• 使用样本空间排序给出指数分布情形不相同定时截尾试验平均寿命置信下限估计方法。

    Sample space order method is used to give the lower confident limits of mean life under unequal time truncations for exponent distribution.


  • 基于K区间数据,利用样本空间排序法给出参数优良置信下限和计算置信下限推公式。

    In the case of K type interval censored data, the lower confidence limit of parameter is studied based on the order relation established in the sample space.


  • 每个文件都有各自搜索向量空间并且每个文件中的结果数字排序

    Each file has its own vector space to search, and the results are numerically sorted within each file.


  • 这样将创建一个直观链接排序,并留下空间用于作用域的进一步修改

    This creates a straightforward reordering of the links, with room for further modification of the scores.


  • 参数用于提高用户排序空间默认内存

    This parameter allows you to increase the default memory for user sort space.


  • 为了复杂信息架构进行合适视觉表达允许用户不同角度来图片进行排序显示简单表格可浏览3d空间

    For a visual representation of the complex information architecture, it allows the user to sort and present the content in different ways, from a simple grid to a navigable 3d space.


  • 对于OLTP应用程序所需排序临时空间比较少打开少数并发游标

    For OLTP applications, there should be less sorting and temp space required and only a handful of concurrent cursors opened at a time.


  • 如果数据库许多视图尤其是如果有许多带有可排序标题的视图,则结构占用大量磁盘空间

    If a database has many views, especially views with sortable column headings, this structure can use a substantial amount of disk space.


  • 根据距离增强文档对文档进行排序许多空间应用程序常见要求

    Boosting and sorting documents by distance is a common requirement for many spatial applications.


  • 对于经常用于执行排序操作临时空间应该这样

    The same is true for temporary tablespaces often used for performing sort operations.


  • DSNDB07创建空间用作处理SQL联接排序以及临时存储

    Table Spaces that you create in DSNDB07 will be used as storage for processing SQL joins and sorts as well as for temporary tables.


  • LargestSort磁盘使用最大排序空间

    Largest sort provides the maximum sort space used on disk.


  • 看到这个标记就应该知道搜索链表复杂度为O(n),进行二进制搜索时(已排序)的空间复杂度为log(n)。

    Using this notation, you should know that search through a list is O(n) and binary search (through a sorted list) is log(n).


  • W3C专用规范形式规范提供了这种机制,基本上目标子树内外名称空间声明进行排序

    The W3C provides for this in the exclusive canonical form specification, which is almost entirely concerned with sorting out namespace declarations within and outside the target subtree.


  • 演示如何根据索引中的空间信息文档进行排序增强过滤

    Namely, I am going to demonstrate how to sort, boost, and filter documents based on spatial information in the index.


  • 我们极释放自由空间中,比如说放到电场里,他们自动排序按同一方向。

    If we put a dipole that has the freedom to move, we put that dipole in an electric field, it will align itself with the field lines.


  • 如果索引空间使用较大缓冲并且尽可能不同 insert排序以便排好序的,而不是随机的,可以帮助加快索引维护

    You can help speed up index maintenance by using a large buffer pool for the index tablespace, and, if possible, ordering the inserts so that the key values are ordered, not random.


  • 网络信息检索中基于文档向量空间分类聚类排序相关性反馈需要计算相似度

    In network information retrieval, based on document vector space, class, cluster, ranking and relevance feedback need to compute similarity.


  • 为了提高图形渲染程序性能根据统一脚本核心硬件的特征,提出一种在材质空间进行二次排序场景组织算法。

    In order to improve the performance of graphics rendering process, we proposed the algorithm based on unified shader core, which sorted objects in their material space.


  • 基于分解策略,将船体曲面分段空间调度问题划分一系列分段排序分段填空过程。

    Hull curved block spatial scheduling problem was divided into a series of block sequencing problems and block packing problems by means of decomposition strategy.


  • 网格本身自适应意思如果没有足够的水平空间考虑宽度排水沟物品减少和网格将排序

    The grid itself is adaptive, meaning that if there is not enough horizontal space considering the width and the gutter of the items, the column count will decrease and the grid will re-order.


  • 方法新颖性在于定义时间序列归状态时,不仅考虑局部空间距离而且考虑局部排序模式分布结构

    The innovation of HRP is that the recurrence is defined not only by local phase space distance, but also by the local order patterns structure of a time series.


  • HSV颜色空间定义了一种新的矢量排序方法

    In the HSV color space, a new vector sorting method is defined.


  • 这些绘画创造一些室内空间-大幅点燃鼓,一肺部阳光沐浴节游泳池内部结构排序

    The paintings all create some sort of interior space - a sharply lit drum set, the inner structure of a human lung, a section of a swimming pool bathed in sunlight.


  • 同时GIS数据排序方法以及图形空间关系检查做了讨论,并探讨将扩展模型应用土地GIS基础数据的质量控制检查工作中,提高数据检查工作的效率和自动化程度。

    The method of GIS data sorting is also achieved in this paper. With the application of this update model, the job of land GIS basic data quality control and inspection will be more efficient.


  • 温伯格建议如果橱柜的空间有限,就得对存放东西按重要性排序

    If you have limited closet space, prioritize where you store your things, Ms. Winberg advised.


  • 利用SLDF度量空间对象离群程度计算空间数据集中点对象的SLDF并对进行排序,将取值较大M个点对象作为空间群点。

    The algorithm uses SLDF to measure the deviate degree of space points object. It calculates all the points' SLDF, sorts by their values, and uses the top M as the space outlier.


  • 本例实现排序算法分析中一个经典空间换时间的案例。

    Binsort is a classical implementation of the idea that sacrificing space to improve efficiency.


  • 本例实现排序算法分析中一个经典空间换时间的案例。

    Binsort is a classical implementation of the idea that sacrificing space to improve efficiency.


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