• 对在梵蒂冈教廷 主管地区控诉教皇 处的案件负责最高法院罗马教堂)。

    Roman Catholic Church) the supreme ecclesiastical tribunal for cases appealed to the Vatican Holy See from diocesan courts.


  • 承认自己的任职期间,罗马教堂沐浴在阳光中,但也阴雨笼罩的时候。

    He acknowledged that his eight years in power had seen both radiant light and clouds darkening the sky over the Church.


  • 改革家们很快就会证明他们并不会罗马教堂热衷于谋杀竞争对手,并不会有更多容忍力

    The reformers were to prove less keen on murdering their rivals than was the Roman church, but not much more tolerant.


  • 拜见了圣地罗马教堂领袖人物并且高兴的看到他们照看上帝子民这件事所作出的共同努力

    I have met the leaders of the Catholic Church in the Holy Land, and I rejoice to see the way that they work together in caring for the Lord's flock.


  • 如果个人表明他们已经交换婚姻誓言了——即便是独自外面草堆上交换的誓言- - - - -罗马教堂就会承认他们成为合法夫妻。

    If two people claimed they had exchanged marital vows - even out alone by the haystack - the Catholic Church accepted that they were validly married.


  • 尽管罗马帝国灭亡城市崩溃几个世纪里教堂仪式一直保持着人们对计时的兴趣,但教堂时间自然时间。

    Although church ritual had sustained an interest in timekeeping throughout the centuries of urban collapse that followed the fall of Rome, church time was nature's time.


  • 这个地区罗马教堂闻名

    The area is renowned for its Romanesque churches.


  • 尼尼的罗马现代罗马代表著名景观包括著名的希腊罗马雕像和著名遗址喷泉教堂

    Panini's Ancient Rome and Modem Rome represent the sights most prized, including celebrated Greco-Roman statues and views of famous ruins, fountains, and churches.


  • 尼尼罗马现代罗马代表了珍贵景观,这包括著名希腊罗马雕像以及著名遗址喷泉教堂景色

    Panini's Ancient Rome and Modern Rome represent the sights most prized, including celebrated Greco-Roman statues and views of famous ruins, fountains, and churches.


  • 当时我们一个教堂塔楼顶上,是父亲罗马家里带到这个离家不远意大利小镇楼顶上来的,我不明白他要做什么。

    We were standing at the top of a church tower. My father had brought me to this spot in a small Italian town not far from our home in Rome.


  • 人才流失移民到来了。他们不仅建筑行业增添了活力,而且还为爱尔兰不断衰弱的罗马天主教堂输送了新鲜血液,因为大多数移民都是波兰人

    And when the talent ran out immigrants arrived, to bring extra vim not only to the building trades but, because lots of them are Polish, to Ireland's fading Roman Catholic church.


  • 现代罗马天主教堂主教不是人民选举的,而是梵帝冈任命的。

    Bishops in the modern Roman Catholic Church are not elected by the people, they're appointed by the Vatican.


  • 西斯·科特在位期间,修了好些笔直大马路宽阔的广场那些广场上,继任者们建起一些巴洛克式的教堂,还有喷泉这些成了罗马城市骄傲

    It was he who built many of the straight roads and broad squares on which his successors bestowed the Baroque churches and fountains that have been the city's pride ever since.


  • 罗马天主教堂主教红衣主教教皇

    The Roman Catholic Church has bishops, and cardinals, and the Pope.


  • 肯尼迪病入膏肓,在罗马天主教堂接受了临终典礼医生推测年内将会离世

    Kennedy was so ill that he was given the last rites of the Roman Catholic Church, with physicians speculating that he would die within the year.


  • 一个塞尔维亚人东正教教堂毗邻他们罗马尼亚人)的教堂,他们矮小教堂大厅墙上装饰一代代当地唱诗班的图片。

    Their church stands next to a Serbian Orthodox one (see right). The walls of their little church hall are decorated with pictures of generation upon generation of their local choir.


  • 加斯帕·博查特的工作坊克雷莫纳教堂,这座美丽罗马风格建筑物启迪着加斯帕创作的灵感

    Gaspar Borchardt, whose workshop is opposite Cremona's cathedral, is inspired by the beautiful Romanesque building.


  • 现在我们能体验他们居住在腓尼基迦太基城,希腊神殿罗马露天剧场阿拉伯诺曼城堡教堂的感受和阿拉贡遗产

    Experience their legacy in Phoenician settlements, Punic cities, Greek temples, Roman amphitheatres, Norman Arab castles and Aragonese churches.


  • 2006年,1500红土残块转让给了圣路易斯的一家基金会,它们原来都属于座19世纪罗马风格的布鲁克林教堂的一部分。

    In 2006, it transferred some 1, 500 terra-cotta pieces, originally from a 19th-century Romanesque-style Brooklyn church, to a foundation in St. Louis.


  • 已经去过罗马西西里岛大部分教堂(其中有一些不会再),记得曾参观过一间

    I have been in most of the cathedrals of Rome and Sicily (some of which I never want to go in again), but I had not remembered visiting this one.


  • 图为1946年女工们德累斯顿摧毁罗马天主教堂附近清理砖块。

    Here, women clean up in Dresden in 1946 in the shadow of the wrecked Roman Catholic cathedral.


  • 他们楼梯地面立马注意到了罗马教堂太阳照射着的住所所环绕屋顶墙壁上泛着的光泽,一股意大利的氛围。

    They climbed stairs to ground level and he immediately noticed Romanesque churches, framed by sunbaked dwellings, the roofs and walls all the tint of dirty sand, the feel clearly Italian.


  • 金子塔区的覆盖面积可以容纳罗马圣彼得堡教堂米兰佛罗伦萨教堂以及伦敦威斯敏斯特议会圣保罗教堂面积的总和

    The area covered by the Great pyramid can accommodate st Peter's in Rome, the cathedrals of Florence and Milan, and Westminster and st Paul's in London combined.


  • 于是前往罗马研究古代建筑提交了一份教堂穹顶的设计方案。

    He traveled to Rome to study ancient structures and worked out his design for the dome.


  • 罗马参观西斯廷教堂圣•彼得教堂一个公用电话亭里我打了电话他仔细描述了这里的每一个细节

    I went to Rome to look at the Sistine Chapel, and I called him from a pay phone in front of St. Peter's to describe every detail.


  • 名BBC梵蒂冈通讯员自从大量报告浮出水面以来罗马天主教堂似乎兴趣保护神父而不是惩罚责任人

    A BBC's correspondent at the Vatican says that since widespread reports of abuse first emerged, the Church has often appeared more interested in protecting priests than punishing those responsible.


  • 名BBC梵蒂冈通讯员自从大量报告浮出水面以来罗马天主教堂似乎兴趣保护神父而不是惩罚责任人

    A BBC's correspondent at the Vatican says that since widespread reports of abuse first emerged, the Church has often appeared more interested in protecting priests than punishing those responsible.


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