• 如果没有助攻依然认为纯粹组织后卫么?

    You would say Chris Paul …but what if he didn't have the assists, would he still be pure points?


  • 其余时间根据菲尔组织后卫信心砝码分享。

    The rest will be taken mainly by Shannon Brown or Jordan Farmar, depending on which guard gains the confidence of Jackson.


  • 波多黎各NBA组织后卫卡洛斯·阿罗约巴里亚能够贯穿起整个比赛。

    The Puerto Ricans have two NBA point guards, Carlos Arroyo and J.J. Barea, running the show.


  • 他们特点就是具有一些欧洲最好球员其中就包括组织后卫。帕帕·卢卡斯

    They feature some of the best players in Europe, including point guard Theo Papaloukas.


  • 湖人夏季休赛期签下老将费舍尔帮助他们稳定了湖人组织后卫位置

    The Lakers acquired veteran help in the off-season when they signed Derek Fisher, who has brought stability to the point guard position.


  • 得到这样组织后卫就即得到了两个后卫,我实在睬解什么坏事

    That's what I thought a combo guard was. You're getting a point guard and you're getting your two. I didn't know it was a bad thing.


  • 看看纳什保罗德隆·威廉姆斯你们得分传球,你们只是组织后卫

    I look at Steve Nash, Chris Paul, Deron Williams... you can score the ball so well and you can pass it so well, you're not a point guard.


  • 中国男篮组织后卫队员突破能力不强,很难突破对方的防线,打乱对方防守部署

    It's poor breakthrough ability of the China Men's basketball key guard. It is difficult for him to break through the opponents defence line.


  • 斯通太差了,如果就是我们组织后卫位置上最好的球员的话,那我们真的没什么机会

    Rafer is awful, and we don't really have a chance if he is our best PG.


  • 研究结果表明优秀组织后卫个人攻击能力主要体现持球突破能力2分投篮命中率上。

    Result of study indicate, outstanding to organizing guard individual of full back attack ability to be strong, reflect in is it break through ability and 2 shoot at the hit rate to catch mainly.


  • 篮球比赛中组织后卫作为全队战术指挥核心他们水平的高低对全队胜负起到举足轻重的作用

    The basketball match point guard as the core, their command of the tactical level of the team won an important role.


  • 亚利桑那大学的时候,我主要任务是得分因为我们组织后卫叫杰森·加德纳但是能得分。

    When I was at Arizona, I scored so well and then we had Jason Gardner as our point guard, but he scored too.


  • 知道一个真正的组织后卫的定义什么,我只是一切我们带来胜利的事情,哪怕别人我自私。

    I don't know what a real point guard is, I just want to do everything we can to win, even if people say I'm selfish.


  • 海德不能组织后卫无法压力而且总是不断地犯错。我们必须培养斯潘或者搞个替补卫来

    Head can't be PG. he can't handle the ball under pressure and keep made bad decison. has to develop billy or bring another backup guard.


  • 每个人都是双能但是过去拉里·休斯一起打球时候,我状态好我打进攻后卫组织后卫

    Everybody calls me a combo guard, but when I played with Larry Hughes, when I'm on I'm the two guard, he's the point guard.


  • 尼克斯队的组织后卫布里在魔术队的比赛得到了347个助攻更为重要的是控制了比赛的节奏。

    Point guard Stephon Marbury poured in 34 points and added seven assists, but more importantly, he set a tone with his ball movement.


  • 领跑联盟凯尔特人队的组织后卫拉简·多,截至周六是场2.4个抢断。去年领跑联盟的依然是朗多,均2.33个抢断。

    Leading the league entering Saturday at 2.4 steals a game is Rajon Rondo, the Boston Celtics' point guard, who also led the league last season with a 2.33 average.


  • 组织后卫林在高中最后一年篮球队的队长。1982年全州锦标赛上瓦西拉击败安克雷奇夺冠时的最后一个三分球得分就出自手。

    Palin, who played point guard, was the team's captain her senior year, and scored the final point - a free-throw - of the 1982 state championship game that Wasilla won against Anchorage.


  • 第七场比赛结束个赛季宣布告终时火箭队急需补充充满自信久经沙场组织后卫把火箭队带到新的高度

    When Game 7 was over and last season ended, one of the most crying needs was for a confident, veteran point guard who could guide the Rockets to the next level.


  • 组织后卫迈克康利得分后卫梅奥不出意外还继续首发留给艾佛森可能只是板凳角色一点上赛季底特律就已经痛苦地品尝过了。

    Point guard Mike Conley and shooting guard O.J. Mayo would, presumably, remain starters, leaving Iverson to accept the kind of bench role that he rejected last season in Detroit.


  • 组织后卫迈克·康利得分后卫梅奥不出意外还继续首发留给艾佛森可能只是板凳角色一点上赛季底特律就已经痛苦地品尝过了。

    Point guard Mike Conley and shooting guard O. J. Mayo would, presumably, remain starters, leaving Iverson to accept the kind of bench role that he rejected last season in Detroit.


  • 一些短暂闪光之外,这位组织后卫仍然进行那种赖以积累起名声比赛——或者甚至是那种会使个人相信他能成为支球队因子的比赛。

    Beyond some brief flashes, the point guard has yet to play the kind of game on which he built his reputation - or even the kind of game that would lead one to believe he can be a factor for this team.


  • 一些短暂闪光之外,这位组织后卫仍然进行那种赖以积累起名声比赛——或者甚至是那种会使个人相信他能成为支球队因子的比赛。

    Beyond some brief flashes, the point guard has yet to play the kind of game on which he built his reputation - or even the kind of game that would lead one to believe he can be a factor for this team.


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