• 无源缓解系统显示能力使室内水平降低多达50%。

    Passive systems of mitigation have been shown to be capable of reducing indoor radon levels by up to 50%.


  • 算法用于处理类似工业控制系统状态参数数据时,缓解系统网络负荷压力提高网络传输效率

    The algorithm can reduce web load and improve transmission efficiency in processing data similar to the status parameters of industrial control system.


  • 患有感冒流感儿童青少年应该服用阿司匹林缓解疼痛因为这会有雷氏综合症风险,雷氏综合症是一种罕见严重肝脏和中枢神经系统疾病

    Children and teens with a cold or flu should not take aspirin for pain relief because of the risk of Reye syndrome, a rare but serious condition of the liver and central nervous system.


  • 大臣承诺通过全国性的道路收费系统缓解这一问题不过至少十年以后的事了。

    Ministers have promised a national road-pricing system to help ease the problem, but it is a decade away at least.


  • 动态临时目的地缓解CALLBACK队列需求减少系统集成总线上队列的数量

    The dynamic temporary destinations alleviate the need for CALLBACK queues and reduce the number of queues on the system integration buses.


  • 例如一个高峰期着陆费收取系统可以任何天气缓解拥塞

    A system of peak pricing for landing slots, for example, would ease congestion in good weather and bad.


  • 我们城市有着好的地铁系统可以缓解堵车现象。

    Our city has a very good subway system, which should help to alleviate big traffic jams.


  • 拥有完善监测系统北半球一些国家流行性流感似乎正在缓解

    In some countries in the northern hemisphere with good surveillance systems, the pandemic appears to be easing.


  • 他们的发现表明,通过激化人体免疫系统流感感染应激能力,可以缓解流感症状甚至降低死亡率

    Their findings suggest that tempering the response of the body's immune system to influenza infection may alleviate some of the more severe symptoms and even reduce mortality from this virus.


  • 我们希望本文第一文章有助于缓解系统信号问题能够预防信号量超时问题

    In this and the first article on semaphores, we hope to have eased some of the confusion over their role in your system -- and enabled you to be proactive in the job of troubleshooting timeout issues.


  • 规律的瑜伽练习能够帮助缓解过敏症状,舒缓免疫系统体感的入侵者——花粉反应

    And a regular yoga practice can help reduce allergy symptoms by tempering your immune system's response to the perceived offender-pollen.


  • 韩国正在修建水利系统缓解类似这样的开闸放水行动,明年才能完成。

    South Korea is building other hydrological systems to mitigate such a release, but they won't be ready until next year.


  • 正如系统管理员可以利用DHCP缓解这种管理负担如果设备注册某种类似方法好了

    And just like the sysadmin can take advantage of DHCP to ease this administration burden, it would be nice if there were some similar approach for registering devices.


  • 最新通过城市公共交通五年计划建设重点汽车转移高速公共运输系统,以此缓解交通堵塞

    The city's newly approved five-year public transport plan will shift the focus from building roads for car use to constructing a high-speed public transport system to ease the growing grid-lock.


  • 几种系统问题可能影响文件系统使用多个有助于缓解它们的影响

    Several types of system problems can affect your file systems, and using multiple volumes can help in these cases


  • 在出现瓶颈之前了解这个信息使用更多的DataPower设备缓解,从而使避免系统中断

    Knowing this information before bottlenecks occur and alleviating it with additional DataPower devices can help you avoid system interruptions.


  • 服务模拟将会成为重要风险缓解工具可以开发复杂系统时采用该工具显著减少风险延迟

    Service simulation is a critical mitigation tool that can be proactively included during the development of complex systems to significantly reduce risk and delays.


  • 行动4.4:支持制定执行评估需要卫生系统行动区域国家缓解适应计划

    Action 4.4: Support the preparation, implementation and evaluation of regional and national mitigation and adaptation plans requiring health-system action.


  • 开始全盘、不是零零碎碎地设计城市生态系统或许能够使自然生态系统压力有所缓解

    Beginning to design urban ecosystems holistically rather than piecemeal might alleviate some of the pressure on natural ecosystems.


  • 对于病症顽固缓解患者潜在系统疾病进行治疗采取手术治疗。

    For patients with refractory cases, treatment of the underlying systemic illness or surgery may be required.


  • 操作系统确保可用性,可以透明缓解主动被动网络拒绝服务攻击

    Availability is assured at the operating system level, allowing for transparent mitigation of active and passive network denial-of-service attacks.


  • 一项大规模高速运输轻轨交通系统定于2011年动工但是预计2020年乘客数量每天40万人次,因此即使高速运输系统投入使用也很难缓解拥堵的压力。

    Construction of a mass rapid-transit railway is due to start in 2011, but with the number of passengers expected to reach just 400,000 a day by 2020 it will hardly ease the congestion.


  • 缓解 RHEL45得到不良引导载入程序配置风险,应总是系统创建一个引导分区 (/boot)。

    To lessen the risk of getting a bad configuration for the boot loader in RHEL 4 or 5, always create a boot partition (/boot) for your system.


  • 动态定价交通管理系统可能会大大缓解拥堵

    Dynamic pricing and traffic management systems could massively ease congestion.


  • 笑声释放压力加速血液循环放松肌肉提升强健免疫系统缓解疼痛

    Laughter has been shown to relieve stress, stimulate blood flow, relax muscles, promote a healthy immune system and relieve pain.


  • 只需经过简单调优,在AIX运行TCP网络服务系统就会自动透明地利用这种强大的DoS缓解技术

    TCP network services and subsystems running on AIX automatically and transparently take advantage of this powerful DoS mitigation technology using simple administrative tuning.


  • 手柄恢复正常位置,则“压力就得到缓解,使得调节阀能够保持正常的系统压力。

    Returning the lever to its normal position releases the tension on the rod permitting the valve to maintain normal system pressure.


  • 手柄恢复正常位置,则“压力就得到缓解,使得调节阀能够保持正常的系统压力。

    Returning the lever to its normal position releases the tension on the rod permitting the valve to maintain normal system pressure.


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