• 会看到秘鲁人的服装、舞蹈,还可以品尝他们美味的食物和饮料。

    You will see Peruvian clothes, dances, and taste their delicious foods and drinks.


  • 可以了解到1532年发生了什么,以及为什么超过90%的秘鲁人说西班牙语。

    You can learn what happened in 1532 and why over 90% of Peruvians speak Spanish.


  • 可以看到不同风格的建筑,在古老的废墟上欣赏美妙的日落,爬上高山,飞越海洋,或者坐在餐厅和酒吧里体验秘鲁人悠闲的生活。

    You can see buildings in different styles, enjoy the fantastic sunset over the ancient ruins, climb the mountains, fly over the ocean, or sit in the restaurants and bars to experience Peruvians' relaxing life.


  • 比如秘鲁喜欢鳗鱼鳗鱼非常普通寿司甜品酱原料

    Peruvians didn't seem to like eel, for example, which was a very common sushi topping.


  • 不过蓝军主帅穆里尼奥坚信秘鲁很快适应英国生活

    But Blues boss Mourinho is convinced the Peruvian will be able to adapt quickly to life in England.


  • 比如说秘鲁相对于富国的来说比较无法和他们一样捐同样的钱。

    Peruvians, for example, are relatively poor so cannot cough up as much as people in richer countries.


  • 我们都是四川此刻秘鲁我们一样成了中国

    We are all Sichuanese, but at the moment, the Peruvian people and we are also a Chinese.


  • 从那时批文物一直保存耶鲁大学,其中某些东西最近激怒了秘鲁

    Instead the exhibits have remained at Yale ever since, something which has recently irritated Peruvians.


  • Matsuei时,认识了日本秘鲁,他一年来两次寿司店

    At Matsuei I met a Peruvian of Japanese descent who used to stop in for sushi about twice a year.


  • 如果秘鲁愿意接受五个古巴卡斯特罗决定将会更多测试他们决心

    If the Peruvians were willing to accept five Cubans, Castro decided he would test their resolve with many more.


  • 阿根廷笑话都有夸大民族特征的典型套路—智利无聊巴拉圭愚蠢秘鲁招摇撞骗。

    There's a classic line of Argentinian jokes highlighting national stereotypes – Chileans being boring, Paraguayans stupid, Peruvians crooks. Most jokes, however, are directed at people from Galicia


  • 陈先生大约三百万声称具有中国血统秘鲁之一,而这些拉美此类社群规模最大个。

    Mr Chang is one of some 3m Peruvians who claim Chinese descent, the largest such community in Latin America.


  • 交通部长EnriqueCornejo承诺本月底之前要恢复通车,很多秘鲁人认为过于乐观

    Enrique Cornejo, the transport minister, has promised that the link will be restored by the end of this month. That strikes many Peruvians as wildly optimistic.


  • 许多秘鲁人通常还包括相关孩子父母,都相信安第斯印第安血统导致了天生矮小

    Many Peruvians, often including the parents of the children concerned, believe that people of Andean Indian descent are naturally short.


  • 正像我们希望看到跨国公司中国污染环境一样秘鲁希望别国公司污染他们环境。

    Peruvian want to prevent their environment from being polluted by other countries, just as we do. MNC should have standard of code of practice to protect the local environment and community.


  • 无论是什么原因他们是否出自秘鲁外星之手,他们依然神秘莫测地朝大洋远处望去

    No matter what the reason, whether they were set up by people from Peru or by aliens from space, they are still looking out over the ocean-mysteriously.


  • 很多生病秘鲁转向智利卡,一个利马东南部40英里太平洋海岸充满灰尘的荒凉小镇

    A lot of ailing Peruvians are turning up in Chilca, a dusty desert town on the Pacific coast 40 miles southeast of Lima.


  • 这些披水板仿造古代秘鲁方法建造的,它们被放置在筏子四个角上我们来说像是桌面而不是其它武器

    More like tabletops with us than any weapon, these have been constructed in ancient Peruvian fashion near the four corners of our craft.


  • 如果我们姑且相信官方统计数据几乎一半秘鲁还是生活贫穷的状态之下,贫穷减少呈非常缓慢的趋势。

    But almost half of Peruvians still live in poverty, if the official figures are to be believed, and the number is falling only slowly.


  • 长期以来,秘鲁人一直口头上(而且无可非议地)自己本土烹饪感到自豪突然之间世界其他地方好像注意到了。

    Peruvians have long been vocally (and justifiably) proud of their homeland's cooking but suddenly the rest of the world seems to be taking note too.


  • 这种区分方法带来了一些有意思的对照尽管委内瑞拉第一分类要好过秘鲁哥伦比亚但他们第二分类里的遭遇糟糕。

    The division throws up some interesting contrasts: whereas Venezuelans are better off than Peruvians and Colombians by the first category of indicators, they fare much worse in the second.


  • 秘鲁立即起到了效果首先将兰帕德角球头球约翰·奥比·米克尔但高,随后跑动到远门柱方向头球顶偏。

    And the Peruvian made an instant impact. First he nodded on a Lampard corner for Jon Obi Mikel to head just over, and then he stretched at the far post to head wide himself.


  • 佛罗伦萨左后卫瓦尔加斯正向着外界,大着对紫百合忠诚歌。似乎专门唱体育主管科尔·维诺的听的,我秘鲁人把皇家马德里的流言当成耳边风

    Fiorentina left-back Juan Manuel Vargas is singing the song of allegiance, and it is likely to be music to Pantaleo Corvino's ears as the Peruvian has rubbished talk of Real Madrid.


  • 佛罗伦萨左后卫瓦尔加斯正向着外界,大着对紫百合忠诚歌。似乎专门唱体育主管科尔·维诺的听的,我秘鲁人把皇家马德里的流言当成耳边风

    Fiorentina left-back Juan Manuel Vargas is singing the song of allegiance, and it is likely to be music to Pantaleo Corvino's ears as the Peruvian has rubbished talk of Real Madrid.


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