• 高夫,通过这种方式,作为“残酷事实接受者,朋友决定是否结束一段感情

    That way, Goff says, your friend gets to determine whether or not he or she ends up on the receiving end of your "brutal truth".


  • 这项试验灵感来源项面向40男女研究,他们刚刚结束一段感情内心伤痛不浅。

    The intriguing idea comes from an American study of 40 men and women whose relationships had ended against their wishes. All said the experience left them deeply hurt.


  • 很多他们结束感情或者走向婚姻,或者是他们爱情火焰熄灭的时候,他们明白这个道理

    Most of us discover this truth at the end of a love affair or else when the sweet emotions of love lead us into marriage and then turn down their flames.


  • 万圣节派对之所以那么有趣很多女人结束段感情之所以发型,原因只有个:打扮彻底解放

    There's a reason why Halloween parties are so much fun, and why so many women totally change their hair after a breakup: playing dress-up is just plain liberating.


  • 哈姆雷特说过,“良知使我们大家成了胆小鬼”,但是可以肯定的,只有特别缺乏良知的人才会胆怯采取其他方法而不是面对面的方式结束段感情

    Hamlet may have said that "conscience doth make cowards of us all", but surely it takes a special lack of conscience to be so cowardly as to end a relationship any other way than face to face.


  • 我们不要觉得那些永恒不变需求才是感情基础,当需求变化了就觉得感情结束了。

    But we do not have to base a relationship on these same needs forever and feel that the relationship is over.


  • 研究数据问题就是不能分辨什么时候回答者会做出不忠的事来:婚姻出现问题之还是失败感情结束之时?

    Another problem with the data is that it fails to discern when respondents cheat: in a troubled time in the marriage, or at the end of a failing relationship.


  • 此外,女性吃东西方法来缓解自己情感压力研究发现,段感情结束,女性的体重会增加而在男性没有类似发现

    Women also use food as a comfort when dealing with emotional stress and have been found to gain weight when a relationship ends, while the same finding has not been observed in men.


  • 段感情里,付出多少,在结束时候决定了有多

    How much you put into a relationship determines how much it will hurt when it ends.


  • 感情最初激动消退情侣就认为他们关系已经结束而且放弃继续尝试

    Once the initial excitement of a new romance wears off, some couples think their relationship is over and give up trying.


  • 段感情结束那些曾经被看作是浪漫爱情珍贵纪念品泰迪情书就都有可能被扔箱子甚至火堆里。

    When a relationship ends, the once treasured mementos of a lost romance - from teddy bears to love letters - are most likely destined for the bin, or even the fire.


  • 由于以诚待人恋情开始结束都显得十分突然是因为不想继续无法挽回的感情而造成的。

    Because of your honesty, your love affairs begin and end quite abruptly, as you have no desire to continue a relationship that is no longer working well.


  • 白羊当前这个行星分布正激励考虑感情这之前你可能经历给你带来了伤害的感情段感情如今已经结束

    The present planetary alignment encourages you to think about a new beginning after a relationship that came to an end, and which may have caused you pain.


  • ——生活糟糕、最令人沮丧件事段感情就这么结束了,却说出什么原因

    One of the suckiest and most frustrating facts of life , is that sometimes relationships just end, often without reason.


  • ——生活糟糕、最令人沮丧件事段感情就这么结束了,却说出什么原因

    One of the suckiest and most frustrating facts of life , is that sometimes relationships just end, often without reason.


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