• 纽约都会年夜学另有很多的经验值得我们进修,尤其是关于高档教诲中为平易近创设机会方面。

    There are broader lessons to draw from CUNY, especially to do with creating opportunities in higher education for the poor.


  • 年前签字艺术收藏品转让纽约都会艺术博物馆

    Two years ago, he signed over his art collection to the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art.


  • 例如美国歌手蕾哈娜(Rihanna2015年纽约都会艺术博物馆慈善舞会上穿中国

    Rihanna, a US singer, for example, wore a Chinese red dress to the 2015 Met Gala in New York.


  • 我们阅读过所有诗人包括英格兰乡巴佬罗伯特·弗罗斯特,都都会中心开始了他们职业生涯主要是伦敦纽约

    All of the poets we read, even that New England hayseed Robert Frost, begin their careers in metropolitan centers, primarily in London and New York.


  • 伦敦巴黎纽约——不论哪里,你都会回到这里,回到这个男人身边

    London, Paris, New York - no matter where you went you had to return here. To this cottage. To this man.


  • “除了皮肤癌其他所有皮肤病都会压力加剧,”纽约蒙蒂菲奥里医疗中心皮肤科医生医学博士帕拉梅·佳库布维茨

    "Almost every skin disease except for skin cancer gets worse with stress, " says Pamela Jakubowicz, M.D., a dermatologist at Montefiore Medical Center in New York.


  • 旅游专家美国旅游的中国游客通常都会纽约列入他们的行程表

    Tourism experts say New York is usually on the agenda for Chinese visitors to the U.S.


  • 夏季两个家庭都会乡下去避暑,鲍嘉一家会纽约北部海明威一家则会密歇根北部

    In the summers the families migrated to country houses, the Bogarts to upstate New York, the Hemingways to northern Michigan, where the fathers taught the sons to hunt and to fish.


  • 参观者到了纽约通常都会百老汇观看演出

    When in New York City, it is customary for the visitor to take in a Broadway show.


  • 藏品之,就算俄罗斯的冬宫博物馆梵蒂冈博物馆纽约都会博物馆的藏品加起来,也难与之匹敌

    It houses more pieces than the Hermitage, the Vatican Museum, and the New York Metropolitan . . . combined.


  • Potter,“不管什么时候回到西海岸都会去拜访纽约时候我们一起吃饭。”

    "I would visit whenever I went back to the West Coast and have dinner with him when he came to New York," said Potter.


  • 尼·科塔克接下来五个星期都会纽约市布希威克(Bushwick)的显微艺术馆直到第一个孩子降生。

    Marni Kotak will spend the next five weeks at the Microscope gallery in Bushwick, New York until the baby, her first, comes.


  • 每一纽约举行新年庆祝会日历都会翻页,可是看到产生过任何行星灾难除了那个不得不纽约警察局醉汉拘留所地板的小伙子。

    My calendar rolls over every time the ball drops in New York, and I've yet to see this cause any planetary cataclysm, except for theguy who has to mop out the drunk tank at the NYPD.


  • 这场摇滚风格的时装秀作为纽约国际时装一部分,于本周一晚上纽约都会举办。

    The 'Rock and Roll' fashion show, was held at the Metropolitan Pavillion as part of New York fashion week on Monday night.


  • 1964年1983年,布鲁克·阿斯特夫人都会长期理事,是纽约最有影响力俱乐部董事之一,退休成为名誉董事。

    Brooke Astor was a longtime trustee of the Metropolitan, sitting on its board, the most powerful club in New York, from 1964 to 1983, when she was made emeritus.


  • 我们最后一场演奏为了纽约都会是从长岛长大崇拜一支球队。

    Our last performance was for the New York Mets, a team I'd idolized while growing up on Long Island.


  • 纽约都会棒球队老板送给麦道夫的礼物,同其他很多一样也是这场骗局的受害者之一。

    It was given to Madoff by the owners of the New York Mets, who like so many others, fell victim to his schemes.


  • 马修·迪孚关于未能发表的《纽约客》卡通《被拒绝作品集》中说,《纽约客》有约50位长期约稿者,每个星期都会投10幅作品。

    According to Matthew Diffee's book of unpublished New Yorker cartoons, the Rejection Collection, there are about 50 regular New Yorker cartoonists who submit 10 cartoons each week.


  • 意大利一国,除了博物馆纠纷外,纽约都会艺术博物馆、波士顿美术博物馆有纠葛。

    Italy alone has had disputes with not only the Getty Museum, but also the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, and the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston.


  • 应用数据库目前只覆盖了美国境内的12个都会,这其中包括波士顿纽约旧金山洛杉矶芝加哥西雅图波特兰还有奥斯汀

    The app currently features a database for 12 of the larger metropolitan areas in the U.S., including Boston, New York, San Francisco, la, Chicago, Seattle, Portland, and Austin.


  • 纽约都会取消了周六周日比赛波士顿和费城费城人队都改期周日的主场比赛。

    The New York Mets called off baseball games Saturday and Sunday, and the Boston Red Sox and Philadelphia Phillies rescheduled Sunday home games.


  • 因此比起大部分其它美国都会纽约外国游客在此地能够觉得比较安全

    Thus, the foreign traveler to New York city can feel more secure here than in most other large metropolitan areas of the U.S..


  • 喜爱博物馆有:纽约都会美术馆马德里普拉多以及圣彼得堡东宫。

    Among the museums I love are the Metropolitan museum of Art in New York, the Prado in Madrid, and the Hermitage in St Petersburg.


  • 解释自己为什么纽约都会棒球队2007赛季最后一场比赛失败刮光胡子切断自己喉咙没瞄准,手举高了点。

    Explaining why he shaved his mustache after the Mets' 2007 season-ending collapse: I tried to cut my throat, but I aimed too high.


  • 然而都会人寿仍然占据纽约大学斯特恩商学院维拉尔•阿查里亚,托马斯·古利,罗伯特·恩格尔马修·理查森拿出排名表。

    Yet MetLife occupies just that position in a ranking put out by Viral Acharya, Thomas Cooley, Robert Engle and Matthew Richardson of the Stern School of Business at New York University.


  • 2000年,打出49本垒打之后兹在一轮决赛中,17击球,成功3而败给纽约都会

    After hitting 49 homers in 2000, Bonds was 3 for 17 against the Mets in the first round of the playoffs.


  • 2000年,打出49本垒打之后兹在一轮决赛中,17击球,成功3而败给纽约都会

    After hitting 49 homers in 2000, Bonds was 3 for 17 against the Mets in the first round of the playoffs.


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