• 本文印刷见于2010年10月15日纽约b 6

    A version of this article appeared in print on October 15, 2010, on page B6 of the New York edition.


  • 此文2010年12月21日纽约d 2出。

    A version of this article appeared in print on December 21, 2010, on page D2 of the New York edition.


  • 论文主要研究詹姆斯小说理论专题论文纽约小说序言”。专题论文《小说的艺术》是关于现实主义小说艺术的宣言。

    This paper focuses on a theoretical study of James's theoretical papers on fiction and the "Preface to the New York Edition".


  • 有一,《纽约时报》会停止纸质刊登新闻报道

    There will eventually come a day when The New York Times ceases to publish stories on newsprint.


  • 林格1951年出中,他一间精英预科学校出走,连续几天游荡纽约街头。

    In Salinger's 1951 book, the character runs away from an elite prep school and spends a few days roaming around New York City.


  • 几十个山寨硅谷遍布世界纽约苏格兰的硅溪谷甚至,让人扫兴的,伦敦的硅环道。

    The world now glories in dozens of would-be Silicon Valleys: Silicon alley in New York, Silicon Glen in Scotland and even, depressingly, Silicon Roundabout in London.


  • 夏洛去世年后,戏剧“罗伍德寄宿学校”(德国《简爱》)纽约上演

    Within a year of Charlotte's death, Die Waise von Lowood (The Orphan of Lowood, a German version of Jane Eyre), was being staged in New York.


  • 唐纳德·卡根所著《关于古代历史问题》之“古代近东希腊”,第二。第一普伦蒂斯·霍尔出社:纽约,1975年,第1

    Kagan, Donald. "Problems in Ancient History." in The Ancient Near East and Greece. 2nd Ed., vol. 1. Prentice-Hall: New York, 1975, chapter 1.


  • 文化组织心理软件力量》,伦敦ProfileBooks社1994年出纽约希尔教育(McGraw-Hill)2005年再

    Cultures and Organisations: Software of the Mind”, Profile Books, London, 1994; 2nd edn, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2005


  • 纽约大型证券交易所纳斯达克(Nasdaq)也已经一家主要从事科技新兴企业股票交易的市场成长为一家全球性交易所

    NASDAQ, New York's other big stock exchange, has evolved from a secondary market dealing mainly in technology and start-up companies to a global force.


  • 竞争策略产业竞争对手分析方法自由纽约,1980年,第二;自由出社,纽约伦敦,1998年。

    "Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analysing Industries and Competitors", Free Press, New York, 1980; 2nd edn, Free Press, New York and London, 1998.


  • 沃麦克(Womack,J.)、琼斯(Jones,D .)鲁斯(Roos, D .)合著的《改变世界机器》,纽约罗森联合牛津麦斯威尔·麦克米伦国际社,1990年第一

    Womack, J., Jones, D. and Roos, d., "the Machine that Changed the World", Rawson Associates, New York, and Maxwell Macmillan International, Oxford, 1990.


  • 竞争优势创造保持卓越绩效科利尔-麦克米伦出伦敦,1985年;自由纽约伦敦,1998年,第二

    Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance”, Collier Macmillan, London, 1985; 2nd edn, Free Press, New York and London, 1998


  • 股票经纪人投资者都非常注意通过行情发现每一个机会。行情就是显示纽约股票交易所所交易股票的电子显示

    Brokers and investors carefully watch for any changes on the Big Board. That is the name given to a list of stocks sold on the New York stock Exchange.


  • 电视第二个黄金时代蓝调〈仁心仁术〉》。纽约绵延社,1996年

    Thompson, Robert J. Television's Second Golden Age: From Hill Street Blues to ER. New York: Continuum, 1996.


  • 1735年一份纽约周报》上,刊登了一封两个篇幅读者来信,介绍中国人孔子尊敬信仰,并且列举了几条孔子语录

    A 1735 issue of the New York Weekly Journal devoted two pages to a reader's letter about the Chinese people's reverence for Confucius and several quotes from the ancient sage.


  • 纽约(透健康)-确诊乳癌的女人,没有哪个会情绪的。但是一项最新的研究表明那些克服最初抑郁情绪的乳癌患者似乎可以活得更久

    New YORK (Reuters Health) - a diagnosis of breast cancer will inevitably sink a woman's mood, but those who are able to beat that initial depression appear to survive longer, a new study suggests.


  • 纽约CBORD集团以色列NICE系统公司协力合作下,对产品进行了有效的结合,共同推出了升级校园安全系统。

    The CBORD Group, Inc. , of Ithaca, New York, and Israel's NICE Systems have integrated their products to provide enhanced security solutions for campuses.


  • 这家商在纽约需要一张支票给这里办理这件事吗?

    He is in New York and I need a check to send him. Can it be arranged here?


  • 萨缪尔·菲利普斯亨廷顿出生于纽约父亲母亲是一名作家

    Samuel Phillips Huntington was born in New York to a father who was a publisher and a mother who was a writer.


  • 萨缪尔·菲利普斯•亨廷顿出生于纽约父亲母亲是一名作家

    Huntington, Samuel phillips, was born in New York, his father is a publisher, the mother is a writer.


  • 竞争优势创造保持卓越绩效”科利尔·麦克米伦出伦敦,1985年;自由纽约伦敦,1998年,第二

    "Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance", Collier Macmillan, London, 1985; 2nd edn, Free Press, New York and London, 1998.


  • 纽约歌剧院发言人杰拉德?莫尔蒂尔于上周日发表份声明称,目前沃里宁接受操刀歌剧《断背山》邀请

    The opera house's spokesman Gerard Mortier said in a statement on Sunday that Wuorinen had accepted an invitation to compose an opera of the short story.


  • 自传晓得的五个德国》2006年FritzStern描写了他在1938年到达纽约时刻,一个自由保险天堂

    In his autobiography, published in 2006 under the title "Five Germanys I have Known", Fritz Stern describes the moment of his arrival in New York's harbor in 1938, a haven of freedom and security.


  • 自传晓得的五个德国》2006年FritzStern描写了他在1938年到达纽约时刻,一个自由保险天堂

    In his autobiography, published in 2006 under the title "Five Germanys I have Known", Fritz Stern describes the moment of his arrival in New York's harbor in 1938, a haven of freedom and security.


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