• 帕加现在坐在维勒斯陵墓之侧吗?

    Does Panthea or Pergamus now sit by the tomb of Verus?


  • 祖父维勒斯那里,我学会了待人以,也领会了克性守

    FROM my grandfather Verus I learned good morals and the government of my temper.


  • 维勒斯:“粮食被浪费,不虫子吃掉就意味着用于养活更多饥饿人口。”

    PHIL VILLERS: "What does not get wasted and eaten means it is available to feed a hungry world."


  • 公司总裁菲尔·维勒斯(Phil Villers)表示安全储藏粮食不仅农民更多能减少昆虫腐烂、处理不当造成粮食损失

    Phil Villers, the company President, says safely storing a harvest not only earns more money for farmers. It also reduces the amount of food lost to insects, spoilage and mishandling.


  • 荷兰人亚历克·恩的熏制室里,山毛榉橡木上烧制鳗鱼

    Eels are cooked over a beech and oak fire at Dutchman Alex Koelewijn's smokehouse.


  • 尔希·艾是内布拉加州北部小镇莫诺的领导,但她的工作远不止于此。

    Elsie Eiler is the head of Monowi, a tiny town in northern Nebraska, and that isn't her only job.


  • 事发当天马克·欧文驾机艾弗森克里托弗以及巡防队员伦敦•卡维勒一起公园里一个偏远地点

    On the day of the shooting, Everson said, Mark Owens flew him, along with Christopher and the scout, London Kawele, to a remote location within the park.


  • 西尔亚•阿姆算不上反常异常行为实际上这些雄性黑猩猩大开杀戒的行为有利于其自身繁殖后代。

    Sylvia Amsler: This is not an unnatural, or aberrant behavior in any way, but actually has positive reproductive consequences for the males who do it.


  • 猫王兰尼·布鲁、奥维勒·瑞登巴克、罗伯特·帕特莱利,这些什么共同之处?他们卫生间里

    What do the following people have in common? Elvis Presley, Lenny Bruce, Orville Redenbacher and RobertPastorelli - they all died in a bathroom.


  • 荷兰人亚历克·熏制山毛榉橡木上烧烤鳗鱼

    Eels cook over a beech and oak fire at Dutchman Alex Koelewijn's smokehouse.


  • 火山爆发影响那不勒斯市,“情况可能假想中的苏威火山爆发更为糟糕”,多拉

    An eruption there would affect Naples and "could be worse than a hypothetical Vesuvius eruption," Bertolaso said.


  • 灵长类动物行为生态学家西尔亚•阿姆观察发现雄性黑猩猩它们地盘边界巡逻,还会残忍杀害竞争者

    Primate behavioral ecologist Sylvia Amsler observed groups of male chimps patrolling the edges of their territory and targeting rivals for brutal killings.


  • 在在军帐下任职,直到1863年钱瑟勒斯战役被友军射中造成致命的创伤,那时他年仅39岁

    Jackson was a decisive factor in many significant battles until his mortal wounding by friendly fire at the age of 39 during the Battle of Chancellorsville in May 1863.


  • 每天摄入超过20橄榄油即可减少20%至30%风险桑切·维勒

    Consuming more than 20 grams of olive oil a day could reduce the risk of depression 20 to 30 percent, Sanchez-Villegas says.


  • 关系到提妮·维勒爱丽丝·约翰逊问题,关系到凯瑟琳·狄克逊孩子们和法泊尔的家庭企业的问题。

    This is about Destiny Wheeler and Alice Johnson. It's about Cathleen Dixon's children, and the Fabers' family business.


  • 弗洛伊兹科诺布接收来自附近朗格维勒格瑞特克拉克镇区的暑期学校学生由于预算方面的原因这些镇区的暑期学校课程不得不全部取消。

    Floyds Knobs has accepted summer school students from nearby Langsville, Salem, and Greater Clark, all of which have had to cut summer school altogether for budgetary reasons.


  • 11月11号,艾伦·德杰尼勒斯自己谈话节目里采访·夫特:“难道仅仅通过电话提出了分手?”

    Ellen DeGeneres says on her talk show (airing Nov. 11), "he broke up with you on the phone?"


  • 一家专门研究领域公司管理者,特里·沃勒斯称,现在打印机生产出的产品中,超过20%为成品产品原型

    More than 20% of the output of 3d printers is now final products rather than prototypes, according to Terry Wohlers, who runs a research firm specialising in the field.


  • 这辆摩托车已经上了赛道,《HellForLeather》杂志·希发表在《大众科学》上的文章当中提供了所有MotoCzyszE1PC摩托车的细节

    Now that the bike's hit the track, Wes Siler of Hell For Leather has all the details on the MotoCzysz E1PC in a piece posted over at Popular Science.


  • 完全明白这里什么利益攸关的,”美中关系中心主任·(Or ville Schell)篇报告指导者之一。

    "She completely understands what is at stake here," said Orville Schell, the director of the Centre on US-China Relations, who oversaw the report.


  • 然而这种例子中接下来事情仍然很具有挑战性,LouisMarino医生,普巴特医院高级治疗项目主任

    Yet follow-up can still be a challenge in those cases, said Dr.Louis Marino, chief of the Senior Treatment Program at Butler Hospital, in Providence.


  • 然而这种例子中接下来事情仍然很具有挑战性LouisMarino医生·巴特医院高级治疗项目主任

    Yet follow-up can still be a challenge in those cases, said Dr. Louis Marino, chief of the Senior Treatment Program at Butler Hospital, in Providence.


  • 杰克逊著名胜利发生1863年5月弗吉尼亚钱瑟勒斯战役附近

    Lee and Jackson's most famous victory took place near a crossroads at the Battle of Chancellorsville in Virginia in May 1863.


  • 布莱克本流浪者主教练回到94到96赛季执教过的布莱克竞技做客伯明翰

    Blackburn Rovers boss Sam Allardyce returns to Blackpool where he managed from 1994-96 and Wigan Athletic travel to Birmingham City.


  • 赫库兰尼姆城一样,这座靠近那不勒斯罗马城市也在苏威火山灾难性爆发毁于一旦埋于地下苏威火山于公元79年8月24爆发,持续了2

    Along with Herculaneum, this Roman city near modern Naples was destroyed and completely buried during a catastrophic eruption of the volcano Mount Vesuvius spanning two days on 24 August year 79.


  • 赫库兰尼姆城一样,这座靠近那不勒斯罗马城市也在苏威火山灾难性爆发毁于一旦埋于地下苏威火山于公元79年8月24爆发,持续了2

    Along with Herculaneum, this Roman city near modern Naples was destroyed and completely buried during a catastrophic eruption of the volcano Mount Vesuvius spanning two days on 24 August year 79.


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