为困难的。

    The outbreaks will be difficult to detect and control in rural backyard flocks.


  • 支持培训动物人类病例调查快速控制活动进行计划测试

    Support and training for the investigation of animal and human cases and clusters, and planning and testing rapid containment activities.


  • 一会儿野鸭逐渐转向西方飞走了仿佛受到某种单一想法控制

    A second later, the entire swarm veers west and away, as if steered by a single mind.


  • 病毒证明很难得到控制目前被认为东南亚部分地区呈地方性流行

    The virus has also proved to be particularly difficult to control in poultry populations and is now considered endemic in parts of South-east Asia.


  • 这种设计模式似乎能够通过控制逃逸的空气来保证巢穴的恒温,确保巢内提供食物保持温度

    This design seems to trap more heat by limiting outward airflow, making sure that the fungus gardens that provide the termites' food are kept at an optimal temperature.


  • 每次开会前都会一小召开策略会议”,计划如何控制议程来达成自己的目的。

    Before each one he would hold private "strategy sessions" with a small group of people to plan how they would handle agenda items so he could have his way.


  • 但是本周末,一来自全世界范围的自称黑客的人们组织一场黑客马拉松活动阻击灾难风险控制气候变化

    But this weekend, self-proclaimed hackers around the world will gather at "hackathon" events to tackle disaster-risk management and climate change.


  • 军事起初海岸公路上毫无目标横直撞的一莽撞青年人已经被反对派控制

    On the military front, the rebels have reined in the young men who had at first been recklessly rushing up and down the coastal road to virtually no effect.


  • 游戏延续九八年星际争霸发行版本传统,玩家通过人类控制指挥,与虫子有心灵感应外星人作战以求得生存

    The game follows on from the 1998 release of StarCraft, putting the player in command of a group of humans battling for survival against an insect horde and telepathic aliens.


  • 罗宾逊这些玉米小米制成特殊饲料,其中的含量被谨慎控制太多的盐改变鸡蛋形状或者鸡蛋产量)。

    Mr. Robinson said the chickens are given special food made of corn or millet, with carefully controlled salt levels (too much salt can change the shape of the eggs or the number laid).


  • 地震另一个控制因为许多地震连续冲击数据库然后造成统计偏差因此它们数据库抽除了。

    Quake swarms are another source of control, as they pepper the databases with many quakes and skew the statistics, and thus are pulled from the database.


  • 这项交易令总部曼谷Banpu公司拥有了十个澳洲控制,成为世界上最大煤矿出口商拥有了日本欧洲发电站顾客

    The deal gives Bangkok-based Banpu control of 10 mines in Australia, the world’s largest coal exporter, and power station customers in Japan and Europe.


  • 刚果采矿领域很大部分早已围在卡比拉先生精英控制他们中的许多来自富有矿产的加丹加

    Much of Congo's mining sector is already controlled by an elite surrounding Mr Kabila, many of whom are from the mineral-rich province of Katanga.


  • 空间站备用力矩控制陀螺仪,一个备用的氮气储罐一个备用的氨储罐

    There will be a spare control moment gyroscope, a spare nitrogen tank assembly and a spare ammonia tank assembly.


  • 一种形式意”行为发生人们要不是无法得到重要信息或者是信息中的其他人控制(一些人可能心存不轨)的情况下。

    7another form of groupthink occurs when people are either isolated from crucial sources of information or dominated by other members of the group.


  • 控制集团由一33个人组成的小组,33个高级成员来自33个主要内部血统

    The controlling group is a group of 33 people - the senior members from the 33 major insider bloodlines.


  • 因为一天20分钟同一个时期。之上团体两者然后有有二个数字测试,一个控制团体没有沉思经验想。

    A control group also with no meditation experience meditated for 20 minutes a day over the same period. Both groups were then given the tests with two Numbers in a group of letters.


  • 为了控制疫情专家提醒快速销毁感染他们提醒,限制进入农场消毒因为他们来来去去

    To control outbreaks, experts advise quick destruction of infected flocks. They also advise limiting entry to farms and disinfecting vehicles as they come and go.


  • 如何才能有效地传递准确资料他们客户成本控制最低限度

    How can the most effective transmission of the most accurate information to their customer base, and cost control at the lowest limits?


  • 如何才能有效地传递准确资料他们客户成本控制最低限度

    How can the most effective transmission of the most accurate information to their customer base, and cost control at the lowest limits?


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