• 船只堵墙通过条隧道然后穿过水闸最后到达联合运河

    Boats travel under this wall via a tunnel, then through the locks, and finally on to the Union Canal.


  • 一家品牌独特香味出名这种香味通过制作香味的机器穿过漆黑大厅,飘门口

    A brand store has become famous for its distinctive scent which floats through the fairly dark hall and out to the entrance, via scent machines.


  • TEMs工作原理是通过发射电子穿过某种物质测量如何吸收偏转粒子建立样本图像

    TEMs work by firing a beam of electrons through the material and measuring how it absorbs and deflects the particles to build up an image of the sample.


  • 火车到达英吉利海峡的时间卡车货车可以通过驳船运到伯兰,驳船通常需要一个小时就穿过英吉利海峡

    Trains can reach the channel more quickly than trucks, and freight cars can be transported to Burland by barges that typically cross the channel in an hour.


  • "目前讨论集中穿过迷宫路线通过左右转弯顺序还是通过指南针方位距离”的信息传达的。

    Discussion now centres on whether the route through the maze is communicated as a "left-right" sequence of turns or as a "compass bearing and distance" message.


  • 它是通过发射电子穿过样本来形成图像因此每一个切片制作成像

    In this the electrons that form the image pass through the sample, so the individual slices have to be prepared and examined.


  • 显微照片通过扫描穿过样品电子束获得的,同时检测器样品表面反弹的电子进行追踪这些电子显示了标本外形

    This photomicrograph was obtained by scanning a beam of electrons across the sample while a detector kept track of electrons bouncing off its surface, betraying the specimen's outer shape.


  • 关系WSDM 定义了能够资源或者通过注册表穿过的关系,这样发现另外一些参与管理资源

    Relationships: WSDM defines relationships that can be traversed from a resource or through a registry to find additional manageable resources as participants.


  • 它们存在大小质量已经通过仔细观察这些行星经过穿过开普勒11跟前让其光芒减弱程度得到了确定

    Their presence, sizes, and masses have been determined by carefully watching the planets dim the light of Kepler-11 while transiting or crossing in front of the star itself.


  • 抵达他家我们需要通过条之字型小路并且穿过斑马线

    To get to his house, we needed to pass a zigzag path and crossed several zebra crossings.


  • 量子隧穿效应是指粒子能够穿过正常来说能量不足以通过障碍

    Quantum tunneling is an effect where a particle can pass through a barrier it would not normally have the energy to overcome.


  • 系统扫描平台铁轨上运行通过移动穿过静态车辆货物进行操作。

    The System \ 's scanning platform operates by moving on rails past stationary vehicles and cargo.


  • 这些传感器根据量子隧道效应原理工作,只要间隔的距离非常微小,电子穿过经典物理学认为不能通过的势垒。

    The sensors rely on quantum tunnelling, in which electrons take journeys that would not be allowed by the laws of classical physics, as long as the distances involved are tiny.


  • 但是细菌修复法——即将细菌通过一种可除去凝胶涂作品表面——允许水分穿过或者改变绘画作品其他

    But the bacteria treatment, placed on the works' surfaces via a removable gel, did not allow moisture to penetrate or alter other layers of the paintings.


  • 由于分子容易被电离通过纳米孔的电压落差有助于牵引dna穿过微孔。

    Since the molecule is easily ionized, voltage drops across the nanopore help "pull" the DNA through.


  • 镶嵌天花板熠熠发光担当向导到达旅行者通过滑行功能的地板移动穿过宽阔的人行天桥到达电梯大厅

    Guided by twinkling lights embedded in the terminal's ceiling, arriving visitors glide up ramped floors and across broad pedestrian Bridges before spilling out onto the elevated concourse.


  • 然而经过岁月洗礼,这些局促而低矮平房大都变得摇摇欲坠,要穿过一些狭窄到只有风能通过才能到达。

    Many more, though, have been converted over the years into a ramshackle collection of cramped, one-storey homes, accessed via the narrowest of winding pathways.


  • 通过小心地触摸他们摄影预先构建花儿形状侧耳倾听风儿穿过叶子的沙沙声,他们得以准确感知树木的方位。

    They may touch a flower to sense its shape before photographing it, or listen intently for the wind blowing through leaves to locate a tree.


  • 只能通过走路才能到达村庄蜿蜒的小径穿过部落种植稻谷的洼地。

    The village is only accessible on foot, the path meandering through meadows in which the tribe is growing paddy.


  • 步伐像个技巧娴熟冒险家一次次地被迫带着游客穿过之前胜利通过的地方。

    He has the demeanour of a skilled adventurer who has been forced to guide tourists repeatedly through his former conquests.


  • 除了通过简单直线光来拉动物体,格里尔已经开始探索用曲线环线甚至是绳结那样相互穿过路径的光线来拉动物体。

    Instead of pulling objects along a simple straight line, Grier has begun to explore curves, loops and even knotted paths that cross themselves.


  • 黄石公园里三个幽深峡谷。它们通过那些延续了64万河流斜着穿过黄石高原火山灰岩

    Three deep canyons are located in the park, cut through the volcanic tuff of the Yellowstone Plateau by rivers over the last 640,000 years.


  • 爱探险可以选择条“离步道”路线,公园管理员带领下通过狭窄的入口,借用绳索梯子穿过光滑到达溶洞。拍摄于2010年12月18日。

    Adventurous visitors can opt for several "off-trail" Tours guided by park rangers through narrow passage ways, across slick flow stone and down ropes and ladders.


  • DNA被拉进硅基芯片的直径2nm随着穿过小孔,芯片可以通过电荷读取链上的编码序列

    Basically, a DNA strand is pushed through a 2nm hole on a silicon chip and, as it moves through, that chip is able to use an electrical charge to read the strand's coding sequence.


  • 现在来自美国明尼苏达电气系研究人员已经能够通过软件手段利用脑电波控制计算机里的直升机穿过一个构建3D障碍物上的虚拟圆环

    Now a team of University of Minnesota engineers has upped the ante with software that lets people use EEG to move a computerized helicopter through virtual rings on a 3-D obstacle course.


  • 现在来自美国明尼苏达电气系研究人员已经能够通过软件手段利用脑电波控制计算机里的直升机穿过一个构建3D障碍物上的虚拟圆环

    Now a team of University of Minnesota engineers has upped the ante with software that lets people use EEG to move a computerized helicopter through virtual rings on a 3-D obstacle course.


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