• 这部戏剧作品集的作者中,保·格林、苏珊·格拉斯佩尔、麦克斯韦·安德森、桑顿·怀尔德、威廉·萨罗扬和田纳西·威廉姆斯都因其对戏剧的贡献而获得普利策奖。

    Among the writers of the plays in this collection, Paul Green, Susan Glaspell, Maxwell Anderson, Thornton Wilder, William Saroyan, and Tennessee Williams have all received Pulitzer Prizes for their contributions to the theater.


  • 罗扬杰说,“赶到时候已经深夜了,因为没有gps,所以迷路了。”

    'When I arrived, it was already late at night, thanks to getting lost on the road without a GPS,' says Mr.


  • 如果爱默生是始作俑者,衣钵相传,一直可以传到萨罗扬快乐时光》之类人耳目的轻率之作

    If Emerson actually held it one might trace a line from him down to the sloppy bonhomie of such a work as saroyan's the time of your life.


  • 奥托医生拿自己作为实验对象。

    Dr. Roger Altounyan used himself as a human guinea pig.


  • 起初森博格话语缓慢略显僵硬不过随即开始一起也一声音的力度加强了——来自坟墓的声音。

    Initially, Rosenberg spoke slowly and stiffly, but then his hands began to rise and fall, along with his eyebrows, the power of his voice growing-a voice from the grave.


  • 对于阿尔·本是不是荷兰最好球员一直存在着争议

    Arjen Robben is arguably one of the greatest Dutch players of all time.


  • 莫索另外两个替补球员卡卡阿尔伯特尽了最大努力帮助布拉加队扳平比分,而布拉加队也第一确实波尔图队施加一定程度压力

    Mossoro and fellow substitutes Kaka and Albert Meyong did their best to rouse Braga and their side did respond to exert a degree of pressure on Porto for the first time.


  • 几个街区到了迪欧大道。停下来浏览保时捷设计哈里温斯顿珠宝商香水的橱窗。

    I headed a few blocks to Rodeo Drive, pausing to window-shop at Porsche Design, Harry Winston Jewelers and Bijan.


  • 亚军得主是美国纽约棒球队运动员兰迪·约翰逊接下来上榜的人有美国著名影评人杰·伊伯特、美国心理学家兼电视节目主持人菲尔·麦格福克斯电视台主持人艾伦·考姆斯。

    New York Yankees pitcher Randy Johnson came in second followed by film critic Roger Ebert, television psychologist Dr. Phil McGraw and Fox television co-host Alan Colmes.


  • 其他的大宗收购包括比凯广告公司信广告公司。

    Other big purchases included Young &Rubicam and Grey.


  • 本日前接受了马卡每日体育的采访,了谈08欧洲杯最初看法

    Arjen Robben sat down with sports daily Marca to discuss his initial impressions of Euro '08.


  • 荷兰队的阿·受伤,虽然扫描显示伤情没有想象中的严重但是没有进入国家队南非参赛

    The Dutch made a bad start to their campaign when they arrived in South Africa without injured winger Arjen Robben but a scan revealed the damage was not as bad as feared.


  • 阿尔·本、迈克尔·巴拉克安德烈·舍甫琴科韦恩·布里奇依旧在莫里尼奥球员名单之外。

    Arjen Robben, Michael Ballack, Andrei Shevchenko and Wayne Bridge are all still missing for Jose Mourinho's men.


  • 奥美智威汤逊退出竞标,在为期六个月评审最后阶段击败了灵智精实必凯。

    Ogilvy & Mather edged out Euro RSCG and Y&R in the final stages of the review after JWT departed the pitch.


  • 凭着取代乔.科尔作边路攻击,切尔西一个向对方施压的攻击点。

    With Arjen Robben playing wider for the replaced Joe Cole, Chelsea had a pressure point.


  • 签约拜仁仅仅几个小时过后,阿本即投身俱乐部赛前训练弗兰克里贝里进行二过练习。

    Just a few hours after signing for Bayern, Arjen Robben threw himself into his new club's final pre-match training session, playing a number of promising one-twos with Franck Ribéry.


  • 非常感谢你们沙伦尼尔登斯校长安杰莉卡登斯坦,哈佛集团董事长以及监管事会,老师们,同学, 女士们尊敬来宾们

    Thank you very much, Sharon Ganyou, President Neil Rudenstein and Angelica Rudenstein, members of the Harvard Corporation Board and Board of Overseers, faculty, students alumnae, distinguished guests.


  • ·佩特维奇,德seo总经理:“火星只是一个大胆项目而且核心驱动人类探索未知精神。”

    Dan Petrovic, General Director of Dejan SEO: "Mars One is not just a daring project, but the core of what drives human spirit towards exploration of the unknown."


  • 博内拉库·洛夫斯基这样重要球员将会重新回到球队当中,而赞布塔不能参加苏黎世比赛情况我们也要加以考虑。

    There will be important returns like those of Bonera and Jankulovski. Zambrotta will be suspended for the match against Zurich, we'll see how we handle this situation.


  • 至于伤员阿比亚蒂詹纳还有库·洛夫斯基以及博内拉能够在暂歇期之后重回队中。

    As for the injured players, I think Abbiati, Di Gennaro, Jankulovski and Bonera will return after the break.


  • •科勒受伤,弗拉季斯拉夫·洛克文茨停赛米兰·上次比赛还是6月3日

    Jan Koller is out injured, Vratislav Lokvenc is suspended and Milan Baros last played on June 3rd.


  • 这个重要缺席还要再加上本,不过仍然好的消息,就是韦恩.布里奇接受过膝部手术后已伤愈归队。

    That important absence is added to by Arjen Robben but there is better news with Wayne Bridge's return to availability following his own knee operation.


  • ·本做好切尔西签定5年合同准备,同时感兴趣皇马正在商讨转会事宜。

    Arjen Robben is set to sign a new five-year contract with Chelsea amid speculation about Real Madrid's interest.


  • 迪达卡拉泽加图索库·洛夫斯基留在酒店健身房里进行了训练。

    Dida, Kaladze, Gattuso, Brocchi and Jankulovski stayed at the hotel and worked-out in the gym.


  • 伯·西来纳大学海岸生态学教授,海岸变迁研究项目负责人

    Rob Young is professor of coastal ecology at Western Carolina University and director of the Program for the Study of Developed Shorelines.


  • 有时乔尼尔•奇奈特、埃迪•亚特•会聚一起,用班、夏威夷四弦琴和曼林弹奏流行曲子,但弹奏很拙劣。

    Sometimes Johnny Rol Chenot, Eddie Art Young, and I met and played current songs badly on banjo, ukulele, and mandolin.


  • 有时乔尼尔•奇奈特、埃迪•亚特•会聚一起,用班、夏威夷四弦琴和曼林弹奏流行曲子,但弹奏很拙劣。

    Sometimes Johnny Rol Chenot, Eddie Art Young, and I met and played current songs badly on banjo, ukulele, and mandolin.


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