• 有时候天黑了,我们还借助拖拉机灯光继续劳动

    Sometimes we go on working after dark by the lights of our tractors.


  • 越来越多美国选择退休继续工作这一增长趋势可能会颠覆旧有劳动模式

    More Americans are opting to work well into retirement, a growing trend that threatens to upend the old workforce model.


  • 首先过去几年里,越来越多的女性进入劳动市场,而且越来越多的女性计划继续工作退休年龄

    First, more women have entered the work force in the past few years, and more of them plan to remain working until retirement age.


  • 为什么农民还要继续这种控制严格劳动密集作物呢?

    Why do farmers in Ping Bian continue to plant such a tightly controlled, labor intensive crop?


  • 纺织服装劳动密集型产品可能继续海外生产。

    Products that are labor intensive such as apparel and textiles will likely continue being made overseas.


  • 最后经过辛苦劳动环境进行了相应的设置之后,您希望能够保存这些设置,以便下一次继续使用。

    Finally, after you've worked hard to set up your environment just so, you'll want to keep your Settings for next time.


  • 如果劳动需求保持近几年强劲势头,公司不得不继续招募员工填补职位空缺

    If labordemand remains as strong as in recent years, firms will have tocontinue their active recruitment of new workers to fill jobopenings.


  • 报告对由于教育水平提高技术应用劳动生产率继续增长乐观态度。

    It also expressed optimism about continuing productivity gains from rising levels of education and technology use.


  • 今冬,失业率可能上升全部劳动10%,更多企业不得不继续大幅削减工资

    Unemployment is likely to grow to one in 10 of the workforce this winter while many more have had to take big pay cuts.


  • 与此同时年轻人努力深造继续学习,以便满足工业化半工业化国家技术娴熟劳动需求

    Also, young people should strive for high education in order that they would be qualified for the very skilled labour force required by industrialized and "semi-industrialized" countries.


  • 即使手工劳动的岗位数量正在缩减,他们中的大部分人,还是继续双手工作

    Most of them had continued to work with their hands even as demand for manual labor was declining.


  • 如果工资继续保持这样增长幅度那么标志中国劳动市场急速转型。

    If wages continued to rise at this pace, it would mark a hairpin turn in China's Labour market.


  • 人们的心态做出调整,雇主们需要改变对老年人的偏见年长劳动应该继续精进技能不断学习技术。

    Attitudes have to change, among both employers, who need to drop ageist prejudices, and older workers, who must keep honing their skills and learning new ones.


  • 这种招募工作在1970年代继续进行,当时海湾地区繁荣石油经济吸收了大量熟练低技能劳动

    This recruitment continued in the 1970s as the booming oil economies in the Gulf absorbed a large pool of skilled and low-skilled manpower.


  • 目前争论继续没有几个工人期望他们职业生涯押唯一的工作上,而且劳动市场大多数工作的来说,足够灵活的。

    These days, the argument runs, few workers expect to spend their careers in a single job, and the labour market is flexible enough for most to find new ones.


  • 经济合作发展组织一直在说教成员国中的发达国家,让继续推行自由贸易私有化富有弹性劳动和产品市场

    THE Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development has long lectured its rich member countries about pursuing free trade, privatisation, and flexible Labour and product markets.


  • 这个增长强调招聘相对未开发劳动资源的求职者已经创造并且继续创造宽范围的,新的就业机会

    This increased emphasis on recruitment has created and willcontinue to create new employment opportunities for a broader group ofjob seekers from relatively untapped labor pools.


  • 现在劳动总量固定论者表示老人继续工作会使年轻人无法就业

    Now lump-of-labourites say that keeping the old at work would deprive the young of employment.


  • 000家庭获得1 000多美元的儿童税收抵免继续享受劳动所得税收抵免。

    Twelve million families will benefit from a $1, 000 child tax credit and an expanded Earned Income Tax Credit.


  • 因为无力维持继续殖民统治成本,再加上其国内也急需精良的劳动,重建两次世界大战带给英国惨重的损失,英国只能对它的殖民统治说再见了。

    Unable to sustain the cost of colonizing these countries, and needing better quality labor to replenish what had been lost in the two world wars, Britain simply threw in the towel.


  • 为了继续坐享丰厚利润这些公司的管理者们进行了游说,拿一些政客们感兴趣的主题说事儿——减少利润可能引发裁员罢工它们将可能雇佣更多亚洲劳动云云

    To preserve their comfortable position, the incumbents have lobbied using themes which resonate with politicians-that lower profits could trigger job cuts, strikes and more outsourcing to Asia.


  • Morrison尽管这个问题各国有所不同,情况往往男童愿意早日加入劳动大军,因为他们看不到继续上学好处

    Morrison says while the problem varies from country to country, it's often the case that boys prefer to enter the workforce early because they don't see the benefit of staying on in school.


  • PNC金融服务集团的首席经济学家斯徒亚特·霍夫曼美国劳动市场仍在继续恶化,只是和几个相比,恶化的速度缓而已

    PNC Financial Services Group chief-economist Stuart Hoffman says the U.S. labor market continues to deteriorate, but at a slower pace than a few months ago.


  • Sirkin先生其它富裕国家公司很可能继续那些美国更长久国家中获取劳动套利

    And companies from other rich countries will probably continue to enjoy the opportunity for labor arbitrage for longer than American ones, says Mr Sirkin.


  • 劳动要求继续履行劳动合同或者劳动合同已经不能继续履行用人单位应当依照本法第八十七条规定支付赔偿金

    If the worker does not request so or if continual performance of the labor contract is impossible, the employer shall pay compensation to him in accordance with Article 87 of this Law.


  • 劳动要求继续履行劳动合同或者劳动合同已经不能继续履行用人单位应当依照本法第八十七条规定支付赔偿金

    If the worker does not request so or if continual performance of the labor contract is impossible, the employer shall pay compensation to him in accordance with Article 87 of this Law.


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