• 日本经济产业省理应监管核能工业,应对安全事故负责

    The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) oversees the regulator and is responsible for safety issues.


  • 日本通产省经济产业省前身过去称为国际贸易工业部重出江湖。

    Mighty MITI, as METI's forerunner, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry, used to be known, will ride forth again.


  • 经济产业省公布第二第三产业活动指数较上季升2.6%,连六季。

    The METI's tertiary sector activity index for 2q rose 2.6% QoQ, marking a sixth consecutive quarterly increase.


  • 超酷夏季节能运动很难经济产业省执行因为我们要接待很多来宾包括国外客人。

    Super Cool Biz would be difficult to implement at [the trade ministry], because we receive lots of guests from outside the ministry, including many foreigners.


  • 的团队注意日本经济产业省能源官员石田亨直接作为高层顾问进入东京电力公司任职。

    His office notes that Toru Ishida, a former METI energy official, moved straight into a job as senior adviser to TEPCO.


  • 经济产业省认为,必须积极支持全球增长潜力强劲行业清洁能源因为大家都上面努力。

    It believes it must actively support industries with strong global growth potential, such as clean energy, because everyone else is doing it.


  • 福田康夫也曾尝试反击上月改组了内阁任命了一新人来担任财务省经济产业省重要部门的大臣

    Trying to fight back, Mr. Fukuda overhauled his cabinet a month ago, and appointed a number of new ministers in key positions such as finance and economy.


  • 日本经济产业省(METI)2008年发起了一项对碳进行量定和标签计划其中300家零售商生产商签署执行。

    In Japan the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry launched a calculation and labelling programme in 2008 which has signed up more than 300 retailers and manufacturers.


  • 尽管第三产业约占日本国民产值70%,其确是日本生产效率底下的产业。 而日本经济产业省官员形容此产业“整体都羸弱不已”了。

    Productivity is poorest in service industries, source of 70% of Japan’s output, but an official at METI describes it as “very weak across the board”.


  • 2011年03月15日日本经济产业省原子能安全和保安院表示,当地时间156点10分左右,岛第一核电站二号机组附近传来爆炸声

    2011-03-15 Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency said Tuesday that an explosion was heard at the No. 2 reactor of Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant at 6:10 a. m. Tuesday (2110 GMT).


  • 日本经济产业省原子能安全和保安院14日宣布,岛第一核电站3机组当地时间11时01分(北京时间10时01分)发生氢气爆炸反应堆所在建筑遭到损坏,但是放置反应堆容器损坏的可能性很小。 保安呼吁周围居民尽量待室内。

    Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency said Monday that hydrogen blast occurred at the No. 3 nuclear reactor of Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant at 02:01 GMT (11:01 local time).


  • 介绍了湖北省鹤峰县通过招商引资,开发水电资源,使水电开发成为全县支柱产业,带动全县经济振兴做法与经验

    The experience of vitalizing economics by way of soliciting business affairs and inviting investment to turn the water-power resources into pillar industry in Hefeng County is described.


  • 吉林省经济发达省份传统产业比重大企业、老产品多。

    The economy in Jilin province is not developed, which showed as follows: the proportion of traditional industries as a whole , many old enterprises and out date products.


  • 纺织工业湖北省传统优势产业湖北工业中具有重要地位湖北经济支柱产业之一

    The textile industry is one of the pillar industries of Hubei province, and it plays a pretty important role in the provincial economy.


  • 农业产业化吉林省经济来说具有重要推动作用仍然存在较为严重环境制约

    The agricultural industrialization has an important driving effect on economy of Jilin province. But it is still much seriously limited by environment.


  • 浙江省电力经济增长关系进行研究,可浙江省经济决策与电力产业政策制定提供科学依据

    Studying the relationship between power and economic growth of Zhejiang provides scientific support for decision-making on Zhejiang economy and establishment of policies on electric power industry.


  • 矿业充分发挥基础产业作用,成为安徽省国民经济重要支柱产业之一

    Mining industry has fully been as basic industry and it also has become one of the important pillar industries for national economy of Anhui Province.


  • 信息产业对于四川省建设中国西部经济强省成都市建设中国西部战略高地具有重要的意义。

    Information industry is importance for building Sichuan into economic province and Chengdu into strategic highland in West of China.


  • 山东省经济电力消费影响较大,为了2010年单位地区生产总值能源消耗降低20%政策目标,山东电力消耗较高的产业必须加以调整

    This means that in order to achieve the policy goal of decreasing energy consumption of per unit GDP by 20% by the year 2010, Shandong province must adjust its heavy electricity consumption sectors.


  • 力争经过几年努力玉米经济建成吉林省重要支柱产业,再造吉林产粮大优势

    After several years' effort, the corn economy will become a key industry in Jilin Province, which will develop the new advantages of the grain province of Jilin in China.


  • 基本思路发挥湖北省比较优势,从全局出发,经济效益为中心粮食产业结构进行积极主动的调整,实现“中部崛起”。

    The basic strategy is to use the comparative advantages, center on economic profits, and adjust food industrial structure actively, So Hubei will realize the aim of "the big development i…"


  • 广东省澳大利亚面临着共同挑战,”柯总领事解释说,“强劲的经济增长使许多重要产业迫切需要技术人才。

    "Guangdong and Australia face common challenges, " Mr Kelly explained. "Strong economic growth has created an urgent need for skills in many key industries.


  • 基本思路发挥湖北省比较优势,从全局出发,经济效益为中心粮食产业结构进行积极主动的调整,实现“中部崛起”。

    The basic strategy is to use the comparative advantages, center on economic profits, and adjust food industrial structure actively, So Hubei will realize the aim o…


  • 位于经济繁荣,交通便利,地址位置优越,国家命名中国家电产业基地广东省佛山市顺德容桂。

    Foshan City, Guangdong which is named by national standard as"Home Appliance Base of China", that has economic prosperity, easy transportation and excellent geographic position.


  • 位于经济繁荣,交通便利,地址位置优越,国家命名中国家电产业基地广东省佛山市顺德容桂。

    Foshan City, Guangdong which is named by national standard as"Home Appliance Base of China", that has economic prosperity, easy transportation and excellent geographic position.


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