• 美国老年医学会杂志》上发表一项研究通过考察246名孩子性格特征研究这个问题,这些孩子都100岁以上老人的后代。

    A new study in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society looked at this question by examining the personality characteristics of 246 children of people who had lived to be at least 100.


  • 目前美国国立卫生研究把 2%预算资金用于解决问题

    2 percent of budgetary money for the National Institutes of Health is currently being spent on research to tackle this problem.


  • 研究中心定期舆论领导者样本公众样本提出一系列“美国世界地位”的相关问题

    The Pew Research Centre periodically asks a sample of opinion leaders, and another sample of the general public, a barrage of questions about "America's place in the world".


  • 美国鱼类野生动物服务局正在研究管理海鸥问题各种方法

    She says the Fish and Wildlife Service is studying ways to manage the gull problem.


  • 更多工作需要研究其他环境污染——例如塑料添加剂双酚 A——可能同样也同样影响了美国激增糖尿病发病率问题

    Much more work will need to be done to untangle how other environmental pollutants -- like the plastic additive bisphenol A -- may also contribute to America's ballooning diabetes problem.


  • 这项研究部分经费美国国立卫生研究院资助,不断增加动物研究表明BPA机体健康危害,包括繁殖生长问题

    The study, funded partly by the National Institutes of health, joins a growing body of animal research showing the toxic health effects of BPA, including reproductive and developmental problems.


  • 研究带头人布拉德·布什曼说:“美国社会似乎认为自尊解决所有社会问题的良药,包括成绩不好青少年怀孕以及暴力行为等。”

    Study author Brad Bushman says "American society seems to believe that self-esteem is the cure all for every social ill, from bad grades to teen pregnancies to violence."


  • 世界癌症研究基金会23名专家分析涉及预防癌症如今英国美国面临同一问题

    According to the analysis of 23 experts by the World cancer Research Fund, Britain is now on a par with America when it comes to preventable cancer cases.


  • 中国研究全球销量最好有关中国人方方面面的书籍因为触及了美国关心的两个问题

    "The China Study" is the world's biggest-selling book about all things Chinese because it touches on two American obsessions.


  • 研究还提到,近年来发达国家肥胖症的发病率惊人速度增长美国肥胖已成为一种流行病,并且引发多种健康问题

    Obesity has been rising dramatically in developed countries and reached epidemic levels in the United States, it added, leading to a variety of health problems.


  • 美国已经变聪明了,”澳大利亚国防大学研究亚洲安全问题教授卡莱尔·塞耶

    The U.S. has been smart, ” said Carlyle A. Thayer, a professor at the Australian Defense Force Academy who studies security issues in Asia.


  • 美国医学会杂志》上刊登一个研究表明,肥胖问题每年会导致16万人的死亡

    Obesity is responsible for more than 160, 000 “excess” deaths a year, according to a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association.


  • 儿科医学期刊最新发表一项研究,它针对大量心理问题超过10000名美国儿童亲身调查

    The new study, published by the journal Pediatrics, is based on in-person surveys of more than 10, 000 U.S. teens about a variety of mental health issues.


  • 如果对于任何技术问题定义确定,请参考可靠信息来源诸如美国国立卫生研究干细胞信息

    If you are unsure about any of the technical issues or definitions, refer to reliable sources such as the US National Institutes of Health stem cell information.


  • 负责此项研究美国疾病防控中心流行病学家莱拉•麦克耐特-艾莉说:“我们没有提出为什么没有得到足够休息或者睡眠?’ 这一问题。”

    We didn't ask 'Why didn't you get enough rest or sleep?' said Lela McKnight-Eily, an epidemiologist for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention who led the study.


  • 村证券欧洲银行资产研究常务董事罗伯特·洛,欧元区的问题那些关系美国评级下降问题担忧

    Robert Law, managing director, European Banks equity research at Nomura, said the problems in the eurozone were more of a concern than those relating to the US downgrade.


  • 25研究、130多种产品被召回无数的法律行动之后美国公共利益研究组织玩具安全仍旧一个严重问题

    After 25 years of research, more than 130 toy recalls and much legal action, the U.S. Public Interest research Group says toy safety is still a serious issue.


  • 美国加拿大澳大利亚荷兰发现类似病例。国际研究ndm - 1可能会成为全球最主要健康问题

    Similar infections have been seen in the us, Canada, Australia and the Netherlands and international researchers say that NDM-1 could become a major global health problem.


  • 研究发布时,美国国会正就税收赤字问题进行激烈的辩论

    The study comes amid a debate raging in Congress about taxation and the deficit.


  • 克里斯多夫·霍茨同事欢喜美国密歇根大学工作,他们惊奇发现这个问题上还没有进行太多的研究于是他们决定解决这个问题

    Christopher Honts and his colleagues at Central Michigan University in Mount Pleasant were surprised to find that there was not much research on this question and decided to put that right.


  • 美国内布拉斯加州大学医学中心最新研究表明,这些惊人数量咖啡因摄入量睡眠问题不无联系

    So much so that the total intake of caffeine appears to be related to sleep problems, according to a new study by the University of Nebraska Medical Center.


  • 美国可以通过研究要求甚至通过资助研究绕过这个问题但是留给保险公司个人决定是否选择该项治疗方案进行支付

    America could get around this problem by requiring and perhaps even funding studies, but leaving insurers and individuals to decide whether to pay for treatments.


  • 美国马萨诸塞州伍兹·霍尔海洋学研究所的新的研究表明海洋酸化已经成为一个非常严重问题

    A new study from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts shows that ocean acidification is becoming a very serious problem.


  • 目前美国德克萨斯州贝勒医学院的老年痴呆症记忆问题研究中心研究人员对120名老年痴呆症疑似患者资料进行了分析

    For the current study, researchers analyzed data from 120 probable Alzheimer's patients at the Alzheimer's Disease and Memory Disorders Center at Baylor College of Medicine in Texas.


  • 美国宇航局曾经研究过提供重力宇航服但是由于技术操作问题束之高阁

    NASA has looked at gravity countermeasure suits for spacewalking in the past, but tabled the research due to technical and operational issues.


  • 美国宇航局曾经研究过提供重力宇航服但是由于技术操作问题束之高阁

    NASA has looked at gravity countermeasure suits for spacewalking in the past, but tabled the research due to technical and operational issues.


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