• 保存报表在应用程序之外好处,报表可以方便地进行修改重新调配,不必重新编译工程

    The advantage of keeping reports outside of the assembly is that reports can be easily modified and redeployed without having to recompile and redeploy the entire assembly.


  • 最后添加安装工程定义动作安装编译它。

    Finally, I would then add the Installer class as a Custom Action in the Setup Project and compile it.


  • 软件反向工程有时用于不同版权创建代码(虽然通常我们需要整洁的设计直接的反编译)。

    And reverse engineering of software is sometimes used to create code under a different copyright (though usually a clean room design is introduced instead of direct decompilation).


  • 尝试编译这个工程之前必须已经安装以下系统组件(同时参考工程文件README文件)。

    Before you try to compile this project, you must have installed the following requirements (also see the README file on the project source).


  • 一旦更改编译遵从设置需要重新构建工程下面8所示。

    Once you change the compiler compliance Settings, you will have to rebuild your project, as seen below in Figure 8.


  • 假定工程需要编译他们的应用程序

    Suppose the engineers need to compile their applications.


  • 方案通过单元测试之后发布工程更新编译过程增加了元数据表示资产哪些部分得到使用

    After the solution has been accepted in unit testing, the release engineer updates the build process and adds metadata to the asset, indicating where the asset is being used.


  • 编译新的基因组使得真正意义的生物工程成为可能,相比生物技术修修补补更进一步。

    The ability to write new genomes in this way brings true biological engineering-as opposed to the tinkering that passes for biotechnology at the moment-a step closer.


  • 通常脚本放在工程作为资源文件并且修改都会被重新编译

    Usually, scripts are kept in a project as source files and compiled by Unity whenever the source changes.


  • XLFortran forAIX:面向 AIX 系统科学技术工程领域编译最佳选择支持广泛数学、科学及高性能计算

    XL Fortran for AIX: For AIX systems, the compiler of choice for the scientific and engineering communities to support extensive numerical, scientific and high-performance computing.


  • XLFortran forLinux:面向Linux系统的科学技术工程领域编译最佳选择支持广泛数学、科学及高性能计算

    XL Fortran for Linux: for Linux distributions, the compiler of choice for the scientific and engineering communities to support extensive numerical, scientific and high-performance computing.


  • 依据协议条款,不对任何软件代码进行反向工程,反编译拆解/或预先发布公开方向接收公开硬件设备

    Refrain from reverse engineering, decompiling or disassembling any software code and/or pre-release hardware devices disclosed by Disclosing Party to Receiving Party under the terms of this Agreement.


  • 逆向工程一个过程编译二进制文件试图重现(简单地理解)程序工作方式

    Reverse engineering is the process of taking a compiled binary and attempting to recreate (or simply understand) the original way the program works.


  • 如果图纸工程使用一次只会出现文档编译标签

    If the sheet is used only once in your project, there will be just one compiled document TAB.


  • 编译作为广大IT从业者必须接触系统软件设计本身又是一个极其庞大工程

    As a system software, compiler is known to majority of it practitioners, and its design itself is an extremely large project.


  • 作为软件逆向工程一个重要组成部分,逆编译支持可执行代码分析软件维护方面着十分关键的作用

    As an important part of the software reverse engineering, decompilation is playing an indispensable role in support of the executable code analyzing and maintaining.


  • 说明:汉字手写系统算法VC++实现。工程完整注释详细可以直接编译运行

    Chinese character handwriting system the algorithm used VC + +. The project is complete, detailed notes, can directly compile and run.


  • 不得产品进行反向工程、反编译汇编,或试图获得产品访问权。

    You may not reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Products or attempt to gain access to the source code for the Products.


  • 通过JBOSS模块钩子灵活应用成功地一个大型工程构建了健壮编译系统

    Through the skillful application of JBOSS module hook, a robust build system of a large application engineering can be constructed and well applied.


  • 编译软件逆向工程重要组成部分支持可执行代码分析维护方面关键的作用。

    As an important part of the software reverse engineering, decompilation is playing a key role. in support of the executable code analyzing and maintaining.


  • 具备工程管理、程序可视化编辑、可视化编译、可视化执行、可视化测试对象关系可视化以及候选方案管理等功能。

    Its function includes visual editing, visual compiling, visual executing, visual testing, visualization of relations among objects and management of multiple optional schemes.


  • 由于传统NC程序结构完善,很多非常庞大降低了数控系统的编译效率所以需要研究一种高效编译方法

    The structure of the traditional NC program is incomplete and some programs are very large, which decreases the compiling efficiency, so it is necessary to develop a high performance compiling method.


  • 更为详细描述通过读取输入工程设计中的各种文档模型按照一定领域规则生成某种计算机编译执行源代码的过程。

    The more detailed Description is that by reading the various engineering design documents and models, and using the domain rules, the program generates standard code which computer can implement.


  • 如果图纸工程中使用了多次(比如,你使用了“多通道”或者“器件图纸”设计),出现超过一个文档编译标签

    If the sheet is instantiated multiple times in your project, then there can be more than one compiled document TAB.


  • 使用者不得,亦不得允许任何第三者逆向工程、反编译拆解以其他方式缩减软体

    User may not, and may not permit any third party to, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or otherwise reduce the Software.


  • 此外模糊处理工具增强编译代码对抗反向工程处理的能力。

    Additionally, there are obfuscation tools that make compiled code even more resistant to reverse engineering.


  • 此外模糊处理工具增强编译代码对抗反向工程处理的能力。

    Additionally, there are obfuscation tools that make compiled code even more resistant to reverse engineering.


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