• 积雪覆盖持续时间也是1966年开始记录以来最短的。

    Snow cover duration was also at a record minimum, going back to since record-keeping began in 1966.


  • 左边向西看到瓦扎茨积雪覆盖山脉

    What he does see to the left of the line looking westward is the snow-covered range of the Wasatch Mountain.


  • 长城遗迹嘉峪关以及积雪覆盖祁连山值得一

    The relics of the Great Wall in the Ming Dynasty, the Jiayuguan Pass, and the snow-capped Qilian Mountains are worth seeing.


  • 巴马形象留在学校操场尽管可能积雪覆盖明天

    The image of Obama will stay on the school field, although it might be covered by snow tomorrow.


  • 德国埃尔富特林根动物园内,狐獴站积雪覆盖的笼舍外的加热器取暖

    Meerkats warm up underneath a heater in their snow-covered outdoor enclosure at the Thuringian Zoo in Erfurt, Germany.


  • 到达别墅大门时,你必须下车上克林姆林宫的慢慢开积雪覆盖寂静森林

    When you arrive at the dacha's faux-neoclassical gate, you have to leave your car and hop into one of the Kremlin's vehicles that slowly wind their way through a silent forest of snow-tipped firs.


  • 然而那个纠缠不休的问题仍然存在:在海拔高积雪覆盖普什图尼斯坦作战一个可行战略吗?

    Yet the nagging question remains: is taking the fight to the high, snow-covered passes of Pushtunistan a do-able strategy?


  • 泛舟深蓝色高山湖泊上远足积雪覆盖的高山山脊下,在热地温泉放松,并且观看本土

    Kayak in deep blue mountain lakes, hike beneath snow-covered alpine ridges, relax in geo-thermal hot springs, watch Killer Whales in their native waters.


  • 伊始看到雨水丰沛的青葱山岳可能第二天清晨醒来时就变成了积雪覆盖草原上的暗淡日出

    It is possible to start the day looking at lush rain drenched mountains and wake the next morning to a pale sunrise over a snow-covered steppe.


  • 图中左侧灯火集中区意大利托里诺都灵)。附近积雪覆盖的阿尔卑斯山峰看上去就灰色斑点

    Snow-capped Alpine peaks are visible as dim gray blotches near a bright concentration of lights at left—the Italian city of Torino (Turin).


  • 讲话时小型起重机积雪覆盖地上提升起一具高度腐烂棺材NickVeronica在一旁

    As she speaks, Nick and Veronica stand by as a small crane lifts a very badly rotted coffin from the snow covered ground.


  • 莫斯科西部山丘河流加上大量积雪覆盖松树使德国装甲部队无法展开战斗队形无法快速推进

    Western Moscow is full of hills and rivers, plus a tremendously quantity of pines covered by snow. The German panzers were hardly deploying their battle formation, and barely have rapid movement.


  • 位于贝卡谷地穆萨酒庄葡萄园令人震惊土壤陶土红色葡萄藤——甘美近乎石灰绿色——积雪覆盖的山上

    Chateau Musar's vineyards in the Bekaa are stunning, the soil is terracotta red, and the vines - a luscious, almost lime green - are framed by snow-capped mountains.


  • 作为世界上地势最高国家之一蒙古的地形比较极端的。 既有常年被积雪覆盖高山茫茫的大草原,也有荒凉的戈壁沙漠

    One of the highest countries in the world, Mongolia is a land of harsh extremessnowy mountains, wide expanses of grassy steppe, and windswept desert.


  • 研究完成2010年,这次基于卫星资料勘探详细记录了积雪覆盖情况,以及冰川在印度河、恒河雅鲁藏布流域的延伸情况。

    Completed in 2010, the satellite-based survey took an inventory of the snow cover and glacier extent across glaciated regions of the Indus, Ganga, and Brahmaputra River basins.


  • 德国埃尔富特林根动物园内,狐积雪覆盖的笼舍外的加热器取暖。在狐獴位于非洲南部的自然栖息地里,狐獴通常是看不见的。

    Meerkats warm up underneath a heater in their snow-covered outdoor enclosure at the Thuringian Zoo in Erfurt, Germany. In their natural habitat in southern Africa, meerkats do not normally see snow.


  • 斯诺登山及其以远山脉积雪覆盖着。

    Snowdon and the mountains beyond were covered in snow.


  • 公共汽车翻山越岭时,我们看到树上覆盖厚厚的积雪

    As the bus climbed through the mountains, we saw the thick snow on the trees.


  • 一名僧人清晨醒来,看到寺庙庭院中怒放春花积雪覆盖表情有些吃惊

    A monk wakes to the early morning surprise of snow covering spring blossoms in a Shaolin Temple courtyard.


  • 需要注意这样一个明显的现象尽管其他冰冻区域正在日渐减小,季节性积雪覆盖区域却持续地扩张。

    But one phenomenon that may be significant is the way in which seasonal snow cover has continued to increase even as other frozen areas are shrinking.


  • 英国议会大厦房顶也覆盖积雪

    The Houses of Parliament were covered with a light dusting of snow.


  • 皮拉米德附近山上已经覆盖积雪恶劣天气司机们来说是个坏消息对于滑雪爱好者来说绝对是个好消息。

    Mountains are covered in snow near Lake Pyramid - the weather might be bad for drivers but its good news for skiers.


  • 英国北部Helperby匹马积雪覆盖住的围栏后。

    A horse is seen through a snow-covered fence in Helperby, northern England.


  • 尽管冰层可能看起来结实,但是由于覆盖树枝积雪,很难说究竟有多究竟不能承受你身体的重量。 到发现无法承担你的体重的时候,恐怕为时已晚。

    ‘Although it can look tempting, it’s very difficult to know how thick it is, particularly when it is covered by frost or snow and therefore whether or not it will hold your weight.


  • 口井也其他集中在这片积雪零星覆盖的草原的牧民所用。 在看着自家山羊、骆驼绵阳在水结冰之前争相饮水同时他们在一旁聊天

    The well is shared by other local herders, who gather on the snow dappled steppe, chatting together as they watch their goats, camels and sheep eagerly drink the liquid before it turns to ice.


  • 暴风雪肆虐,接着一场,积雪厚厚地覆盖屋子谷仓,而室内我们自己砍伐木柴烧火取暖吃着自家种植的苹果温馨快乐每一分钟

    While one storm after another blasted huge drifts up against the house and barn, we kept warm inside burning our own wood, eating our own apples and loving every minute of it.


  • 没有顾客冬日取代了本应有商人兜售货物的叫卖声,积雪覆盖了空荡荡的广场两个临时蓝皮小棚屋

    There are no customers here. A winter wind hasreplaced what should have been the sound of merchants selling their wares, andsnow blankets the empty square and two blue temporary cabins.


  • 以前冰架表面覆盖积雪底层这时才露出来。

    The surface of an ice shelf gets covered by snow, but the underside is very pure ice.


  • 德国埃伯斯瓦尔德一家动物园内,一只东北虎覆盖积雪笼子里打滚儿

    Siberian tiger rolls in the snow in his enclosure at the zoo in Eberswalde, Germany.


  • 德国埃伯斯瓦尔德一家动物园内,一只东北虎覆盖积雪笼子里打滚儿

    Siberian tiger rolls in the snow in his enclosure at the zoo in Eberswalde, Germany.


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