• 美国老年人的印象是脆弱无能不是有着丰富回忆以及专门的知识。

    Americans have come to associate agedness with frailty and disability rather than with institutional memory and expertise.


  • 我们也许最后一代还在受思乡之苦美国——回忆虽模糊却真实的家乡里度过的岁月

    Ours may be the last generation of Americans to sufferfor return — to remember events that took place when place stillmattered.


  • 主人公忙于撰写自己回忆,住美国出版商出借的玻璃钢铁结构房子里

    He is meant to be keeping busy writing his memoirs in an imposing glass-and-steel house lent to him by his American publisher.


  • 美国莫斯科大使杰克·马特洛克回忆这样描述:“那个时候我们看法,戈尔巴乔夫对它的看法,是我们都赢得冷战。”

    As Jack Matlock, America's ambassador in Moscow, described it in his memoirs, "the way we looked at it at the time, and the way Gorbachev looked at it, was that we all won the cold war."


  • 福斯特深情回忆早期太空飞行股子热火朝天劲头,飞船起飞时地面得人都站不稳,就那样看着那些美国宇宙先驱义无反顾冲入太空。

    She recalled the rush of early space flight, of the ground shaking like sand on a busy clothes dryer, while she watched from nearby as American pioneers bolted toward the heavens.


  • 许多尽管认为农民城镇居民,现在已经成了经理级人物,充满回忆美国郊区似的两层小楼里。

    Many townspeople, although still classified as peasants, are now managers, living in two-storey houses on landscaped lots reminiscent of the American suburbs.


  • 戈登·思特利布是美国赞比亚大使回忆马克野生动物执着爱,“赞比亚时候,他晚上驾机巡逻。”

    Gordon Streeb, a former U.S. Ambassador to Zambia, recalled Mark's devotion to the animals. "When I was there, he would take the airplane up in the dark."


  • 2008年回忆全是可怕而惨不忍睹的,当时倾尽全力拯救以及振兴美国人和其他银行换回了短暂生机

    It was all eerily reminiscent of 2008, when desperate efforts to rescue and revive American and other Banks produced only ephemeral rallies.


  • 他们如数家珍地讨论着过去年里自己战场上的九死一生,一些人回忆许多任务中的丰功伟绩这些战场这些任务这些丰功伟绩,已经通过电视,在美国家喻户晓。

    Some recall their exploits during many tours of duty over the past seven years, charting their fortunes with language that has become common currency on television back home.


  • 美国应该成为一个可看可摸观察对象(而不是不加思考的模仿),中国则应成为时时关心回忆话题

    America should become an object of explicit observation (not thoughtless imitation) while China remains a topic of concern and memory.


  • 1000家美国公司外加100家加拿大大公司巨头们回忆他们亲眼所见的听说囧或让人喷饭面试时刻

    Executives at 1, 000 big U.S. companies, plus 100 in Canada recalled the most embarrassing or bizarre interview moments they had witnessed or heard of. A sampling of their answers.


  • 1000家美国公司外加100家加拿大大公司巨头们回忆他们亲眼所见的听说囧或让人喷饭面试时刻

    Executives at 1,000 big U.S. companies, plus 100 in Canada recalled the most embarrassing or bizarre interview moments they had witnessed or heard of. A sampling of their answers.


  • 今晚数百万美国都将举起酒杯歌唱他们三个苏格兰单词( auld lang syne),在不可言喻的悲喜交杂中回忆往事

    TONIGHT,millions of Americans will raise a glass, sing the only three Scottishwords they know and remember the past with an ineffable blend ofsadness and delight.


  • 今晚数百万美国都将举起酒杯歌唱他们三个苏格兰单词( auld lang syne),在不可言喻的悲喜交杂中回忆往事

    TONIGHT, millions of Americans will raise a glass, sing the only three Scottishwords they know and remember the past with an ineffable blend ofsadness and delight.


  • 石油公司BP老板回忆十月以来,美国原油消耗量削减两百万,即一成。

    Since early October, reckons the boss of BP, a big oil firm, America’s consumption of crude has fallen by perhaps 2m barrels a day, or about a tenth.


  • 佩林枪手,林·文森特Lynn Vincent)之前曾协助退役将军美国特种部队指挥官威廉·柏金William Boykin)撰写回忆录。

    Palin's ghostwriter, Lynn Vincent, has previously collaborated on the memoirs of a retired general, William Boykin, the former head of the US army's Special Forces Command.


  • 回忆一下1930年代——一次经济萧条时期。它无疑也是美国有史以来人口增长不景气十年

    Think about the 1930s - it was the era of the Great Depression. No wonder it was the decade with the least vigorous us population growth of all time.


  • 希尔博士, “皮儿形象可能噢起美国人对历史集体回忆, 因而产生一种特别吸引力

    The Puer archetype, Dr. Hillman said may have a special appeal to the collective minds of America at this moment in history.


  • 这部奥古斯特·威尔森剧作描写1900年代初期美国黑人回忆南方佃农迁徙工业化北方历史。

    The play by August Wilson is about black America recalling their migration from the sharecropping farms of the South to the industrialized North in the early 1900s.


  • 也是出版的回忆无法无天美国生活纪实》大卖的原因

    That is why Mrs Palin's new memoir, "Going Rogue: An American Life", is such a hit.


  • 段时间中,该故事美国回忆起那么多自己国家的令人赞叹事情

    For a while, Mr Cain and his story reminded Americans of something rather wonderful about their country.


  • 特雷西·托德弗吉尼亚州婚姻家庭治疗师美国婚姻家庭治疗协会的发言人他建议分析分析这些美好的回忆

    Tracy Todd, a licensed marriage and family therapist in Virginia, and spokesperson for the American Association for marriage and family Therapy, recommends analyzing them.


  • 但是洛依德的回忆重要原因还有一点在于向人们提供了了解美国人口贩卖现状的窗口

    But Lloyd's memoir is also important for the window it offers into trafficking in this country.


  • 住宅周围环境让人不由得回忆一个世纪未开发的美国西部,”HUUM

    "The environs recall the unexploited American West of a century ago, " said HUUM.


  • 住宅周围环境让人不由得回忆一个世纪未开发的美国西部,”HUUM

    "The environs recall the unexploited American West of a century ago, " said HUUM.


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