• 然后,在手稿完成开始离婚手续

    Then, I initiated divorce proceedings before I even completed the manuscript.


  • 应该办理离婚手续报复以前的伴侣

    The divorce process should not be used as a means to get back at your former partner.


  • 办理离婚手续期间丈夫助手办公室负责。

    During the divorce proceedings the husband got his assistant to front for him at the office.


  • 他们办妥离婚手续离开律师事务所时,可知卡洛琳了什么?

    What was it Caroline had said as they were leaving the lawyers 'offices after the settlement?


  • 维情离婚俱乐部主要离婚人士提供离婚手续如何再婚一系列咨询服务

    The club provides a range of services, such as helping with the divorce process and advising on the process of getting remarried.


  • 在和妈妈办完离婚手续之后了一个不怎么会英语日本女人

    He remarried a Japanese lady who hardly spoke English a month after the divorce with my mom was final.


  • 离婚手续办完后,通用汽车公司一个当地部门请求前妻名字写到驾照

    Once my divorce was final, I went to the local Department of Motor Vehicles and asked to have my maiden name reinstated on my driver's license.


  • 高柏夫人如今正在办理离婚手续她告诉法国电台丈夫经常瑞士回来着一公文包的现金

    Mrs Gaubert, who is in divorce proceedings, told French radio that her husband went often to Switzerland and returned with suitcases of cash.


  • 曾为一对因争执新居家具选择而决定离婚的夫妇提供咨询,他们结婚一周决定去办离婚手续

    He counseled one couple who fell out over what furniture they should buy for their new apartment. They decided to file for divorce just one week after getting married.


  • BBC高尔夫记者伊恩卡特报道高尔夫业内人士“认为离婚手续可能他们已私地下进行时间了”

    BBC golf correspondent Iain Carter says that golf insiders had "guessed… that divorce proceedings have been underway for quite some time".


  • 据萨科奇夫妇律师介绍,萨科奇与塞西莉亚法官见证下办理完离婚手续财产分割问题达成了协议。

    The couple's lawyer said they had already seen a judge to formalize the split and agreed financial terms.


  • 郑重声明:还有不少洋洋得意的结婚人士大声嚷嚷自己打从一开始就如何坚信,等待着他们离婚手续

    For the record: There are lots of smug married people out there yammering on about how "sure" they were right from the start who have divorce proceedings in their future.


  • 一个阳光明媚日子里一对70多老夫妇走进律师事务所。显然地,他们准备到那儿办理离婚手续

    One fine day, an old couple around the age of 70, walks into a lawyer's office.


  • 警方,现年71岁奥利弗·基林曾与加拿大爱尔兰英国等地的女子结婚,同时,从未任何妻子办理过离婚手续

    Police say Oliver Killeen is married to women in Canada, Ireland and England and that he has never obtained a legal divorce for any of his marriages.


  • 婚姻未曾现在这么受欢迎让人想望-事实上这么有吸引力甚至那些办理离婚手续的人都几乎等不及法律容许他们再次结婚

    Marriage has never been more popular and desirable than it is nowso appealing in fact, that even those who are in the process of divorce can scarcely wait for the law to allow them to marry again.


  • 2014数据是现存最新其中显示约有360万对夫妇办理离婚手续——年前的两(他们会得到如图所示的证件证明离婚的生效)。

    In 2014, the latest year for which such data exist, about 3.6m couples split up-more than double the number a decade earlier (they received a red certificate, pictured, to prove it).


  • 2009年6月琳恩弗朗斯丈夫劝说下,毅然不顾律师反对终止了离婚手续同意丈夫进行协商。“我只想丈夫在回家后,告诉我,让我们重释前嫌。”

    In June 2009, against the advice of her attorneys, Lynn France dropped divorce proceedings when her husband came home and persuaded her to reconcile.


  • 韩国,离婚费用相当低廉,需要几千韩元约合美元)。因为实在“便宜”,法院通常不向离婚双方收取这笔费用。离婚手续也相当迅速一旦双方离婚上签好字,婚姻关系立马解除。

    The fee is just a few thousand won (a few dollars), a paltry sum often waived by the courts, and the divorce can take effect immediately, the moment the papers are signed.


  • 有些夫妻拖延离婚是因为他们开始昂贵法律手续之前确认自己决心已定,并且抱有经济复苏房子储蓄升值的希望

    Some couples are thought to delay to make sure they are certain before they begin an expensive legal process, and in the hope that an economic recovery may raise the value of their homes and savings.


  • 有些夫妻拖延离婚是因为他们开始昂贵法律手续之前确认自己决心已定,并且抱有经济复苏房子储蓄升值的希望

    Some couples are thought to delay to make sure they are certain before they begin an expensive legal process, and in the hope that an economic recovery may raise the value of their homes and savings.


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