• 校园绿化面积2310平方米

    The campus afforestation area is 2310 square meters.


  • 期间绿化面积扩大一倍

    During this period the greening area increased by two-fold.


  • 项目建筑外观现代园区绿化面积较大

    The exterior of the buildings is modern and there's large green area in the park.


  • 尽管如此也许最大问题所建房屋数量类型以及绿化面积

    Perhaps the biggest question, though, is the amount and type of housing that is to be built, and the quantity of green space.


  • 一方面,体育活动没有因为街道绿化面积扩大而增加。

    Physical activity, on the other hand, was not stimulated by more green space at the street level.


  • 改善了吸水流态,减小占地,节省抗浮费用,增加绿化面积

    Also the anti-floating expenses was saved and the green area was expanded.


  • 我们可以保持主要结构立体形状同时最大化地利用绿化面积

    This move allowed us to maintain the cubic shape of the main structure and simultaneously maximize the surface area available for greenery.


  • 为了提高城市绿化面积,应利用攀援植物墙面阳台棚架栅栏等进行绿化

    In order to improve city greening area, vines may be made use of vertical greening on the wall and balcony or shed or railings in city proper.


  • 扩展街道地域绿化面积经过增添植被数目减轻汽车尾气空气污染

    To expand the streets and other areas of the green area, by increasing the number of vegetation to reduce air pollution caused by automobile exhaust.


  • 研究人员发现个城市中,在治安糟糕区域增加绿化面积可以有效减少犯罪率

    In each of these cities, adding green space to crime-ridden areas helped reduce crime rates, the researchers found.


  • 我们试图减少城市供水能源住房交通方面问题扩大绿化面积提高环境质量

    We have tried to reduce the problems of city water supplies, energy, housing, traffic, and to increase green areas and improve the quality of the environment.


  • 进行绿色植物种植提高园区空气质量,现企业园区内绿化面积已达到40%以上。

    Cultivating plants to improve the air quality of the Park and make sure the green areas covering over 40% of the Park.


  • 加强城区绿化工作每年完成小区绿化面积1万平方米左右,城区绿化达到42%以上。

    Strengthen the urban greening efforts, the completion of each residential area of 1 million square meters green, urban greening rate of more than 42%.


  • 如此大绿化面积已相当可观,然而整个芝加哥绿色屋顶面积相比只不过九牛毛。

    Large as it is, City Hall's roof accounts for a small proportion of Chicago's total green-roof space.


  • 小区环境绿化面积闵行中心绿地分钟周围配套设施齐全而且对口莘庄小学

    Second, the plot environment is good, the green area high, to central green also, five minutes, with complete supporting facilities around, and corresponding xinzhuang town primary school.


  • 北向西气候土壤相同莫莱河谷温度逐渐降低雨量逐渐增加绿化面积增加。

    From north to south, west to east by the climate and soil are not the same diameter - Murray ValleyThe temperature is gradually reduced, increasing rainfall, increase the green area.


  • 城市高速干道绿作为城市绿地系统重要组成部分具有绿化面积线路观赏视线变化多样特征

    As a part of the urban green space system, the express way has some characteristics, such as large green space area, long road line and different watching views.


  • 提出,加强烟尘污染治理扩大绿化面积改变局部小气候可以有效地降低降尘量改善该市大气环境质量。

    The paper also pointed out that controlling smoke pollution, increasing green areas and changing local climate can decrease amount of descended particles and improve the atmospheric...


  • 提出,加强烟尘污染治理扩大绿化面积改变局部小气候可以有效地降低降尘量改善该市大气环境质量。

    The paper also pointed out that controlling smoke pollution, increasing green areas and changing local climate can decrease amount of descended particles and improve...


  • 牟平区宁海中心小学位于新区大街629号,学校占地面积18479.28平方米绿化面积4000平方米。

    Muping area Ninghai center elementary school located at newly developed area avenue 629, school area 18479.28 square meters, afforested area approximately 4000 square meters.


  • 苹果满足只是现有景观绿化面积增大了,该公司还斯坦福聘请树木栽培专家,本土树木加入其中,包括

    Jobs outlined. Not content merely to add four times more landscaping than the space current has, Apple hired an arborist from Stanford to put in indigenous trees, including apricot orchards, he said.


  • 高楼大厦已经很多了,加上公路的铺设,停车场建造这些日益减少的绿化面积城市大气温度空气质量还有能源消耗都带来巨大的影响

    Add to that the construction of roads, parking lots, and yet more buildings, and the total lost green space can have a very real effect on a city's air temperature, air quality, and energy costs.


  • 广场两侧各设17米绿化绿化面积8万平方米

    Flanked on both sides by 17-meter-wide greenbelts, People's Avenue goes across the center of the square. The total green areas in the square reach 80,000 square meters.


  • 多伦多一向绿化极进取,最近出台综合楼顶花园,在北美开先河。

    Toronto has been aggressive about it: they have a new, comprehensive green roof law, the first one in North America.


  • 人均绿地面积达到11平方米城市绿化覆盖率达到42%。

    Per capita green area reached 11 square meters, the city green coverage rate reached 42%.


  • 加快国土绿化进程,增加森林,新增造林面积不低于8880万

    We will accelerate afforestation, increase forest carbon sinks and expand our forests by at least 5.92 million hectares.


  • 公司占地面积3000平方米厂房面积6300平方米,绿化公共设施500平方米。

    Company covers an area of 3000 square meters, plant area of 6300 square meters, greening and public facilities, 500 square meters.


  • 面积植树造林绿化国土世纪中国课题

    Land of afforest of large area afforestation is the one big task that crosses century China.


  • 影响绿化覆盖率斑块面积频率分布主要因素公园性质大型斑块分布状况。

    The main factor which affects the green cover percentage and the distribution of patch area is the distribution of the large patches in parks.


  • 影响绿化覆盖率斑块面积频率分布主要因素公园性质大型斑块分布状况。

    The main factor which affects the green cover percentage and the distribution of patch area is the distribution of the large patches in parks.


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