• VHL基因作为临床诊断指标可望成为肾透明细胞基因治疗重要目的基因

    The VHL gene may be useful as a marker gene for the diagnosis of RCC and as a target gene for molecular therapy.


  • 无论具有遗传性还是获得性异常基因如果一个正常基因这个基因运行控制细胞生长预防基因

    Whether you inherited an abnormal breast cancer gene or acquired it, if you have one normal gene, that gene will still work to control cell growth and prevent cancer.


  • 由于病毒可能会意外地启动细胞本身含有的基因,因此这种方法生成的干细胞患者身上不够安全

    Because the virus could accidentally switch on cancer genes, the cells would not be safe enough to use in patients.


  • 他们发现母亲婴儿细胞携带相同的突变基因被称为BCR-ABL1),但是婴儿并没有得到这种基因遗传

    They found the cancer cells of mother and baby carried the identical mutated cancer gene (called BCR-ABL1), but the infant had not inherited this gene.


  • 研究人员70年代早期取得了很大进展他们发现导致基因正常细胞不活跃的。

    The researchers made great progress in the early 1970s, when they discovered that oncogenes, which are cancer-causing genes, are inactive in normal cells.


  • 虽然许多基因肿瘤抑制基因广泛表达这些基因突变特定的器官细胞类型有关

    Although many proto-oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes are widely expressed, the mutation of these genes is associated with cancer of specific organs or cell types.


  • 近年来研究发现,许多基因癌基因相关产物细胞生长增殖分化信号转导途径的成员

    It is known that many related products of oncogenes and anti - oncogenes take part in the signal transduction of grow, proliferation and differentiation of cells.


  • 上述试验人工癌基因导入肿瘤细胞另外实验具有EGFR突变的肺肿瘤模型上进行。

    Because the oncogenes had been artificially introduced into those cell lines, the researchers then tested their model in human lung cancer cells with the EGFR mutation.


  • 癌基因是一健康细胞变成细胞基因

    Oncogenes are genes that can cause healthy cells to transform into tumor cells.


  • 初始细胞基因表达往往通过诱导细胞凋亡衰老阻止细胞增值的,其实现上述功能的具体途径有待澄清

    Expression of an oncogene in a primary cell can, paradoxically, block proliferation by inducing senescence or apoptosis through pathways that remain to be elucidated.


  • 肿瘤形成控制细胞生长分化多种基因特别是基因、抑癌基因遗传改变有关

    There are multiple genes especially oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes involved in 'the genetic alterations which regulating the growth and differentiation of cells.


  • 基因,其编码蛋白含有其的表达载体载体转化细胞

    Human cancer suppressor gene, protein encoded therein, expression vector containing the same, and cell transformed by the vector.


  • 休克蛋白可能有助于细胞周期调控通过基因产品癌基因的产品。

    Heat Shock Proteins may contribute to cell cycle regulation by interacting with proto-oncogene products or tumor suppressor gene products.


  • 科学家芝加哥西北大学乳腺细胞所作实验表明其中的关键成分橄榄油中的油酸,油酸可以大幅度减少基因

    Scientists at northwestern university in Chicago to breast cancer cells of the experiments show that the key component of the olive oil, oleic acid oleic acid is greatly reduced cancer genes can be.


  • 细胞白血病SCL基因发现的白血病发生有关的基因

    The stem cell leukemia(SCL) gene is a new oncogene related with leukemogenesis.


  • 目前分子水平上研究显示肿瘤发生基因激活基因失活以及细胞周期调节失控密切相关。

    It has been proved that the occurrence of oncogenesis is in close relationship with the oncogene activation, the tumor suppressor gene inactivation and the disorder of cell cycle modulation.


  • 结论转染野生PTEN基因降低转移性黏液表皮样细胞转移能力

    Conclusion Transfection of wild-type PTEN tumor suppressor gene might significantly reduce metastatic ability of human highly metastatic mucoepidermoid carcinoma cells.


  • 癌基因肿瘤抑制基因发现促进了对细胞周期细胞凋亡机制深入理解。使人们肿瘤发生发展的认识日趋深入。

    The discovery of oncogene and tumor suppressor gene has deepened human beings understanding of the mechanisms of cell cycle and cell apoptosis as well as the mechanisms of tumorigenesis.


  • 目的探讨外源野生型PTEN基因转移性黏液表皮样细胞系m 3sp2体外黏附迁移侵袭特性影响。

    Objective To study effects of the exogenous wild-type PTEN tumor suppressor gene on in vitro adhesion, migration and invasion of the highly metastatic mucoepidermoid carcinoma cell line M3SP2.


  • 作用机理抗氧化作用,抗细胞增殖诱导细胞调亡,干预细胞转导增强基因表达,干预细胞周期

    The mechanism are antioxidation, cell proliferation suppression, apoptosis induction, cell signal transduction disturbing and tumor suppression gene activity enhancing, cell cycle disturbing etc.


  • 程序性细胞死亡因子4 (PDCD4)基因首先细胞凋亡中因表达特异的蛋白质鉴别出来的一种新的癌基因

    Programmed cell death factor 4 (PDCD4) gene is a new anti-oncogene, which is firstly identified as a specific protein expressed in cell apoptosis.


  • 细胞白血病(CL)发现的白血病发生有关的基因

    The stem cell leukemia (SCL) gene is a new oncogene related with leukemogenesis.


  • 目前有关癌基因研究已不仅局限肿瘤学癌基因对正常细胞生长、增殖、分化以及细胞信息传递亦有重要意义。

    Now the study on oncogene is not limited in oncology, and it is involved in cell survival, proliferation, differentiation and information transfer.


  • 综述了一些癌基因肿瘤抑制基因DNA修复基因细胞电离辐射敏感性影响

    Reported effects of some oncogenes, tumour suppressor genes and DNA repair genes on sensitivity of cells to ionizing radiation are reviewed.


  • EBV潜伏蛋白基因LMP1核抗原基因EBNA2公认导致细胞恶性转化的病毒癌基因

    The EBV latent membrane protein (LMP1) gene and nucleoantigen gene EBNA2 are virus-oncogene, which can induce malignant transformation of cells.


  • 癌基因突变导致过度刺激细胞周期突变的肿瘤抑制基因导致这一功能控制过度活动

    Oncogenes are mutations that cause an excessive stimulation of the cell cycle, while mutations in tumor suppressor genes can result in a loss in function in controlling this excessive activity.


  • 西班牙研究人员发现橄榄油中所含氨基酸阻挠细胞繁殖可能削弱某种基因影响

    The Spanish researchers found, olive oil contain amino acids can obstruct the cancer cells to breed, may also weaken the effect of a cancer gene.


  • 目的:检测基因d52家族基因PC - 1细胞周期各时相表达变化。

    Objective: To investigate the expression of PC-1, the new gene of tumor protein D52 family, during cell cycle.


  • 目的:检测基因d52家族基因PC - 1细胞周期各时相表达变化。

    Objective: To investigate the expression of PC-1, the new gene of tumor protein D52 family, during cell cycle.


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