• 知道遇到任何一个正常人希望杀害警员的凶手逮捕,审判如果定罪给予法律充分的惩罚

    I know of no one, not one normal individual that you will meet, who does not want the murderer of a police officer to be captured, tried and, if convicted, punished to the fullest extent of the law.


  • 其实生活一封情书,不去过多地思想就写出来细心折叠后放入信封,给予希望满怀希望

    My life is like a love letter, written consciously, folded deliberately, given with hope, and filled with desire.


  • 如果说服国会通过预算方案,如果联邦储备委员会债券市场希望中的那样给予响应,这一计划带来巨大益处

    It could bring enormous benefits if I could convince Congress to pass the budget, and if it got the hoped-for response from the Federal Reserve and the bond market.


  • 给予家人同样机会接受并且自己一样。不是,视作破碎的希望——生活遭受伤痛无法挽回损失

    I offer my family the same opportunity to accept and love me as I am rather than seeing me as a blasted hope, whose life has suffered a sad and irreversible loss.


  • 希望未婚妻在一起如果他们一起希望和他在一起的能够给予同样的尽管患有艾滋病沉溺于毒品

    I hope he is still with his fiance and if not, then I hope he is with someone who can give as much love as she did and love him despite his HIV and drug addiction. I hope he is healthy.


  • 希望时间反思是否通过给予那些曾经伤害过你的宽恕或者上帝给予宽恕已经变得更加健康。

    My hope is that you'll take time to reflect on whether you could be healthier by forgiving someone who has hurt you or by receiving the forgiveness that God has for you.


  • 只是希望教会能够给予他们关怀,他们感受到教会仁慈

    I just want to have the arms of the church embrace them and I want them to sense the grace of God.


  • 经历了段仿佛是做梦一般生活充满信仰希望生活给予过多恩惠好运

    I’ve had an improbable life, and a wonderful one full of faith, hope, and love, as well as more than my share of grace and good fortune.


  • 关于这些问题个人无法回答又实在禁不住希望有人可以给予点拨。衡量环保主义者有什么标准吗?

    These are questions that I can't help but ask, questions I want answered.


  • 很小时候,梦想着成为圣保罗一名职业球员有时候上帝给予的要希望得到的多得多就是如此

    When I was young I dreamed of becoming a professional footballer for San Paolo, but sometimes God gives you so much more than you hoped for or want, that is my case.


  • 告诉马克有关纽约那个公司合并计划希望给予帮助

    I told Mark my plan to merge my company with that in Newyork, hoping him to offer some help.


  • 他这样的橄榄球赛观众的高喊声给予希望,也安抚了内心恐惧

    People like Eduardo give me hope among the football fans' chanting and make the fear in my heart subside.


  • 希望家长英文阅读方面给予一些支持,您可以孩子当地图书馆借阅书店购买一些英文读物

    I ask that parents support their child's English reading by obtaining English reading materials either from the local library or purchasing them through a bookstore.


  • 交货时间对于来说重要希望要求给予特殊考虑

    You know that time of delivery if very important to us. I hope you can give our request your special consideration.


  • 顺便提一句,非常重视希望自己最好贵司合作希望给予机会证实

    BTW, Yours is very important for our company. We will try the best to cooperate with you. We also hope you can give us chance to testify it.


  • 这样虽然希望自己总会教会心灵给予适当尊重坚持自己的心灵教会心灵的一部分尽管无疑是极不重要的部分。

    Thus, though I hope I shall always pay due regard to the "Mind of the Church", I insist, too, that my mind is a part of the Mind of the Church, though no doubt not a very important one.


  • 给予希望使期待有可以自己原本的样子去公开生活甚至坠入爱情,终有一天可以结婚

    It gave me the hope that one day I could live my life openly as who I am and then maybe even I could fall in love and one day get married.


  • 非常感谢专家对于文章修改方面给予帮助希望修后稿件可以在贵刊发表

    I greatly appreciate both your help and that of the referees concerning improvement to this paper. I hope that the revised manuscript is now suitable for publication.


  • 希望他们首先学会,他说如果教会他们,一定给予丰裕报酬

    He wished to have them first taught, and proposed to gratify me handsomely if I would teach them.


  • 今天伸向希望权杖,你要知道这儿,工作着即将给予一个崭新的世界,黑暗的痕迹被彻底抹去。

    This is the rod of hope I extend to you this day that you may know we are here, we are working and we are going to render to you a world that is new when the infestation of darkness is obliterated.


  • 希望人们使用人行道给予应有关注

    I do hope that people will make use of footpaths and treat them with due attention that is needed.


  • 希望并且努力这儿找到策略如果不是最好至少给予一个机会短期得到一个论点

    I expected and worked to find a strategy there which, if not the best, would at least have a chance of coping with the issue for a short while.


  • 糟了但是真心实意地希望请求给予特别考虑

    That's too bad, but I do hope you'll give our request your special consideration.


  • 给予的无私帮助感激之情难以言表,希望有朝一日回报

    My appreciation to you for your generous help is beyond words. I wish I could repay it one day.


  • 希望未婚妻在一起如果他们一起希望和他在一起的能够给予同样的尽管患有艾滋病,沉溺于毒品

    I hope he is still with his fiance and if not, then I hope he is with someone who can give as much love as she did and love him despite his HIV and drug addiction.


  • 他们给予莫大的支持希望他们能继续享受越狱接下来的剧集

    They've been so gracious and supportive, and I hope they continue to enjoy the show.


  • 他们给予莫大的支持希望他们能继续享受越狱接下来的剧集

    They've been so gracious and supportive, and I hope they continue to enjoy the show.


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