• 第二我们穿上滑雪服戴上手套带上滑雪板走到外面雪地上。

    The next day, we put on our ski suits and gloves, took our skis and went outside onto the snow.


  • 穿上长袍带上防毒面罩帽子长靴喷洒我的苹果树时,就亚当一样,我会在想也许准备啃下一口了

    As I gown up to spray my apple trees, donning face mask, hat and boots, I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 'm thinking that, like Adam, I may be ready to bite.


  • 完全不必要带上他们如果沙滩上需要防晒干脆穿上连衣裙吧。

    They are completely unnecessary, if you need to cover up on a beach, then just get dressed.


  • 那些喜欢日光浴的人们现在海滩之前都要穿上长袖衬衫带上顶软软的帽子

    People who used to sunbathe on the beach now don long-sleeved shirts and floppy hats when they head to the sand.


  • 这样早上要做的只剩下早餐稍微梳洗一下穿上衣服,带上所有东西出门

    Then the morning is simply eating breakfast, a little grooming, getting dressed, and gathering everything together before you head out the door.


  • 为了今年主题维多利亚式蒸汽庞克”相符合,展览会上模特们都穿上带上假发,手拿雨伞,营造过去影像

    In keeping with this year's theme, "Victorian Steam Punk," models were costumed in hoop skirts, wigs and umbrellas conjuring up images of the past.


  • 然后他们穿上衣服过道上,听到门喀哒一声上了。

    Then they dressed and stepped out onto the landing. They shut the door and heard the lock click.


  • 时候,上学前班第一穿上最喜欢外套——她的“工装”(条细条纹的背带裤)——然后神气活现地带上她的“大力坦克托马斯”饭盒

    On her first day of preschool, at age two, she wore her favorite outfit-her "engineers" (a pair of pin-striped overalls) -and proudly toted her Thomas the Tank engine lunchbox.


  • 小姑娘妈妈:“应该外婆看看带上一些鸡蛋老人家,你穿上的小红袄,穿过片树林她家。”

    The girl’s mother said, "You shall show Grandmother your red coat, and you shall take some eggs to her. You shall put on your little red coat and go through the forest to her house."


  • 8分钟到达飞机跑道,努干直升机两个发动机开始发动穿上防弹衣带上武器最后设备进行检查

    It takes eight minutes to drive to the airstrip, start the Chinook helicopter's two engines, put on body armour and weapons and make a final equipment check.


  • 寒冷凶恶大雪一次次威胁人们投降人们不甘示弱个个穿上毛皮大衣带上绒毛手套。

    Cold evil snow again threatening the people to surrender, but people not to be outdone, all wearing a fur coat, with wool gloves.


  • 人们要求囤积货物穿上暴走带上自行车安全帽或者在家

    People are being asked to stockpile goods, don walking boots or cycle helmets, or stay at home.


  • 穿上雨衣带上手电加入了抗洪战斗

    Armed with raincoat and flashlight, he joined in the fight against the flood.


  • 穿上外套,把一排手枪插在。 “来吧鼹鼠,”他一鼹鼠獾,急切地,“咱们白天时光回去。

    So he had his overcoat on, and his pistols thrust into his belt again. 'Come along, Mole, ' he said anxiously, as soon as he caught sight of them. 'We must get off while it's daylight.


  • 那么穿上休闲服带上一些水果饮料吧

    Then, put on your casual clothes and pack some fruit and beverages.


  • 天气预报接下来天气状况依然恶劣,如果真的下定决心一定圣诞期间英国一定注意保暖穿上雪鞋,甚至带上雪橇

    So with more bad weather forecast, if you are absolutely determined to come to the UK over the Christmas then you ought to wrap up warm, pack your snowshoes and even bring a sledge.


  • 了,先忘了亲吻青蛙这回事儿吧,穿上舞鞋跳舞,带上装备网球去吧!

    Well forget kissing frogs and try playing tennis or putting your party shoes on.


  • 再次来临了,邀请参加婚礼,穿上漂亮的礼服,买来精美包装的礼物带上乐观微笑

    Wedding season is here again. Your attendance has been requested. Dust off your finest, buy a well-wrapped gift, and slap on an optimistic smile.


  • 身着特制服装带上头盔,穿上救生衣以防皮筏倾翻或者沉入水中

    You have to wear special clothing, a helmet and a life jacket, just in case your raft gets turned upside down or sinks.


  • 穿上舒适鞋子皮靴另外额外带上一双袜子那样需要的时候的袜子替换

    Wear comfortable shoes or boots, and take along an extra pair of socks. That way you'll have dry socks to change into if you need them.


  • 近期趋势新娘子其闺友们披上面纱、带上L现在,即便大家穿上奇装异服也不罕见

    Recent trends have seen the bride dressed up by her friends in veils and 'l plates' but now it's common to see the whole group in fancy dress.


  • 太阳镜帽子,游泳衣,防晒霜,。如果想探索沉没公墓,要带上呼吸管,潜水镜脚蹼如果要登上火山建议穿上结实的鞋子和足够的

    Swimming suit, hat, sunglasses and sunscreen for everybody. Snorkel, mask and fins for exploring the Sunken Cemetery. If you go up to the Old Volcano we recommend good shoes and enough to drink.


  • 我们驱车送不远处一座冰封湖畔穿上雪鞋怎么行走,然后带上钓具步行上的冰窟窿边垂钓。

    After a short drive to a frozen lake we'll show you how to walk on snowshoes. With our fishing equipment we'll walk onto the ice of the lake where we'll fish through a hole in the ice.


  • 我们驱车送不远处一座冰封湖畔穿上雪鞋怎么行走,然后带上钓具步行上的冰窟窿边垂钓。

    After a short drive to a frozen lake we'll show you how to walk on snowshoes. With our fishing equipment we'll walk onto the ice of the lake where we'll fish through a hole in the ice.


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