• 那位管理低能的首席执行官是……

    The micromanaging CEO? Jeff Bezos.


  • 见到克里索夫家人的时候,告诉了我一个惊人消息:他告诉为了缅怀儿子,他希望加入美国海军医疗

    When I met Dr. Krissoff and his family, he delivered some surprising news: He told me he wanted to join the Navy Medical Corps in honor of his son.


  • 在整个画艺生涯中,里昂•科索夫描绘他家人和少数朋友肖像,当然还有最喜欢模特儿

    Throughout his career Mr Kossoff has painted portraits of his family and a small group of friends, as well as his favourite models.


  • 本来可能果园一员,随着城市向北延伸,它成了伦敦花园的一员,花园在科索夫先生房子后面,因而能够通过画室窗户观察棵树

    Originally it may have been part of an orchard but as the city spread north it became part of a large London garden, the one behind Mr Kossoff's house, and he can see the tree from his studio window.


  • 本来可能果园一员,随着城市向北延伸,它成了伦敦花园的一员,花园在科索夫先生房子后面,因而能够通过画室窗户观察棵树

    Originally it may have been part of an orchard but as the city spread north it became part of a large London garden, the one behind Mr Kossoff’s house, and he can see the tree from his studio window.


  • 著名的那索夫长毛象就是这样保存下来的,而且保存得很好

    This is what happened to the famous Beresovka mammoth which was found preserved and in good condition.


  • 索夫先生目录简单写道:樱桃系列绘画的一个旅程

    In the catalogue Mr Kossoff writes simply that the cherry tree series is a new departure for him.


  • 魔戒邪恶黑暗君王伦(克里斯多-李所锻鍊出来只能创造出的末日山脉熔炉摧毁。

    The One Ring can only be destroyed in the place it was forged by the evil dark Lord Sauron (Christopher Lee) -- the furnaces of Mount Doom.


  • ·布莱克是华盛顿·布莱克·海产品市场餐馆所有者厨师,他不认为事情很简单

    Jeff Black, the chef and owner of BlackSalt seafood market and restaurant in Washington, D. C., is not so sure its that simple.


  • 索夫大师并非那种金光闪闪晚会上备受瞩目的画家

    Mr Kossoff is not the sort of painter who is photographed at glittering parties.


  • 美国华盛顿大学心理学教授安德鲁·梅尔索夫发现大约1左右的婴儿开始通过凝视别人推断他们在想些什么

    Andrew Meltzoff, a professor of psychology at the University of Washington, found infants at about age 1 begin to infer what others are thinking by following the gazes of others.


  • 娃对西方失败想象力”稍感惋惜。

    Ms Shevtsova politely bemoans a “failure of imagination” in the West.


  • 娃对西方失败想象力”稍感惋惜。

    Ms Shevtsova politely bemoans a "failure of imagination" in the West.


  • 首席席执行官开始谈论亚马逊最新商业计划-巨大网络服务平台时候关于全球计算机网络主题继续

    This theme of a global computing network continued when Amazon.com founder and CEO Jeff Bezos came on stage to talk about Amazon's latest business venture - a giant web services platform.


  • 1994年,名叫·分析师萌发了通过互联网销售商品念头网络空间构建一个商店实属突发奇想

    In 1994, when a financial analyst named Jeff Bezos hatched the idea of selling stuff over the Internet, the idea of building a store in cyberspace was fairly radical.


  • 库尔斯克地区一家农场经理基拉穆索夫认为今年收成可能会不错。

    Yuri Khramtsov, manager of a farm in the Kursk region, expects a strong crop this year.


  • 索夫大师的作品得到关注并且价格飙升

    Mr Kossoff's paintings get attention and his prices are rising.


  • 问起有关斯坦利赢得利润丰厚公开招标的事时,博里索夫转向了人们的关注点,声称该男子女儿前男友

    When asked about profitable public tenders won by a man known as “Stanley”, Mr Borisov deflected attention, noting that he was his daughter’s ex-boyfriend.


  • 我们为人们提供美而不贵的优质产品,”亚马逊ceo·最近告诉《商业周刊》。

    "What we are doing is offering premium products at non-premium prices," CEO Jeff Bezos told BusinessWeek recently.


  • 陆军发言人谢尔盖·弗拉索夫中校周一宣布,俄罗斯陆军开始接收新的龙卷风- G火箭发射系统(MRLS),用以取代现役“冰雹”火箭炮。

    Russia's Ground Forces will start taking delivery of new Tornado-G multiple rocket launching systems (MRLS), replacing the current Grad systems, Army spokesman Lt. Col. Sergei Vlasov said on Monday.


  • 波里索夫指出一个悖论冻结资金援助保加利亚欧盟的信任度不降反升。

    Mr Borisov also notes the "paradox" that Bulgarians' trust in European institutions "actually increased when the money was frozen".


  • 身材魁梧的博里索夫很难与其前任谢尔盖·斯塔尼舍有所不同

    The burly Mr Borisov could hardly be more different from his predecessor, Sergei Stanishev.


  • 开始大量出血,有人建议乔把她送到医院

    She was bleeding heavily, and they told Joseph she had to go to the district hospital in Soroti.


  • 科尔·索夫是从家里广播里才知道自己另外19个陪审员法官提出封闭审判申请的。

    Mr Kolesov was at home when he heard on the radio that he and 19 other jurors had asked the judge to conduct the trial behind closed doors.


  • 分钟西多准备就绪,刚刚埃托奥犯规幸运地领到一张黄牌加图得到第二黄牌

    By the time Seedorf was ready three minutes later, Gattuso, who had been fortunate only to receive a booking for his foul on Eto 'o, had picked up a second yellow.


  • 同纳米索夫先生一样,也认为俄罗斯急需改变

    Like Mr Nemtsov, he believes Russia urgently needs change.


  • 此案宣布中止一些极端犹太团体扬言要对布佐进行报复。最终,布佐1985年位于新泽西州帕特森市的家中遭遇炸弹袭击身亡

    After the case was dismissed, radical Jewish groups urged violence against Mr. Soobzokov, and he was killed in 1985 by a bomb at his home in Paterson, n.j..


  • 西迪亚是拉比妻子朋友

    Reema Sisodia was a friend of Rivkah, the rabbi's wife.


  • 西方世界理解为什么一个竭力想融入国际俱乐部比如G 8国家会和其他成员对着干,”

    "The West does not understand how a country which aspires to be a member of international clubs such as the G8 can act against the other members of these clubs," says Ms Shevtsova.


  • 西方世界理解为什么一个竭力想融入国际俱乐部比如G 8国家会和其他成员对着干,”

    "The West does not understand how a country which aspires to be a member of international clubs such as the G8 can act against the other members of these clubs," says Ms Shevtsova.


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