• 不可避免地,他们很快就会发现他们出钱但没有时间或明确战略来管理市场业务。 商业计划目的为建立企业做制备。

    The investigation of the thesis proposal was set up in order to create a business plan with the help of clear and well-thought decisions based on the professional marketing research.


  • 收益管理角度上看市场细分重要性在于清楚业务具有制定前瞻性策略能力

    The importance of segmentation from a revenue management perspective is in gaining an understanding of your business and being able to set forward-looking strategies.


  • 而且,她们掌握制工艺时,她们学会质量管理业务开发市场营销

    And as they mastered lamp construction, they also learned about quality control, business development and marketing.


  • 因为大部分市场业务下跌收益管理不得不抢夺竞争对手的市场份额维持自己市场地位达到预期目标

    With the general decline in business in most markets, revenue managers have to steal share from their competitive set to maintain performance and achieve budget targets.


  • 但是宝马高层管理人员他们希望变得依赖中国市场”,而是希望巩固它在美国业务

    But BMW executives say they do not want to "become dependent on the Chinese market" and want to strengthen the company's U.S. business.


  • 爆发危机以来,零售银行业投资银行业资产管理,小摩所有主营业务市场份额有所增长

    Since the crisis the bank has increased its market share in all its main businesses, from retail and investment banking to asset management.


  • 成功别无选择,只能了解中国市场商业文化,以及快速地学习调整自己管理风格适应业务情况

    To succeed, you have no choice but to understand Chinese market, business culture, learn fast and be flexible to adjust your management style to fit business situations.


  • 每个收益经理总经理必须通过收益管理级别和/市场分类对比酒店趋势了解“现时已有”业务情况。

    Each RM and GM must understand the business"on the books" in comparison with the hotel trend, by RM level and/or by market segment.


  • A 7掌握保险业务基本操作流程具有一定的保险经营管理保险精算分析能力,以及较市场营销能力。

    A7 Mastering the basic operation of the insurance business processes. Having certain ability of insurance operation and management and actuarial analysis, while possessing good skills of marketing.


  • 糟糕的市场环境破坏了银行经纪财富管理业务收益

    Poor market conditions undermine their returns from broking and wealth management.


  • 伴随着公司业务国内市场的不断拓展,我们诚邀更多汽车行业相关业务领域的管理技术精英加盟

    With the prosperous business in China market, we sincerely invite more managerial or technical elite in automotive industry or relevant to join us.


  • 人力资源外包市场正在渐趋成熟越来越多企业外包人力资源管理的某些业务成为一种趋势

    The market of human resource outsourcing is becoming more and more comprehensive, and there has been a trend that more and more enterprises outsource their human resource management.


  • CIMS企业提高市场竞争力手段之一管理业务是CIMS中的一项中心工作

    CIMS is one of the methods to enhance the market competition for enterprise. The business management is a main work in CIMS.


  • 银行通过风险管理可以减少由于业务变化市场变化以及人员失误等可能造成损失

    The banks through risk management can reduce potential loss that business variety, the market variety and personnel error may result in.


  • 有效管理船舶业务数据,有效地分析拓展航运市场,高效地开展客户服务,准确地进行业绩评估

    Secondly it can manage ships and transaction data efficiently, analyse and expand shipping market promptly and evaluate achievements accurately.


  • 中国服务外包公司欧美市场业务开拓客户关系管理方面拥有丰富经验

    She has rich experience in China service outsourcing company's business development in European and American market and client relationship management.


  • 我们业务涉及客户提供市场细分沟通效果产品开发管理、意度调查各种项目类型的研究、议和见解

    We provide research, advice and insights to our clients on market segmentation, advertising and communications, new product development, brand performance, stakeholder management, etc.


  • 市场一直传言雷曼兄弟打算出售颇具价值资产管理业务以及数目巨大商业抵押贷款相关资产过去几日,此类流言更加甚嚣尘上

    Talk that Lehman is looking to sell a chunk its much-prized asset-management business as well as large amounts of commercial mortgage-related assets, has intensified in the past few days.


  • 课题用户消费需求管理需求、传媒广告需求以及其他信息需求四个方面对号码百事通相关业务进行市场定位分析重点业务选择

    According to user desire, this research analyze the market positioning of Best Tone related businesses and key business selection from consumption, management, media, and other information aspects.


  • 业务亚太地区总部上海,由通用汽车国际运营(GMIO)管理监督亚太,欧洲拉美南美市场

    For this region, the operation is headquartered in Shanghai under General Motors International Operations (GMIO), which oversees Asia-Pacific, Europe, Latin America and South America.


  • 本文旨在CRM指导思想,将CRM管理理念融入到S公司大客户管理中心组织结构业务流程数据管理市场决策

    Taking CRM as thinking guidance, the aim of this article focuses on taking thinking of CRM into VIP management center structure, business circuit, data management and market decision in s company.


  • 公司法籍高级管理师领携经营,另聘请多名外籍专业人士打理业务全新国际化营销理念开拓中国葡萄酒市场

    Company is managed by a French manager, and employs a numbers of professional foreign employees to control the operation, in order to explore Chinese market with new marketing philosophy.


  • 成熟市场环境下MBO减少公司代理成本激励管理上市公司企业集团实施业务重组的重要手段

    Under the developed market conditions, MBO is an important means to cut back corporate agency cost, motivate management, and prompt listed companies and conglomerates to restructure themselves.


  • 比如,市场意识淡薄、经营思想落后,管理体制业务流程不适应市场竞争,经营管理机制不健全,客户提供综合性的服务能力差、员工素质偏低等。

    But our disadvantages seem more serious, especially on the respect of marketing sense, dealing mind, management system, business flow and the comprehensive quality of our employees.


  • 今天全球市场许多组织利用ISO 13485作为一个建立他们业务管理系统平台

    In today's global marketplace, many organizations are utilizing ISO 13485 as a platform to build their business management system.


  • 市场参与者设置准入标准包括机构准入标准、业务准入标准、高级管理人员的准入标准等。

    The admission standards for the market participants include the standards for agencies, business and superior managers.


  • 提高竞争力中国出口商就必须业务管理进行升级,以便市场中立足

    To improve their competitive edge, China exporters must upgrade business management practices to remain viable in the marketplace.


  • 乔布斯管理下,苹果罕见地将技术市场认知业务流程人才融为一体。

    Apple, with Steve Jobs, has demonstrated a rare convergence of technology, market understanding, business process, and people.


  • 今年年初,该公司宣布全球招募13管理人员,负责研发资产管理业务市场重要领域工作。

    AVIC earlier this year announced plans to recruit 13 executives from around the world in key areas such as research, asset management, business development and marketing.


  • 今年年初,该公司宣布全球招募13管理人员,负责研发资产管理业务市场重要领域工作。

    AVIC earlier this year announced plans to recruit 13 executives from around the world in key areas such as research, asset management, business development and marketing.


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