• 吐哈田自91年投产以来随着开发地层压力逐年下降呈急剧上升趋势,特别是温出现了大批的高气给目前采用的有杆泵和电潜泵举升带来了一定的难度。

    TUHA oil field has been putting into production in 1991, with the development of TUHA oil field, the reservoir pressure is dropping off, the gas oil ratio(GOR) is quickly rising.


  • 起来有股爽身粉的味道,弗雷阿姨一样。

    She smelled of talcum powder and Coal Tar Soap, Jimmy thought, just like his Aunty Freda.


  • 使用平滑肌松弛剂薄荷盐酸比弗林可获得症状缓解

    Symptomatic relief can be obtained with smooth muscle relaxants such as peppermint oil or mebeverine hydrochloride.


  • 素食主义者可能需要考虑植物摄取一些3他们需要大量

    Vegetarians might need to consider getting some of their Omega 3 from vegetable oils, but they would need to eat large amounts.


  • 值得注意橄榄富含9其他两个含量较低所以我们需要换其他吗?

    Significantly, olive oil is full of Omega 9, but low in the other two. So do we need to switch?


  • 橄榄鱼肉中的欧伽3脂肪酸则有效减少大脑炎症发生。

    Omeag-3 fatty acid that come from olive oil and fish can reduce inflammation in the brain.


  • 我们早已知道亚麻发现的欧- 3脂肪酸有助于预防年龄相关的疾病心脏病

    Omega-3 fatty acids - found in fish oil and flaxseed - are already known to help protect you from such age-related illnesses as heart disease.


  • 同样重要包括一个来源加3脂肪亚麻亚麻籽

    It is also important to include a good source of omega-3 fats such as crushed flax seed or its oil.


  • 搓着湿手指

    Tommy rubbed his oil-wet fingertips.


  • 则瑞士航空公司的广告慕尼黑机场春小麦创作而成,覆盖面积超过了100 000平方这些小麦随后被镰刀掉,用亚麻上了

    Spread over 100,000 Square metres, the Swissair advert was created at Munich Airport out of Spring Barley, which was then mowed and coloured with linseed oil.


  • 则瑞士航空公司的广告慕尼黑机场春小麦创作而成,覆盖面积超过了100 000平方这些小麦随后被镰刀割掉,用亚麻上了色。

    Spread over 100, 000 Square metres, the Swissair advert was created at Munich Airport out of Spring Barley, which was then mowed and coloured with linseed oil.


  • 加工植物转化型脂肪酸富含欧加-6脂肪酸

    Processed vegetable oils and transfats are rich in Omega-6 fatty acids.


  • 20平方烘烤罐里深度大约4至5厘,盘内衬一层保鲜膜。

    Lightly oil a 20cm square baking tin to a depth of 4-5cm and line it with clingfilm.


  • 需要饮食包括各种水果蔬菜五谷杂粮、豆类橄榄坚果、低食物酸奶还有富含欧伽3脂肪酸鱼类

    It needs a diet that will consist of lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, olive oil, nuts, low-fat dairy products like yogurt and fish that provides the omega-3 fatty acids.


  • 17平方烘烤听罐内,里面贴上一层不粘的烘烤纸。

    Lightly oil a 17cm square baking tin and line with non-stick baking parchment.


  • 梅婧发现家里得格外不几天洪小玲就多

    Mei also realized that the rice and oil in the house were run out of very quickly and Hong asked for money to buy them frequently.


  • 丽根建议求职者不要试图成为雇主的万金:“人们希望告诉雇主说‘这个,还有这个这个这个!’

    Milligan advises job seekers to avoid trying to be all things to all employers: "People want to tell employers, 'I can do this and this and this and this!'


  • 歇尔·斯迈斯(以下简称MM):收集指甲已经10年了美容博客开始出现时,我发现自己已经超过400指甲

    Michelle Mismas: I had been collecting nail polishes for about 10 years and found myself with over 400 bottles by the time beauty blogs were starting to emerge.


  • 为了使局面得以控制,4,000,000加仑污水已经工作人员海上,1.4高的浮力栏也已经在海面展开。

    Four million gallons of oily water have been skimmed from the sea, and 1.4m feet of buoyant plastic booms have been unfurled to try to manage the situation.


  • 管道附近500以内的居民已被告知了计划。CCS项目发电厂其他工厂捕获二氧化碳,再利用废弃气田场所把它储存起来

    Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a process involving the capture of CO2 from power plants and other industrial sources for storage in sites such as depleted oil and gas fields.


  • 2004年石开采终于看见了产出,Mari - b每年大概有28亿立方天然气源源不断地抽出来,储量可能达到22亿立方

    Production began in 2004 at what is called the Mari-B, and some 2.8 billion cubic metres of gas are piped ashore each year from reserves that may be as large as 22 BCM.


  • 斯迈斯All LacqueredUp(大概是将所有指甲都涂指甲的意思)的编辑创建者,2007年推出时,这个网站自己宣传为“这里一个指甲狂热者的资源”,All Lacquered Up是第一仅仅关注指甲美容网站(有很多网站跟随了的灵感),那以后,它成为了主力来源。

    Launched in 2007, All Lacquered Up was the first beauty site to focus solely on the nail (many more have followed in its wake), and since then its become the go-to source. Here's what she had to say.


  • 只需高尔夫球袋中放一小婴儿毛巾即可

    Just keep a small bottle filled with baby oil in your golf bag along with a chamois cloth or towel.


  • 平底煎锅里倒入1植物

    Pour the vegetable oil into a frying pan to a depth of about 1cm.


  • 取出面团,放在上少许的案板上,用手将其稍微按长后,再用擀面棍成10厘,1厘长条面坯。

    Place the dough on a greased work surface and roll out to a 10-cm wide and 1-cm thick strip.


  • 3正在成为建议一部分个人饮食习惯

    Omega 3 oil is becoming a recommended part of one's diet.


  • 成份植物杆菌、胚芽、玻尿酸、维他命c胶原蛋白

    Ingredients: vegetal botulinum, rice germ oil, HA, vitamin c, collagen.


  • 23平方烘烤听罐中深度大约为5,加入少量葵花子,撒糖粉混合物。倒保留多余部分。

    Lightly grease a 23cm square tin with a depth of about 5cm with a little sunflower oil and dust with the icing sugar and cornflour mix, tipping out and reserving the excess.


  • 23平方烘烤听罐中深度大约为5,加入少量葵花子,撒糖粉混合物。倒保留多余部分。

    Lightly grease a 23cm square tin with a depth of about 5cm with a little sunflower oil and dust with the icing sugar and cornflour mix, tipping out and reserving the excess.


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