• 事实保留着那些日子纪念品:一个绿色六角形玻璃痰盂现在一个非常别致的花盆。

    In fact, I have kept a souvenir of those days: a dark green hexagonal glass spittoon that is now a very original flowerpot.


  • 事实如果管理层采用新的精益绿色管理模式超越合规性可以产生现金同时节约成本

    In fact, going beyond compliance saves cost at the same time that it generates cash, provided that management adopts the new lean and green model.


  • 事实悉尼成功成为2000年夏季奥运会主办城市,一定程度得益于绿色和平组织的大力支持。

    Indeed, Sydney was successful in becoming host for the 2000 Summer Games in part on the strength of its endorsement from Greenpeace.


  • 集装箱体还可以加上砖头木板不过加尔文大多数客户希望凸显自己重视绿色环保事实

    Any exterior finish like brick or wood can be added, but Galvin says most clients want to highlight the fact that they're going green.


  • 但是所有绿色前沿技术一样,事实从它最初表面看起来复杂

    But like all things green and cutting edge, the situation is more complex than it first appears.


  • 人们每年一次将栏杆刷成海绿色甜甜小货亭粉色不能掩盖一个事实一层层漆面包裹下的早已锈蚀的机体。

    The annual slaps of paint—sea-green for the railings, bright pink for the doughnut stall—cannot disguise the fact that the layers are plastered round corrosion.


  • 绿色农业古老最常见嘲讽不能养育全世界居民然而一个假设,而不是事实

    The oldest and most common dig against organic agriculture is that it cannot feed the world's citizens; this, however, is a supposition, not a fact.


  • 事实汇丰银行分析人士银行凯恩斯主义式挥霍世界绿色环保方式之一。

    In fact, say analysts at HSBC, a bank, its Keynesian splurge is one of the world's least green.


  • 当然事实最好主意就是乡村可是这也并非总是可以实现的。因此取而代之一些大自然东西带到房子里可能就是让绿色留在我们身边的唯一方法了。

    Of course, the best idea is actually spending some time in the countryside, but it's not always possible, so the only thing left is probably bringing some nature to your house instead.


  • 但是事实上目前没有绿色和平组织“逐步淘汰现有反应堆不再建造新的商用反应堆”要求做出回应

    Yet practically no one has echoed Greenpeace in "calling for the phase out of existing reactors, and no construction of new commercial nuclear reactors."


  • 如果我们现在绿色环保问题做出反应和改变减少二氧化碳排放量有效地使用能源以后事实却证明,“拯救环境”只不过是杞人忧天必要

    If we make green changes now in order to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, to use energy more efficiently etc. And it later on turns out that this wasn't really necessary to "save the environment".


  • 事实带有最低悬浮液功耗交通工具中,司机知道休斯敦城市公园发现绿色转弯应当保持警惕

    Indeed, in their low-slung vehicles with minimal suspension, drivers learned that staying alert was advisable when making the turns around Houston's urban park, Discovery Green.


  • 虽然这个慈善计划没有中国正式启动,但事实证明,这个绿色的小图标中国的MSN用户受欢迎

    Though this charity program has not yet officially launched for Chinese users, this little green symbol has proven popular among Chinese Windows Live Messenger users.


  • 有一次上了最大的火山格兰.柯莱特利(GranCratere),发现锚泊大海中的埃奥利岛事实扎着绿色的丝带:葡萄园杏树林,还有遍布农庄美丽高原。

    Once, I clambered up Vulcano's Gran Cratere, and discovered that the newly cast Aeolians are actually ribboned in greenery: vineyards, almond groves, and brilliant plateaus covered in tiny farms.


  • 国际能源协会报告确认了我们已知的事实-复一年的推迟对环境变化采取行动导致代价上升,”绿色和平国际政策分析师KaisaKosonen说道

    "The IEA's report confirms what we already know - that every year's delay in climate action will significantly increase the costs," said Kaisa Kosonen, Greenpeace International policy analyst.


  • 小组的目标就是给定时间段内(事实每次尝试持续10分钟)搜集尽可能绿色卡片

    The goal was to collect as many good CARDS as possible in an unspecified short period of time (all trials actually lasted ten minutes).


  • 但是事实上目前没有绿色和平组织“逐步淘汰现有反应堆不再建造新的商用反应堆”要求做出回应。

    Yet practically no one has echoed Greenpeace in 'calling for the phase out of existing reactors, and no construction of new commercial nuclear reactors.


  • 绿色原教旨主义者、英国的乔治·蒙贝尔特事实面前,曾经放弃反对核能

    Our own George Monbiot, a Green fundamentalist if ever there was one, has been persuaded to drop his opposition to nuclear power by the facts of the case.


  • 我们不能否认这个事实北京目前并非一个我们满意绿色城市

    We can not deny the fact the Beijing, at the moment, is not as green a city as what we like it to be.


  • 事实认为我们耗尽绿色能源

    In effect, he says, we will be depleting green energy sources.


  • 笔者欧盟法院判例中提炼出衡量绿色壁垒标准由此证明了欧盟绿色指令及玩具召回行动绿色壁垒无可辩驳事实

    The writer of this article summarizes four standards to tell apart green barrier from the cases of ECJ, and thus proves the irreversible truth that toy recalls are green barriers of European Union.


  • 做出帮助环境的选择并不意味着失去舒适生活,事实许多家庭制造的绿色彻头彻尾的奢华

    Making choices that help the environment doesn't mean sacrificing comfort and, in fact, many green-home products are downright luxurious.


  • 鉴于事实购物绿色干洗店至关重要不仅环境而且自己健康健康的家人

    Given this fact, shopping for Green Dry Cleaners is of utmost importance not only for the environment but for your own health and the health of your family.


  • 是的事实普遍的想法,接受“嘿,这个的效果是火焰还是什么但是我们能不能变成绿色的?”

    Julian: Yeah in fact that's a common input that I'll receive is "Hey this guy's a firey this or whatever, but can we make that fire look green?"


  • 是的事实普遍的想法,接受“嘿,这个的效果是火焰还是什么但是我们能不能变成绿色的?”

    Julian: Yeah in fact that's a common input that I'll receive is "Hey this guy's a firey this or whatever, but can we make that fire look green?"


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