• 酵母缺乏特定的MDR蛋白基因

    Each one lacked a gene coding for a particular MDR protein.


  • 数据库里又输入了67酵母用来修补细胞壁基因

    Their database had a total of 67 genes that fix cell walls in yeast.


  • 为了验证一想法研究人员培育出酵母突变

    To test this idea, the researchers created three mutant strains of yeast.


  • 乙醇其他这些毒素结合酵母细胞双重打击,”

    "The combination of ethanol and these other toxins is kind of a double whammy for the yeast cells," she said.


  • 隐球酵母真菌任一种酵母隐球酵母属真菌,通常出现土壤中,包括

    Any of various yeastlike fungi of the genus Cryptococcus, commonly occurring in the soil and including certain pathogenic species, such as the causative agent of cryptococcosis.


  • 基因工程师花费二十年时间来尝试制作酵母工业规模上使木糖发酵

    Genetic engineers have spent 20 years trying to create a type of yeast that can ferment xylose on an industrial scale.


  • 大多数啤酒下面酵母发酵而成酵母嘉士伯酵母有关沉降于发酵底部的一种酵母

    Most beers are fermented with bottom yeasts, related to Saccharomyces carlsbergensis, which settle at the bottom of the fermentation vat.


  • 一块来自缅甸树脂化石中培育出了非常接近酵母——就是酿酒面包师傅用酵母——的微生物。

    A piece of fossilized resin from Burma yielded something that looked very similar to Saccharomyces, brewer's or baker's yeast.


  • 隐球酵母真菌任一种酵母隐球酵母属真菌,通常出现土壤中,包括有几致病菌引起隐球菌的病菌。

    Any of various yeastlike fungi of the genus Cryptococcus, commonly occurring in the soil and including certain pathogenic species, such as the causative agent of cryptococcosis.


  • 隐球酵母真菌任一种酵母隐球酵母属真菌,通常出现土壤中,包括有几致病菌引起隐球菌的病菌。

    Any of various yeastlike fungi of the genus Cryptococcus, commonly occurring in the soil and including certain pathogenic species, such as the causative agent of cryptococcosis.


  • 为此,酵母细胞(yeast cells)内建立代谢途径,从而可以将这种酵母细胞合成为叫做青蒿(artemisinic acid)的化学成分,化学家们可以很容易地将这青蒿酸转化为青蒿素。

    For this, he has built a metabolic pathway in yeast cells that synthesises a chemical called artemisinic acid which chemists can easily convert into artemisinin.


  • 德国啤酒传统上一直是4原料酿造而成的–啤酒花麦芽酵母

    German beer has traditionally been made from just four ingredientshops, malt, yeast, and water.


  • 臭鼬发酵酵母等无毒成分混合而成有毒液体高压水枪抗议者身上

    Skunk, a noxious liquid mixture of nontoxic ingredients including baking powder and yeast, is blasted onto protesters from a water cannon.


  • 重组酵母测试了11原托普生二体外雌激素活性

    The vitro estrogenic activities of 11 protopanaxadiol type saponins were tested by a recombinant yeast.


  • ERRC科学家改进技术利用脉动电场(PEF)杀死液体食品中的酵母霉菌繁殖性细菌

    Another technology that ERRC scientists have improved USES pulsed electric fields (PEF) to kill yeasts, molds, and vegetative bacteria in liquid foods.


  • 理想状态是找到一些被风吹落的果子它们自带了天然酵母成份那么只用苹果原料,可以酿酒了。

    Ideally find some windfalls, as these have natural yeasts already on them, meaning that apples are the only ingredient you'll need.


  • 不过如果酵母高尔基“如何打包这些蛋白质”这问题上人类的高尔基体不同意见的话,那么产物恐怕就不能作为药物来用了。

    But if the yeast's Golgi has different ideas from a human's about how to package that protein, the result may not work well as a drug.


  • 最近已经研制出动物食用的蛋白质饲料,它是石油作为基本原料加上酵母而制成的。

    Recently protein feeds for animals have been developed by growing yeast in a petroleum based stock.


  • 科学家从来自6个大陆101个城市的189个家庭的洗碗机中提取样本,发现黑色酵母叫做外瓶霉以及一与其同属的真菌

    A black yeast called Exophiala dermatitidis was found with a cousin fungus, E. phaeomuriformis, in samples taken from dishwashers in 189 homes in 101 cities in six continents.


  • 酵母菌里事实上基因一起一件完全无关任务修补细胞壁

    In yeast, it turns out, these five genes work together on a completely unrelated task: fixing cell walls.


  • 除了发现许多所谓的天然食品含有味精形式酵母提取物另一骗人的成分使用许多天然食品

    Aside from casein, you'll also find that many so-called "natural" food products contain MSG in the form of yeast extract, another deceptive ingredient used in many natural foods.


  • 别的研究人员系统地酵母6,600基因进行了诱变观察这些变异酵母菌在不同条件下进展状况。

    Other researchers have systematically mutated each of the 6,600 genes in yeast and observed how the mutant yeast fare under different conditions.


  • 酵母面包发酵了的面包,含有乳酸菌,发酵大豆中也含有乳酸菌。

    Sourdough bread is a fermented bread which contains lactic acid bacteria and so does fermented soy.


  • 生物技术所擅长是从生物(比如人类)中提取基因植入另一生物(酵母例),从而艰难获得大量所需的蛋白质

    Biotechnology is good at taking genes from one organism (a human being, for example) and sticking them into another (yeast, say) in order to churn out large amounts of a desirable protein.


  • 他们另外往里输入超过100,000基因特征之间相互关系,这些物包括老鼠酵母和线虫。

    They added more than 100,000 additional associations between genes and traits in species including mice, yeast and nematode worms.


  • 虽然许多面包可行的,它成分(面粉酵母)。但是许多面包和烘焙食品含乳清(奶制品)或者含黄油鸡蛋

    While many simple breads are a-OK, containing just four ingredients (flour, yeast, water, and salt) many breads and baked goods are made with whey (a dairy product) or with butter, eggs, or sugar.


  • 虽然许多面包可行的,它成分(面粉酵母)。但是许多面包和烘焙食品含乳清(奶制品)或者含黄油鸡蛋

    While many simple breads are a-OK, containing just four ingredients (flour, yeast, water, and salt) many breads and baked goods are made with whey (a dairy product) or with butter, eggs, or sugar.


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