• 计算机图像分析系统比较血管厚度

    The thickness of intimal, media and adventitia was determined by computer image analysis system.


  • 通过试验系统比较不同时期病菌毒性小种组成变化

    The variation of virulence and RACES of Xoo population were compared systemically.


  • 结果随着卡帕统计可见美国欧洲分级系统比较温和

    Results: With use of kappa statistics, moderate agreement between the United States and European grading systems was seen.


  • 生物认证系统比较当前生物数据采集存储确认真实的数据数据库中

    Biometric authentication systems compare the current biometric data capture to stored, confirmed authentic data in a database.


  • 应用公共卫生管理学现场流行病学卫生学与卫生检验进行系统比较分析

    Methods: adopting the science of public health management, spot epidemiology, hygiene and the science of test to compare and analyze systematically.


  • 有些网站好的答案积分但是有些积分系统比较随意至今也知道积分到底价值

    Other sites award points for good answers, although some points systems may be arbitrary and I'm still not sure what value most of those points have.


  • 但是可能因为主体建筑损毁严重或者辐射量大等,已经无法再电力系统比较容易连接上。

    The main reactor buildings are either too badly damaged, or too laden with radioactivity, to readily reconnect plumbing and electrical systems.


  • 通过与热电系统比较,提出改变目前供热系统现状关键,用户的热能计量问题

    Compared with the system of supply power, the solution of the critical problem within the system of supply heat which is how to measure quantity of heat is inicated.


  • 需求工程基本概念研究内容出发,系统比较全面地总结了需求工程验证准则

    Based on the basic concept and research contents of Requirement Engineering (re), the validate criterion of Requirement Engineering are summarized generally.


  • BSD可能或者不是合适选择但是不要因为其他系统比较熟悉忽视

    BSD might or might not be the right choice for you, but don't make the mistake of overlooking it just because you're familiar with something else.


  • 家禽心脏传导系统比较特殊,它含有一个返回分支使室瓣受传导神经支配。

    The conduction system in the avian heart is specialized and contains a recurrent bundle branch that innervates the right atrioventricular valve.


  • 系统比较适合于供暖系统改造介绍了系统布置方法水管几种敷设形式

    This kind of system is suitable for reform of old systems. Presents the arrangement method of this system and layout types of its return pipes.


  • 论述好气性发酵节能空气预处理系统特点,并传统系统比较说明新系统的节能效果。

    The features of energy saving air pretreatment system used in fermentation with gas absorption were described in this article.


  • 因为黑暗光明开发者并不希望玩家在对游戏系统比较熟悉另行创建更加强大的角色

    Because the game developers of Dark and Light do not want to have players recreate a more optimized character once they have a better understanding of the system of gameplay.


  • 传统专家系统比较新的结构组合式灵活的,所以适合设计实现专家系统

    Comparing with conventional expert systems, the new one is combinatorial and flexible, so it is the expert system suitable for design and realization.


  • 当然创建一个我们这样顶级排名系统比较的复杂,接下来帖子里我会深入介绍排名背后技术

    Of course, there is a lot that goes into building a state-of-the-art ranking system like ours, and I will delve deeper into the technology behind it in a later post.


  • 新的理论以往中厚板理论系统比较表明,我们提出的厚板理论靠近弹性理论的结果

    A systematic comparison with the former theories of thick plates shows that the present theory of thick plates is closest to the result of the theory of elasticity.


  • 用于制备固定化dNA文库装置基因扩增的装置,温度控制方法以及系统比较基因的方法。

    Apparatus for immobilized DNA library preparation, apparatus for gene amplification, method for temperature control and method for comparing genes systematically.


  • 在对系统气体状态变化一些合理假设基础,本文较为详细地推导出系统比较完整数学模型

    On the basis of some hypotheses of the state variation of air, a general mathematical plant model is constructed. The model indicates that the system is an affine nonlinear system.


  • 通过田间花期接种鉴定室内赤霉病毒素接种胚芽鞘接种鉴定结果进行系统比较相关性统计分析。

    System comparison and negative correlation was observed between inoculation in flowering stage and inoculation with crude toxin produced by Fusarium Graminearum and coleoptiles inoculation.


  • 系统比较,再工程系统维护性、可扩展性、可重用性等主要性能指标上均获得了显著的改善

    Compared with the original system, the system of reengineering has a better performance of maintainability, extendibility and reusability.


  • 传统基于图像表述的视频会议系统比较虚拟会议系统能为人们提供更好的以人为中心交流

    Compared to conventional 2d-based video conferencing system, 3d virtual video conferencing can provide better quality of human-centered communication.


  • 专题可能涉及系统比较,所熟悉数据库技术系统应用实例,或是研究领域数据库相关的专题

    Your project may involve a comparison of systems we have read about, an application of database techniques to a system you are familiar with, or be a database-related project in your research area.


  • 黄河三角洲交互作用形成的退海地,土壤形成时间相对较地面植被演替频繁整个生态系统比较脆弱。

    Yellow river Delta is the retired land formed from the river-sea interaction, the soil formed shortly, and the vegetation evolves frequently, the whole ecosystem is vulnerable, too.


  • 本文系统比较医学传统医学教育不同结合实际阐述如何本科生的不同学习阶段进行循证医学干预。

    This paper makes a systematic comparison between EBM and traditional mode of medical education, and expatiates on how to introduce EBM at different stages of undergraduate study.


  • 怀孕妇女小孩老人那些免疫系统比较差的人群更加容易发生食物中毒这些食物中毒可以导致恶心呕吐腹泻发烧肢体疼痛等疾病。

    Pregnant women, young children, the elderly, and those with compromised immune systems are particularly vulnerable to food poisoning, which can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, and body aches.


  • 利用现场中试装置,系统比较预处理单元常规处理单元及深度处理单元中可生物降解有机物bdocaoc生成去除特性。

    In a pilot scale system, the formation and removal of BDOC and AOC were compared in the pre-treatment unit, traditional treatment unit and advanced treatment unit.


  • 采用计算机模拟方法系统比较目标数量性状遗传力标记密度对F2设计单个性状数量性状座位(QTL区间定位效果影响。

    The effects of interval mapping for quantitative trait loci(QTL) of single trait under different heritabilities and marker densities in a F2 population were compared by computer simulation.


  • 同时考虑维生素补充剂形态JENNINGS如果消化系统比较脆弱,那么液态维生素或者粉末状的超级食品都药片更易消化。”

    Consider the form you buy them in, too, says Jennings. ‘Liquid vitamins or powdered superfoods may be easier to digest than hard tablets, especially if your digestion is delicate.’


  • 穿法一般电动钻机采用,主要考虑到电控操作提升系统比较平稳; 花穿法一般在机械钻机上使用,以受力平衡缓解控操作带来的冲击载荷的影响。

    The sequent wire-pulling is used in electric powered rig as it has smooth lifting system and cross wire-pulling is used in mechanical rig as balanced force relief impact force by compressed ai.


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