• 发明具体实施为脉冲雷达信号包括组脉冲信号且每个脉冲信号选定重复速率重复。

    The invention can be embodied in a pulsed radar, for which each set of signals comprises a set of pulsed signals and each pulsed signal is repeated at a selected repetition rate.


  • 奏乐者看着一个按钮时就会选中,这是因为大脑对于一个按钮会触发独特电子脉冲模式

    One is selected when the player focuses on it, since his or her brain triggers a unique pattern of electrical impulses for each button.


  • 每个按钮对应一系列音符奏乐者看着一个按钮时就会选中,这是因为大脑对于一个按钮会触发独特电子脉冲模式

    Each corresponds to a series of musical notes; one is selected when the player focuses on it, since his or her brain triggers a unique pattern of electrical impulses for each button.


  • Methuselah同时也是circumbinary行星,它围绕着一个双星系统旋转,这个双星系统脉冲PS rB1620 - 26a白矮星wd B1620 - 26成。

    It is also a circumbinary planet, orbiting around a binary system composed of the pulsar PSR B1620-26 a and the White Dwarf WD B1620-26.


  • 单个的非正弦波脉冲没有测速能力但一这样脉冲即可进行速度测量,并且速度分辨力由距离分辨力决定。

    While the single nonsinusoidal radar impulse is not capable of measuring target velocity, a sequence of such pulses can be used to measure the velocity.


  • 分析了GRI脉冲序列参考脉冲以及调制与罗兰C脉冲时间关系

    The relationships between GRI pulse sequences and reference pulses, as well as between modulation code groups and Loran-C pulse groups are analyzed.


  • 脉冲雷达固有距离模糊增大多普勒滤波器杂波抑制能力要求

    The inherent distance ambiguity of pulse Doppler radar increases the requirement of Doppler filter group to the clutter-suppression ability.


  • 采用小型脉冲推力器修正弹道偏差提高火箭弹射击精度减小落点散布有效方法

    Trajectory deflection correction by miniature pulse thruster groups is an efficiency method of improving rocket projectile firing precision and reducing the scattering of impact point.


  • 研究了气体电容对紫外光预电离脉冲HF激光器性能影响

    The influence of the peaking capacitor and the pressure of mixture gas on the performance of UV preionized pulsed HF laser is investigated.


  • (正弦调制)控制回路产生不等宽的矩形脉冲列,用来近似正弦电压

    SPWM is a set of constant amplitude but unconstant width rectangular serial pulse produced by control return circuit to approximate sinusoidal voltage waves.


  • 其中治疗30常规治疗同时合用低频脉冲磁疗另外对照30例采用常规治疗。

    Treatment group while 30 cases of conventional treatment combined with pulsed magnetic therapy, another 30 patients with conventional therapy.


  • 本文自由电子激光器经典理论的数值解法,给出稳定脉冲

    The stationary pulse solutions for a free electron laser are obtained by using the classical theory.


  • 利用激光粒子动态分析仪研究了某离心式喷注器稳态脉冲喷雾特性

    The stable and pulse spray characteristics of a type of bi-centrifugal swirl injector were studied experimentally with particle dynamic analyzer.


  • 介绍了基于MAX275有源带通滤波器设计方法阐述芯片脉冲系统中的应用以及该系统的结构和功能成。

    The designing method based on the chip MAX275 is introduced. The key points of the application of the chip in the system using the acoustic impulse are explained in details.


  • 根据非平静大气运动方程,针对航弹影响作用下产生落点散布,采用脉冲修正方式航弹落点偏差进行风校正。

    According to the motion equation in the non-quietude atmosphere, the authors calculate the dispersions of bomb on the effect of the wind have adopt and the pattern of the impulse correction.


  • 图像处理器(62)根据具有不同加权的所述至少RF脉冲诱发的共振计算电容

    An image processor (62) computes electric permittivity maps from resonance induced by the at least two sets of RF pulses with different weighting.


  • 治疗应用低频调制中频脉冲进行2 ~6个月治疗。

    The treatment group were treated with modulated medium frequency impulsed electrotherapy for 2-6 months.


  • 分析了GRI脉冲序列参考脉冲以及调制罗兰C脉冲时间关系

    The time relationships between GRI pulse sequences and reference pulses, as well as between modulation codes and Loran-C pulse groups are analyzed.


  • 本文导出了描述可调谐脉冲te (A) CO_2激光器任何多条激光振荡线六温度模型速率方程

    In this paper, we deduced the six-temperature mode rate equations that can be applied to one or multi-frequency oscillation in a tunable te (a) CO2 laser.


  • 观察下肢静脉彩色脉冲多普勒(CPD)返流持续时间(PTR)、股总静脉PTR、朋静脉PTR明显大于对照P<0.001)。

    Using CPD, the PTRs of deep vein in lower limbs, femoral common vein and popliteal vein were remarkably larger than those in control group(all P< 0.001) .


  • 最后给出方法设计两通道线性相位完全重构有限脉冲响应滤波器详细过程

    Moreover, the detailed design process of two-channel FIR filter Banks is presented by using the modulated method.


  • 但是激素击疗法治疗系统性血管最佳剂量治疗频率没有过有对照的临床研究

    However, the optimal dose and frequency of administration of IV GC have not been studied in a controlled fashion for systemic vasculitis.


  • 目的证实能量可控脉冲离体肿瘤杀伤作用。

    Objective: To demonstrate injuring effect of energy controllable steep pulses on tumor tissues.


  • 函数波形实测高空核爆电磁脉冲HEMP)波形验证结果表明,HEMP波形、余(正)阻尼振荡波形信号重建波形原始波形符合很好

    The reconstruction of minimum phase signal, such as the HEMP waveform, cosine or sine exponentially damped waveform etc, shows good agreement with the original.


  • 2B串每个脉冲持续时间表示M数据交替脉冲表示连续

    Fig. 2b, each of whose time durations or pulse widths represents a group of m data bits, with the alternating high and low pulses representing successive groups.


  • 方法设立脉冲磁针30同时设立常规针刺磁针30例作为对照,测定3治疗前后临床疗效。

    Methods a pulse magnetic acupuncture group, a routine acupuncture group and a static magnetic acupuncture group were set up, 30 cases in each group.


  • 通过实验研究了脉冲长度对性能影响,包括脉冲管热端温度温度、降温时间

    A group of experiments show that the increasing of hot end length will increase cooling down time, cold tip temperature and hot end temperature evidently, but pressure ratio will decreases.


  • 节能控制数码并内置有器的脉冲控制仪,最多控制204个脉冲阀,而这也只要用根管子RPB先导阀盒串连起来就可以达到。

    The Ecoserial device is a digital economiser with differential pressure gauge able to pilot until 204 valves by connecting itself to a pneumatic driving module RPB with only two threads.


  • 方法2 4OSAHS患者(OSAHS12正常人对照进行常规功能脉冲强迫振荡IOS)检测。

    Methods Routine lung function and impulse oscillometry(IOS) were performed on 24 OSAHS patients(OSAHS group) and 12 normal subjects(control group).


  • 脉冲信号送入单片机后单片机输出信号课题一个处理单元,进行精密播种机播种均匀计算。

    Finally, the MCU send put a signal to the other task cell of the task group, which will fulfill the calculation of the uniformity of the seed distribution.


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