• 市场人气呼应纽约尼克斯会议意见权利网队

    The sentiment echoed the New York Knicks views of their meeting right after the Nets.


  • 热火骑士纽约尼克斯芝加哥公牛周四成为詹姆斯去向的有力争夺者

    The Heat, Cavaliers, New York Knicks and Chicago Bulls all entered Thursday considered prime contenders for James' services.


  • 那些年代值得注意便是热队纽约尼克斯之间激烈对碰了。

    Most noteworthy of that era of the heat was their heated rivalry with the New York Knickerbockers.


  • 纽约尼克斯队连现在迈阿密热队一起东部联盟排末位

    The Knicks now share the East's worst record with Miami after losing their fourth game in a row.


  • 一年季后赛东部第八纽约尼克斯居然上演奇迹打进总决赛

    That year, the New York knicks playoff eastern eighth on black eight miracle, unexpectedly scored in the NBA finals.


  • 那时我们才刚结束纽约尼克斯比赛而进入东部决赛对手奥兰多魔术

    We had just beaten the New York Knicks to close out the series and advance to the Eastern Conference finals against the Orlando Magic.


  • 杰克逊剪辑纽约尼克斯视频球员看,他们看看团队合作重要性

    Jackson also inserted some grainy clips of New York Knicks footage from back in his era as a player, an attempt to hammer home the importance of teamwork.


  • 不期而至的邀请(例如“刚刚有两纽约尼克斯队的球票放在桌上了,想不想去看?”)

    Spontaneous invitations as in "Two tickets to the Knicks game tonight just landed on my desk."


  • 除了今天公牛湖人周四面对克里夫兰骑士周五费城76人,周日纽约尼克斯

    In addition to playing the Bulls today, the Lakers face the Cleveland Cavaliers on Thursday, the Philadelphia 76ers on Friday and the New York Knicks on Sunday.


  • 第一安东尼奥马刺比赛中和基诺比利的次冲突使科比缺席了球队同纽约尼克斯比赛。

    The first incident against the San Antonio Spurs (involving Manu Ginobili) was a major surprise that kept Bryant out of the Lakers' lone visit to New York.


  • 比方,想象一下,在麦迪森广场花园里纽约尼克斯格拉斯哥流浪者队同时开赛会怎样的景象。

    But one parallel, he said, is imagining what it is like at Madison Square Garden when the Knicks and the Rangers play on the same day.


  • 麦蒂多伦多猛龙奥兰多魔术休斯顿火箭纽约尼克斯底特律活塞亚特兰大鹰队马刺队效力

    McGrady played for the Toronto Raptors, Orlando Magic, Houston Rockets, New York Knicks, Detroit Pistons, Atlanta Hawks and Spurs.


  • 科比带领下,湖人队上赛季夺得总冠军,如今更是取代4蝉联榜首的纽约尼克斯队,成为NBA具价值球队。

    The Lakers, led by Kobe Bryant to the NBA title last season, topped the New York Knicks, which had held the top spot for the previous 4 years.


  • 凤凰电台报道说,德安东尼接近纽约尼克斯队签订合同因为问题令尼克斯介入了公牛队交易

    But a Phoenix radio station is reporting that D'Antoni is closer to a deal with the New York Knicks because money is getting in the way of a Bulls' deal.


  • 帕特里克·尤因是1985年NBA招募人材首选现在准备自己职业生涯余生奉献纽约尼克斯

    Patrick Ewing had been the NBA's top choice in the draft of 1985, and now he Was pledging the rest of his professional career to the New York Knicks.


  • 无论最终“细菌能否击败莎拉波娃纽约尼克斯前锋斯塔德迈尔热门视频约翰逊都很享受视频制作经历

    But whether the bacteria can beat out such luminaries as Maria Sharapova and New York Knicks' forward Amar 'e Stoudemire, Johnson loved the experience of making the video.


  • 对于骑士来说,如果等到2010年夏天他们面对纽约尼克斯新泽西诸多好手竞争,到那时他们获胜的几率可甚是渺茫

    It won't make sense for the Cavs to wait until the summer of 2010, when they'll be competing with the likes of New York and New Jersey, among other big markets, for free agents.


  • 如果知道林书豪热”,做好准备,它马上就要来临。纽约尼克斯队也将它们问鼎冠军希望冉冉升起新星身上。

    If you haven't already caught "Linsanity", get ready because it's coming, as the Knicks pin their championship hopes on the rising star.


  • 导演纽约尼克斯队狂斯派克·去年12月带着14岁儿子杰克逊观看纽约麦迪逊广场花园举行尼克斯俄克拉荷马雷霆之间的比赛

    Director and New York Knicks super fan Spike Lee keeps his son Jackson, 14, on his toes at New York City's Madison Square Garden during the Knicks vs. Oklahoma City Thunder game last December.


  • 第二,给硅谷纽约高级工程师金融家增加工资意味着克里·弗兰或者尼克斯总收入阶级工资就不会增加太多

    And second, wage gains that accrue to top engineers and financiers in Silicon Valley and New York City mean very little to the median income earner in Cleveland or Phoenix.


  • 尼克斯好处:奇克帮助道夫,纽约最后热烈的欢迎一位真正的大牌球星来球队的。

    Benefit for the Knicks: Zeke gets to keep Zach Randolph, and New York would be agog over finally having a bona fide super-duper star to root for.


  • 兴奋来到纽约我迫不及待的想穿上尼克斯的球衣。

    I am excited to be headed to New York and look forward to wearing a Knick uniform.


  • 纽约所有人都知道尼克斯队(Knicks)是个什么情况

    In the new York area, everybody knew about what was going on with the Knicks situation.


  • 纽约所有人都知道尼克斯队(Knicks)是个什么情况

    In the new York area, everybody knew about what was going on with the Knicks situation.


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