• 一张颧骨突出棱角分明

    He had an angular face with prominent cheekbones.


  • 城堡遗迹黑暗轮廓暗淡光线下显得格外突出

    The dark silhouette of the castle ruins stood out boldly against the fading light.


  • 去年柯林斯写了一首感人叙事诗,突出描写了无家可归者苦境

    Last year Collins wrote a moving ballad which highlighted the plight of the homeless.


  • 突出北京和平发展承诺认可过去重要性

    It highlights Beijing's commitment to peaceful development and the importance of acknowledging the past.


  • 应该突出能为公司提供什么比如特定技能经验

    It should highlight what you have to offer the company, such as a specific skill or experience.


  • 除了得漂亮兴趣广泛之外,学业表现非常突出

    Apart from her striking looks and wide range of hobbies, Jane has an outstanding performance at her studies.


  • 这些感觉突出情感情绪成分它们态度重要组成部分

    These feelings highlight the affective or emotional component; they are an important ingredient in attitudes.


  • 事实上聪明孩子突出的特点他们有可能成长聪明的成年人

    As a matter of fact, the outstanding thing that happens to bright kids is that they are very likely to grow into bright adults.


  • 一时期初期突出特点之一是日耳曼将军罗马帝国军队中的显著地位。

    One of the most outstanding features at the beginning of this period was the prominence of Germanic generals in the high command of the Roman Imperial army.


  • 1337年,彼特拉克开始撰写杂文《论名人》,主要突出古典英雄美德。

    In 1337, Petrarch began work on his rambling writing De Viris Illustribus—On Famous Men, highlighting the virtus (or virtue) of classical heroes.


  • 黄瓜大厦由瓜类巧妙建成,并饰青豆,突出著名螺旋形玻璃框架

    The Gherkin is cunningly crafted out of two types of melon and embedded with green beans to highlight its renowned spiraling glass frames.


  • 相对飞机而言,高列车突出优势在于准时因为基本天气交通管制的影响。

    Compared with the airplane, the outstanding advantage of the CRH train is punctuality, because it is basically not affected by weather or traffic control.


  • 相对飞机而言列车突出优势在于准时因为基本天气或者交通管制的影响。

    Compared with planes, the outstanding advantage of high-speed trains is their punctuality, for it is scarcely influenced by weather conditions or traffic control.


  • 美国劳联以外的人,美国劳工协会,在反对龚帕斯的斗争中扮演了突出倡导角色

    The fact that AFL outsiders such as the AALL had taken the most prominent advocacy roles antagonized Gompers.


  • 几世纪这些问题关于社会公正妇女权利公开讨论仍然突出一点尤其令人震惊

    It's particularly striking centuries later when these issues are still prominent in public discussions about social justice and women's rights.


  • 重要一场教育运动旨在突出各种种族缺陷”的当代现实影响黑人不论阶级不平等状况

    It is, more importantly, an educational campaign to highlight the contemporary reality of "racial deficits" of all kinds, the unequal conditions that impact blacks regardless of class.


  • 能力方面所有同事都突出

    He stood out in terms of competence from all his fellows.


  • 突出乐队的特色演出一种锐气

    Featuring new bands gives the show an edge.


  • 节目突出报道了公共医疗机构财政问题

    The programme spotlights financial problems in the health service.


  • 劳工部数字突出显示经济复苏的不稳定。

    The Labour Department figures underscore the shaky state of the economic recovery.


  • 一事件突出显示边界地区旅行危险

    This incident underlines the danger of travelling in the border area.


  • 最初中,弗格森迪金森表现突出

    In the earlier rounds, Ferguson and Dickinson were the standouts.


  • 头发朝脸后拢,使高高的颧骨显得更为突出

    She swept her hair back from her face to emphasize her high cheekbones.


  • 款式得当泳衣有助于的意愿掩饰缩小突出某些部位。

    The right style of swimsuit can help to hide, minimize, or emphasize what you want it to.


  • 重塑形象还是突出旧形象?

    Are you looking to refresh your image or pivot it?


  • 突出关键词。

    It makes key words noticeable.


  • 也利用可见光找到不自然的颜色。这种颜色令塑料变得突出

    She also uses visible light to find unnatural colors that might make the plastics stand out.


  • 画了五颜六色的海报,上面突出展现着他的沙堡和问题:“你能超越这个吗?”

    He painted colorful posters featuring (突出) his sandcastle and the question, "Can you top this?"


  • 原来那个突出块骨头

    The protrusion turned out to be a bone.


  • 引入扁平字符为了突出圆形字符。

    The flat character is introduced solely for the purpose of allowing the round character to show off.


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