• 这个房间中一面20英尺高玻璃墙很有特色,可以俯瞰绿化带

    The room features a 20 feet wall of glass that overlooks a greenbelt.


  • 后来,在希尔呼吁之下,国家公园绿化带得以建成。

    Hill's pressure later led to the creation of national parks and green belts.


  • 最近伦敦房地产中介公司 StirlingAckroyd 发现,伦敦地区有足够场地供50万套房屋使用,而且不会绿化带造成干扰

    The London agents Stirling Ackroyd recently identified enough sites for half a million houses in the London area alone, with no intrusion on green belt.


  • 农业区林业自然保护区中小城镇组成乡村绿化带

    From the agricultural areas, forest areas, nature reserves and rural green belt composed of small towns.


  • 这个公园设计北京不是普通有点绿化带

    This type of park design is not extremely common in Beijing, kind of like a greenbelt.


  • 绿化带可以遍布大陆的各个国家连接起来。

    Communities across the continent could be connected by such a green belt.


  • 广场两侧各设17米绿化带,绿化总面积8万平方米

    Flanked on both sides by 17-meter-wide greenbelts, People's Avenue goes across the center of the square. The total green areas in the square reach 80,000 square meters.


  • 因此导致第二趋势——绿化带增加城区划分的规范

    Hence the second trend, the proliferation of green belts and rules on zoning.


  • 场馆的周围种植宝塔铁线蕨构成了一条条绿化带

    Green belts including pagoda trees and maidenhair trees are being planted alongside the gymnasium.


  • 那么第二趋势就显而易见了:城市绿化带泛滥分区管制。

    Hence the second trend, the proliferation of green belts and rules on zoning.


  • 留有一定空间绿化带以及新建住宅小区重建市区绿色补丁

    Certain room should be reserved for green belts, green patches in the building of new residential districts and the reconstruction of urban areas.


  • 2000年,费城启动了一个项目,在道路两旁种植绿化带吸收雨水

    In 2000, Philadelphia launched a program to plant vegetation along roadways to help soak up rainwater.


  • 的下游不远处片沙滩,旁边有条环形小路直通那里,还有绿化带

    A little further down the river was a sort of beach section, with a cycle path leading past it and a recreation green.


  • 基地成为了一道半透明边界绿化带避免学校周围竖起高墙

    The fourth and empty side of the plot is a semi-transparent boundary and green zone that prevents enclosure of the school behind high walls.


  • 城市里通常路旁的绿化带里种上些低矮灌木,在某些街区还作为防护栏使用

    The city usually plants low junipers in the traffic circles that act as traffic calmers in some neighbourhoods.


  • 为了影响海岸线这一建筑体块北部边界,在南边留下大片绿化带

    In order not to disturb the natural coastline, building blocks are located closer to the northern border of the site, leaving a spacious green area on the south.


  • 一带条中部绿色即围绕京广铁路京九高速公路纵向交通绿化带

    "One band" points at a green band that around the longitudinal traffic greenbelt of Beijing-Guangzhou railway and Beijing-Jiulong highway.


  • 主要方向整治拆除不仅建立综合区重点扩大到了一些独特热带精品绿化带

    Its main direction of rectification for the demolition of not only built, integrated district; focus expanded to a number of unique tropical boutique green belt.


  • 通风通过连接城市公园河流湖泊绿化带沿线的高速公路低矮的建筑群而

    The corridors will be created by connecting the city's parks, rivers and lakes, highways along with their green belts, as well as low building blocks.


  • 景观生态型设计:中心步行区景观绿化的生态建设,区内城市干道景观绿化带建设。

    Eco-Design of the Landscape: The scheme takes into consideration of the eco-construction of the landscape and greening systems of the central pedestrian area and the major arteries in the area.


  • LED地埋的应用:广泛应用商场停车场绿化带公园旅游景点变化场所。

    Underground Light: LED widely used for shopping centers, car parks, green belts, parks and other tourist attractions, and so on.


  • 这次要是拍摄蝴蝶绿化带树枝上,要是在漂亮花上,岂不是如愿以偿。

    If this can be taken to the butterflies stop at green belt branch, if able to spend stopped at the beautiful, would not wish fulfilled.


  • 宽阔绿化带、水边蜿蜒的小径围绕体育馆四周,提供了理想的室外运动休闲场地

    Extensive green areas and curved pathways along water features surround the stadium and serve as sport and leisure areas.


  • 深圳市福田区新阁公园设计保留现状茂盛绿化带营造充满活力的人林荫漫步道。

    The design keep the current lush green belt in "Xinge Park" and create a lively shading corridor.


  • 逐渐增长人口要求建立更多的家庭许多担心目前保护绿化带也会被用于居住。

    The homes are needed to cope with the increasing population and there are fears that many will end up on green belt land that is currently protected.


  • 通风廊通过连接城市公园河流湖泊绿化带沿线的高速公路低矮的建筑群而。 。

    Thee corridors will be created by connecting the city's parks, rivers and lakes, highways along with their green belts, as well as low building blocks.


  • 上海普陀区甘泉社区居民签署协议自行车代替汽车出行还有社区通过认领树木扩大绿化带

    Residents of Putuo district's Ganquan community have signed an agreement to use bicycles instead of automobiles, while other groups are adopting plants to develop more greenbelts in the city.


  • 大型系统通常包括旁路通道绿化带道路用来处理超过小型排水系统处理能力径流

    Major systems commonly include bypass tunnels, greenbelts, and roads which are used to handle the runoff which exceeds the capacity of the minor drainage system.


  • 公路路侧景观应为各种景象“掠影”全景组合不是公路两侧绿化带简单遮挡

    Highway roadside landscape should be the composition of various fleeting views and panoramic views, and should not be the simple shelter of roadside greening belts.


  • 公路路侧景观应为各种景象“掠影”全景组合不是公路两侧绿化带简单遮挡

    Highway roadside landscape should be the composition of various fleeting views and panoramic views, and should not be the simple shelter of roadside greening belts.


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