• 空白加上了评语

    She added her comments in the margin.


  • 可以通过空白添加评论来使文件与众不同。

    You can individualize a document by adding comments in the margins.


  • 带给一种快乐欢愉感觉填补生命中的空白

    She brought him a sense of fun, of gaiety that filled a gap in his life.


  • 摇摇晃晃地走上讲台调好麦克风咳嗽了几声接着脑子就一片空白

    Unsteadily he mounted the podium, adjusted the microphone, coughed, and went completely blank.


  • 凯瑟琳找到了一封来源不明空白信封

    Catherine found a blank, unidentified envelope.


  • 下列哪个句子适合第四空白

    Which of the following is the best sentence to fill in the blank in Paragraph 4?


  • 要求读者几乎成为一个作家然后填补空白

    It demands that the reader almost become a writer and fill in the gaps.


  • 大多数学生空白写下疑问简短笔记

    Most students write questions or short notes in the margins.


  • 这部著作填补了我国考古学文献中的一个空白

    The work fills (in) a gap which has hitherto existed in our archaeological literature.


  • 课文末尾空白填上适当的单词短语

    Please fill in the blank at the end of the text with a proper word or phrase.


  • 他们留出空白以便录音插入谈话内容

    They leave a blank space so that they can insert their dialogue while listening to the recording.


  • 仍然现在眼光空白而且穿透了我。

    Still, he stared at me. Now his eyes were blank and looking through me.


  • 我们一定要争一口气,祖国工业这项空白填补上。

    We are determined to bring credit to our country by filling this gap in our industry.


  • 科齐泰克所在曼彻斯特科技高中试图填补空白

    Koziatek's Manchester School of Technology High school is trying to fill that gap.


  • 正在上课时候,你有没有笔记本空白过画?

    When you're sitting in class, have you ever drawn pictures in the margins of your notebooks?


  • 空白之地大片沙地覆盖了四分之一阿拉伯半岛

    The "Empty Quarter" is a huge area of sand that covers about a quarter of the Arabian Peninsula.


  • 与其着看,不如开始空白处写字不管是多么糟糕文字

    Instead of staring at a blank, start filling it with words no matter how bad.


  • 与其着看,不如开始空白处写字,不管是多么糟糕文字

    Instead of staring at a blank start filling it with words no matter how bad.


  • 要么留下很多空白,要么就做出历史学家应该做的更多假设

    I'd either have to leave a lot of gaps or make a lot more assumptions than a historian should.


  • 让我们一下这样我们就有空白现在到底发生什么?

    Let's swivel it around for just a moment, so we have a blank slate and now what's really going on?


  • 记住每个人都希望睁开眼睛可以出发了大脑一片空白

    Remember there is hope for everyone! Open your eyes and you are ready to go! Your mind goes blank!


  • 继续我们沙漠湖泊讨论现在把重点放在所谓空白之地”上。

    Continuing our discussion of desert lakes, now I want to focus on what's known as the "Empty Quarter".


  • 因为这些都是权威道德标准,所以这个空白必须描述建立这些标准的行为。

    Since these are authoritative ethical standards, the word that fills the blank must describe the act of establishing those standards.


  • 如果要添加单词正确位置插入标记然后缺失的单词写在空白处。

    If you add a word, put an insertion mark in the right place and write the missing word in the blank.


  • 根据这项研究,有两个因素空白之地湖泊形成重要:首先那里降雨十分猛烈。

    According to the study, two factors were important for lake formation in the Empty Quarter: first the rains that fell there were torrential.


  • 过去也有一些时候雨季雨水浸透了片“空白之地”,沙漠变成点缀湖泊草原,成为各种动物家园

    But there've been times in the past when monsoon rains soaked the Empty Quarter and turned it from a desert into grassland that was dotted with lakes and home to various animals.


  • 这些变化现代观测时间范围内几乎是看不见而且有人认为,这些变化常常不完善化石记录中的无数空白所掩盖

    Such changes are all but invisible over the short time scale of modern observations, and, it is argued, they are usually obscured by innumerable gaps in the imperfect fossil record.


  • 优秀学生上交篇文章时,他们梦想着老师能把原封不动还给他们除了最后一空白加了:“完美无瑕”。

    When good students turn in an essay, they dream of their instructor returning it to them in exactly the same condition, save for a single word added in the margin of the final page: "Flawless."


  • 古德曼希望计划积极主动学生填补他们经验中的空白鼓励他们不那么积极主动的同龄人从事他们学术领域以外工作

    Goodman hopes the scheme will enable active students to fill in any gaps in their experience and encourage their less-active peers to take up activities outside their academic area of work.


  • 古德曼希望计划积极主动学生填补他们经验中的空白鼓励他们不那么积极主动的同龄人从事他们学术领域以外工作

    Goodman hopes the scheme will enable active students to fill in any gaps in their experience and encourage their less-active peers to take up activities outside their academic area of work.


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