• 同样描述物体方位,也不能使用绝对量

    In the same way, when we describe the orientation of an object, orientation cannot be described in absolute terms.


  • 债务负担不是一个绝对量取决于负债GDP之间比例

    The debt burden is not an absolute amount but a ratio between the debt and the GDP.


  • 湿度绝对量值,因此基本上自动标定的。

    Dewpoint hygrometers provide an absolute measurement of humidity and therefore are essentially self-calibrating.


  • 认为阅读文章时遇到生词绝对量的确巨大的。

    I agree the sheer volume of new words that you will encounter in any piece of writing is very great indeed.


  • 目前河南农村剩余劳动力不论是绝对量还是相对十分巨大

    At present, irrespective of the surplus labor force in rural areas of Henan is absolute or relative quantities are very large.


  • 插穗中碳、绝对量 /氮比率作为生根指标

    C and N conternt as well as C/N ratio can be taken as a rooting index of elm tip.


  • 每种膜吸附绝对量顺序为芳香聚酰胺>聚砜酰胺>聚苯并咪唑酮。

    The amount of absorbed water per amide group varied in the order. polysulfone amide (PSA)> poly(benzimidazolone) (PBIL) > aromatic polyamid


  • 实验表明分批补料培养可以提高菌体浓度,可使转效率绝对量增加

    We also found that the fed-batch can enhance the concentration of thalli and increase the efficiency and the absolute value of transferring se.


  • 衡量国债规模指标体系主要有两大类绝对量指标体系相对量指标体系。

    There are mainly two types of index systems for measuring the scale of national debt, ie the absolute index system and the relative index system.


  • 大多数设计师礼服廉价婚纱,99美元的绝对量工厂制造的。

    Most designer gowns are made one at a time, whereas , cheap wedding dresses, the $99 ones are definitely mass manufactured in factories.


  • 可以解释我国现阶段卫生投入绝对量不断增加卫生产出不尽如人意之间的矛盾

    This may be the cause of the conflict of the increase in the amount of the investment in the health care and the bad output nowadays.


  • 中国东部平原区相比,青藏高原光合有效辐射相对通量绝对量远远高于中国东部平原地区。

    Compared with those in the eastern plain of China, the relative flux of par on Tibetan Plateau is a little lower, but the absolute flux of par is far higher.


  • 此外文章还给出了二维三维形状量词使用函数公式,并从绝对量轨迹方面讨论了形状量词的一些特殊用法。

    Also, this paper has given the function formulas, absolute value and locus governing the USES of shape based classifiers.


  • 嵌入于全球价值链(GVC)中的“商”企业价值绝对量保持增长,但是价值份额下降的根源在于其价值权力的日趋消蚀

    The reality that Zheshang firms, embedded in GVC, face the dilemma between value growth and share declining, is for value power waning.


  • 是多少呢?是的。,What,is,z?,Yup,,so,it’s,plus2。,+2所以电荷实际上仅仅等于我们可以+2或者可以写,仅仅指一个电子电荷量,e,just,means,the,absolute,value,of,t,的绝对值。

    z z So the charge is actually just equal to z, +2e we can write plus 2, or you can write plus 2 e, e he charge on an electron.


  • 现在大多数发达国家人们知道需要限制脂肪摄入量,“脂肪的摄入绝对行不通的”,

    While most people in developed countries need to limit their fat intake, "zero fat is definitely not the way to go," he said.


  • 通常用于短程分支其中目标地址当前位置因此指定一个偏移量(不是绝对地址)会有意义

    This is often used for short-range branches where the destination is near the current location, so specifying an offset rather than an absolute address makes more sense.


  • 至于工作量分配按照用户绝对值还是相对比例完全取决于

    As far as workload distribution is concerned, assigning the absolute user or percentage of users is all you have to carry out.


  • 一个更加合理解释就是债券绝对发行量

    A more likely explanation is the sheer volume of bonds being issued.


  • 为了快速燃烧脂肪食用白色食物绝对不行当然食用可以需要控制摄入量

    For the sake of the rapid combustion fat, doing not eat white food will never go and certainly eat many also can not, need to control to absorb quantity.


  • 作为明尼苏达州访问量最大的公园,古兹·伯里瀑布州立公园绝对名副其实

    Minnesota's most visited state park, Gooseberry Falls is a phenomenal location.


  • Google承认计算需求量增加同时,拒绝GDrive予以确认

    Google refused to confirm the GDrive, but acknowledged the growing demand for cloud computing.


  • 这两者都体现了延迟初始特性(因此称为futures)。前者后者则是一个轻量的,但并非“绝对”线程安全结构

    Both support the idea of deferred initialization, also known as futures, the former is a class and the later a lightweight and slightly less safe structure.


  • 在被问到伍兹是否有助于提振这家互联网公司本季度的业绩时,绝对会的。她说,带来访问量甚至超过了迈克尔·杰克逊(Michael Jackson)去世时

    When asked if Woods would help the Internet company make the quarter, she said, 'Oh, absolutely,' and added that he's fueling more visits than Michael Jackson's death.


  • 适度减少食盐量绝对必要并且可以去除添加几乎所有加工过食物中的一些就可以达到

    Moderate salt reduction is an absolute necessity and can be attained by deletion of some of the salt added to virtually all processed food.


  • 经济活动中,人们不仅追求绝对消费量的大小,注重自己相对消费地位

    In economic activities, people not only pursue the absolute consumption, but also seek relative status of consumption.


  • 服务业英国出口中占重要地位,英国的出口绝对不仅限于服务业我们四分之一产品供出口人均出口量高于美国日本

    But British exports range far beyond services, important as they are. We export one quarter of all we produce; more per head than either Japan or the United States.


  • 判定一个地区自然资源比较优势标准不是资源的绝对相对拥有量而是资源经济价值的大小。

    It is not absolute or relative possessing of resource but its economic value that determines the standard of natural resource's relative advantage in a certain region.


  • 判定一个地区自然资源比较优势标准不是资源的绝对相对拥有量而是资源经济价值的大小。

    It is not absolute or relative possessing of resource but its economic value that determines the standard of natural resource's relative advantage in a certain region.


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