• 教会法规禁止离婚人士再婚

    The church's canon law forbids remarriage of divorced persons.


  • 声称违背他们的离婚协议

    She claims he ratted on their divorce settlement.


  • 有关离婚猜测证实纯属无稽之谈。

    Speculation about a divorce proved totally unfounded.


  • 打算以通奸为由与离婚

    She is going to divorce him on the grounds of adultery.


  • 爱尔兰决定离婚问题进行全民投票。

    Ireland decided to hold a referendum on divorce.


  • 几个通奸为由提起离婚

    I filed for divorce on the grounds of adultery a few months later.


  • 离婚不再什么丢脸的事。

    There is no longer any stigma attached to being divorced.


  • 离婚教堂里再婚问题具争议

    The question of divorce and remarriage in church remains highly contentious.


  • 妻子因为未能完婚而跟离婚了。

    His wife divorced him for failing to consummate their marriage.


  • 律师协商离婚协议上毫不留情

    Her lawyers have been ruthless in thrashing out a divorce settlement.


  • 大多数单身父母不是离婚的,就是分居的。

    Most single parents are either divorced or separated.


  • 离婚解除夫妻相互之间的所有婚姻义务

    Divorce releases both the husband and wife from all marital obligations to each other.


  • 父母分居离婚

    Her parents are separated but not divorced.


  • 大家知道,对于离婚避孕持开明观点

    She is known to have liberal views on divorce and contraception.


  • 理查德恳求贝琳达重新考虑一下不要坚持离婚

    Richard pleaded for Belinda to reconsider and not to go through with the divorce.


  • 父母离婚了。

    My parents are divorced.


  • 决定越来越忠实靠不住的丈夫离婚

    She decided to divorce her increasingly faithless and unreliable husband.


  • 支持允许法官有些情况下推迟离婚判决规定

    He backed a provision that would allow judges to delay granting a divorce decree in some cases.


  • 这种假设增加社会离婚接纳相当大作用

    This assumption played a considerable part in increasing the social acceptability of divorce.


  • 为了离婚中恢复过来马不停蹄地投身于一系列活动

    To recover from the divorce, I threw myself into a whirlwind of activities.


  • 如果托尼离婚,她将会失去作为托尼•塔特顿太太的体面

    If she divorced Tony, she would lose the respectability she had as Mrs. Tony Tatterton.


  • 1982年和妻子离婚肯尼迪认为可能成为总统人选。

    Kennedy, who divorced wife Joan in 1982, was tipped as a presidential possible.


  • 死亡造成婚姻终止离婚造成婚姻终止很多方面不同的。

    The ending of a marriage by death is different in many ways from an ending caused by divorce.


  • 1939年娶了克莱尔·霍尔韦一个13离婚女人。

    In 1939 he married Clare Hollway, a divorcee 13 years his senior.


  • 重要问题尤其是孩子们命运决定时,离婚获得批准

    The divorce would be granted when more important problems, notably the fate of the children, had been decided.


  • 听说他们离婚了。告诉吧,并不感到意外,因为他们总是争吵

    I've heard they're getting divorced. Mind you, I'm not surprised—they were always arguing.


  • 离婚自己没有信心,”边无意识地把前额上的几绺鬈发往后

    "I was very unsure of myself after the divorce," she says, unconsciously sweeping back the curls from her forehead.


  • 代表了小部分离婚夫妇

    This represents only a fraction of the couples who want a divorce.


  • 年后父母分居很快就离婚

    Two years later my mother and father separated and soon divorced.


  • 近年来,美国离婚案件异乎寻常地

    In recent years, there has been an unusually large number of divorces in the United States.


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