• 资产有关数据流通美国联邦储备银行系统公告海外

    Data concerning assets circulating overseas of American bank system come from Federal Reserve Bulletin.


  • 为了资格脱落过境人数金融机构必须持有合格帐户美国联邦储备银行

    In order to qualify for an ABA transit number, the financial institution must be eligible to hold an account at a Federal Reserve bank.


  • 纽约美国联邦储备银行于是设计顺序回收基金方案,以免问题扩大影响全球金融体系

    The New York Federal Reserve Bank eventually engineered an orderly unwinding of the fund to prevent its problems from rippling out through the global financial system.


  • 中央银行们虽然看起来似乎很平静甚至看起来无所事事,但是美国联邦储备银行主管人员已经陷于通货膨胀极度恐慌之中。

    CENTRAL bankers are supposed to be calm, even a little boring. But the governors of America's Federal Reserve seem to have been seized by a sudden panic about inflation.


  • 正如银行嘀嘀咕咕同事的:“奔驰上下来,走入美国联邦储备委员会。”

    As one banker says to a whining colleague, "You're getting out of a Mercedes to go into the Federal Reserve."


  • 就是为什么墨西哥银行美国联邦储备委员会正在实施一项进一步削减成本计划

    That is why the Bank of Mexico and America's Federal Reserve are running a programme to cut the cost further.


  • 如果通货膨胀率上升银行再一次加息一些其他中央银行包括美国联邦储备会有授权来坚持汇率利息增长的通货膨胀。

    If inflation rises, the bank will hike rates again, he says. Some other central Banks, including America's Federal Reserve, have a mandate to pursue both growth and low inflation.


  • 美国联邦储备系统1913年诞生之时,自由银行时代显然得太了。

    Obviously the era of free banking had dragged too long before the Federal Reserve System came forth in 1913.


  • 一个世界范围内流行事实提到美国联邦储备系统其他中央银行不同,因为独立自主性

    One thing that's been a trend around the world is that the I mentioned that the U.S. Federal Reserve System was different from other central Banks in that it was designed to have independence.


  • 美国联邦上诉法庭做出裁定联邦储备委员会必须公布那些通过紧急短期贷款项目获得援助银行名单。

    A federal appeals court ruled that the federal Reserve must release documents that show which Banks received aid through emergency short-term lending programmes.


  • 众达国际法律事务所的银行律师奇普·麦克唐纳提到美国联邦储备说:“认为如果没有事先联邦储备局商谈这件事情就不会发布这项声明的。”

    "I don't think this announcement would have been made unless they had been talking to the Fed in advance," said Chip MacDonald, a banking lawyer at Jones Day, referring to the U.S. Federal Reserve.


  • 众达国际法律事务所的银行律师奇普·麦克唐纳提到美国联邦储备说:“认为如果没有事先联邦储备局商谈这件事情不会发布这项声明的。”

    "I don't think this announcement would have been made unless they had been talking to the Fed in advance," said Chip MacDonald, a banking lawyer at Jones Day, referring to the U. S. Federal Reserve.


  • 类基金可以银行般构建获取美国联邦储备委员会(简称美联储)的紧急拨款

    The fund could be structured as a bank, with access to emergency funding from the Federal Reserve.


  • 美国联邦储备系统共有十二中央银行每家银行会员银行提供借贷

    In the U. s., we have our Federal Reserve System's twelve central Banks, each lending money to member Banks.


  • 但在一次银行会议上伯南克同时表示美国联邦储备委员会理事会(Federal Reserve Board)目前还进一步推行宽松的政策计划达成一致

    At a banking conference, Bernanke also said the Federal Reserve Board had not agreed on criteria that would prompt additional easing.


  • 美国联邦储备系统1913年诞生之时,自由银行时代显然得太了。

    Obviously the era of free banking had dragged too long before the Federal Reserve System19 came forth in 1913.


  • 由于美国联邦储备全球各地众多银行开始降息美元急剧下跌终于有所恢复

    Dollar recovers some after sinking sharply, as Federal Reserve and a host of Banks around the globe cut rates.


  • 美国联邦储备委员会法律顾问阿尔瓦雷斯科斯顿,他们的机构缺乏法定权利核查银行潜在系统风险

    Scott Alvarez, general counsel of the Federal Reserve, and Corston said their agencies lacked the legal authority to check on the Banks for potential systemic risk.


  • 美国联邦储备委员会其它主要国家的中央银行同意放宽海外美元贷款限制,以缓解欧洲债务危机的影响之后股票市场随即攀升

    Stocks soared after the U. s. Federal Reserve and other major central Banks agreed to make it easier to borrow dollars overseas, in a bid to ease the fallout of the European debt crisis.


  • 美国联邦储备委员会财政部上周公布了压力测试结果评估银行资产负债状况能否抵御经济衰退。

    Last week, the Federal Reserve and Treasury Department released the results of tests to gauge how well Banks' balance sheets would withstand the recession.


  • 银行不是的。实际上美国联邦储备系统包括十二银行这些银行都是所在地区国家立案银行掌握所有权

    No , it isn't . Actually , the Fed really consists of 12 banks which are owned by all the nationally chartered banks in their respective districts.


  • 下周位于华盛顿的美国联邦储备有望银行削减短期贷款目标利率

    Next week, the Federal Reserve in Washington is expected to cut its target rate for short-term loans between Banks.


  • 下周位于华盛顿的美国联邦储备有望银行削减短期贷款目标利率

    Next week, the Federal Reserve in Washington is expected to cut its target rate for short-term loans between Banks.


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