• 人们看到具体行为如何时间空间背景相关联

    One is also able to see how specific acts are related to a temporal and spatial context.


  • 第一章主要讨论故事中的空间背景

    The spatial settings are mostly confined in enclosed spaces;


  • 空间背景线索效应内隐的。

    Spatial contextual cueing effect was implicit.


  • 本文空间目标空间背景的辐照特性进行分析,建立物理计算模型。

    In this paper, by analyzing the radiation characteristics of space target and space background, the modulation of them are built.


  • 目标干扰颜色不一致空间背景线索效应消失平行加工来解释

    Spatial contextual cueing effect disappeared when target and distractors had different colors. This could be explained by parallel processing.


  • 随着航天科技迅猛发展空间背景合作目标分割问题已经成为人们关注焦点

    With the rapid development of space technology, space background of the division of non-cooperative target has become the new focus of concern.


  • 研究通过三个系列研究,系统探讨目标干扰不同关系空间背景线索效应影响

    The study systemically explored the influence of the relationship between target and distractors on spatial contextual cueing effect through three series.


  • 目标干扰视觉关系一致,无论它们语义关系是否一致,都会导致空间背景线索效应消失

    Spatial contextual cueing effect disappeared when visual relationship between target and distractors was inconsistent in spite of their semantic relationship.


  • 因此我们首先需了解希伯特空间背景基本观念接着针对RKHS解释说明平滑算法先验算法之间关系

    We first provide the background to the concept of Hilbert space, introduce RKHS, and then clarify the relation between smoothness and apriori knowledge on the solution in RKHS.


  • 太空行走者迈克尔·古德身穿白色太空服,空间背景几乎看不到,参加STS-132任务第三次也是最后一次的太空行走

    Spacewalker Michael Good, barely visible in his white spacesuit against the space station, participated in the STS-132 mission's third and final spacewalk.


  • 不同文化背景对于时间个人空间重要基本世界观可能不同的认识。

    It's possible that people from different cultures have different assumptions about the world regarding such important and basic ideas as time, personal space.


  • 正如下图看到一个白色空间拍摄的,白色的背景,白色的天花板作为反光板用。

    As you will see on the examples below, I am shooting in a white space made up of a white background, white ceiling, white walls and white reflectors.


  • 是的需要填充更多空间但是并不意味着必须使用背景图像大量表格或者许多内容来填充。

    Yes, you have more space to fill, but this doesn't mean that you must fill it with large background images, tons of tables, or simply lots of content.


  • 哈勃空间望远镜担任的后续观测2005年分离出发自背景恒星、经过前方恒星时略有偏移光线

    Follow-up observations by Hubble Space Telescope in 2005 separated the light of the slightly offset foreground star from the background star.


  • 宇宙微波背景,也就是宇宙爆炸后散布于宇宙空间微波辐射测量已经证实能量存在

    The presence of dark energy has been independently backed up by measurements of the cosmic microwave background, the radiation left over from the big bang.


  • 如果登录创建自定义背景会在该安装所有业务空间使用

    If you create a custom background image for the log-in page, it will be used across all of the business Spaces for that installation.


  • 欧洲航天局最近开始投运普朗克空间望远镜,在能画出更为灵敏的宇宙微波背景辐射的天体就可能解决这个问题

    The European Space Agency's recently launched Planck space telescope might settle the issue when it makes the most sensitive maps yet of the CMB.


  • 地球概貌深邃漆黑宇宙空间背景奋进号上由加拿大人制造的机器人手臂展现在画面里,成为国际空间一景。

    Backdropped against Earth's horizon and the blackness of space, Endeavour's Canadian-built robot arm appears amidst elements of the International space Station.


  • headerID尺寸现在符合iPhone视窗大小,并且手动更改背景图片适应空间大小。

    The dimensions of the #header ID class are now in line with the iPhone viewport, and I manually changed the background image to fit in the space.


  • 头脑中,始终要有这样认识:背景图像只是显示一个可供内容填充的有效空间(内容区域和padding,称为doorway)。

    Keep in mind that background images only show in the available "doorway" of the element to which they're applied (content area + padding).


  • 此刻对于我们这些具有程序设计语言背景的人来说,似乎不是主要问题反映出模块命名空间语言工作方式

    Now, for those of us with a programming language background, this does not seem like a major problem; it mirrors the way packages, modules, or namespaces work in languages.


  • 因为高度适应图形默认情况下,样式任何背景图像不会打印出来,在你的非常的页眉标题周围只有空白的空间

    Since the height of the header is to accommodate the graphics, and by default, any background images in your styles will not print, you will just have empty space around your very large header title.


  • 太空行走者迈克尔.古德身穿白色太空服空间背景很难被分辨出来,正在进行STS-132项目第三次也是最后一次的太空行走

    Spacewalker Michael Good, barely visible in his white spacesuit against the station, participated in the STS-132 mission's third and final spacewalk.


  • 本文就是在这样背景,对高等学校教学建筑交往空间设计方法展开研究力求得出相关设计方法设计原则。

    Under the background, this thesis sets to research on the communication space of college teaching building, and intents to educe the design method and the design principle.


  • 正在创造这个背景、这个机会、这个空间,我正在各种各样挑战

    And I am creating this context, this opportunity, this space, and I am giving you all kinds of challenges.


  • 除了添加文字图像可以添加画布一个空间背景颜色

    Apart from add text to images, you can also add to canvas which is a space with a background color.


  • 没有多少家具他们轻轻地融入背景干预进入生活艺术空间

    There isn't much furniture but they gently merge into the background, not interfering into living and artistic space.


  • 出现库切列乡间别墅个镶着木板房间里是一个具有异国风情的朴素空间除了背景里的一瓶部分窗帘几乎看不到别的东西。

    He appears in a wood - paneled room in Kucherena's dacha, a modest, foreign - looking space, with little to see except a vase of flowers and some curtains in the background.


  • 出现库切列乡间别墅个镶着木板房间里是一个具有异国风情的朴素空间除了背景里的一瓶部分窗帘几乎看不到别的东西。

    He appears in a wood - paneled room in Kucherena's dacha, a modest, foreign - looking space, with little to see except a vase of flowers and some curtains in the background.


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