• 一个很积极社会记录许多父母是怎样让自己孩子忍饥挨饿折磨他们,让他们过度工作,对他们愈加恐吓的。

    There is an active Society which brings to book a good many parents who starve and torture and overwork their children, and intimidates a good many more.


  • 总之研究结论为尽管检察官应该根据案情本身特征来评判,但他们似乎的确受到公司社会责任记录的影响。

    In all, the study concludes that whereas prosecutors should only evaluate a case based on its merits, they do seem to be influenced by a company's record in CSR.


  • 市场一些表现形式主要是社会的)已经记录下来只是刚刚开始成为有组织消费者研究推广主题

    Some manifestations of the market, chiefly sociological, have been recorded, but it is only just beginning to be the subject of organized consumer research and promotion.


  • 零售商,他可以决定啤酒库存量多少。这不仅仅基于过去的销售记录可以基于天气预报社会媒体聚会闲聊以及体育比赛时间表

    A retailer, for instance, might decide how much beer to stock based not just on previous sales records, but also on weather forecasts, party chatter on social media and schedules for sports matches.


  • 记录表明所有的教民都参加了葬礼反映了佛罗伦萨社会是个相当有名的人物

    The record notes that the whole parish turned out for her funeral, showing that she was rather famous among Florentine society.


  • 这些一些珍贵关于“流言片段记录,也是人类学家社会学家一个长期理论争论课题

    These are rare records of “gossip episodes, ” which have been the subject of a long-running theoretical debate among anthropologists and sociologists.


  • 这些一些珍贵关于“流言片段记录,也是人类学家社会学家一个长期理论争论课题

    These are rare records of "gossip episodes," which have been the subject of a long-running theoretical debate among anthropologists and sociologists.


  • 人际社会节律疗法包括持续记录各种日常活动

    Interpersonal and Social Rhythm Therapy involves keeping a record of various daily activities.


  • 最近一个版本SAS软件可以通过检测社会网络以及国际收入署中的记录信息来识别有风险借款人

    The latest version of SAS's software identifies risky borrowers by examining their social networks and Internal Revenue Service records, she says.


  • 换句话诠释这个观点:我们成功记录无不帮助他们,回馈社会构成的。

    Another way of puttingit is this: Our efforts to give back by helping others have, frankly, asomewhat mixed record of success.


  • 关于应采取何种政策才能创造便于作出健康选择社会环境问题,已有良好研究,这些政策的成功记录得到证实。

    Policies that create social environments that make healthy choices the easy choices are well studied and have a proven track record of success.


  • 北欧一个开发探索因素这个理论中证明北欧社会有序,就篇文章校对那样适当的做记录

    One explaining factor for this success could be contributed to the way Nordic society has been structured as several proofreaders of this article duly noted.


  • 保证老年人工作一项社会服务上,法国记录差。

    France has a poor record when it comes to keeping older people in the workforce.


  • 一些记录生命末期文献进行调查后得到的报告显示,无论是病人,还是像社会工作者护士医师这些医护人员,都刻意回避着关于如何准备进行安乐死的讨论

    Reports in the end-of-life literature reveal that patients and health care professionals, including social workers, nurses, and physicians, avoid discussions about preparation for such care.


  • 我们上个月提到facebook这种社会网络网站网络已经成为的“永久记录”,而且网上隐私变成幻想

    As we wrote last month, social networking sites like Facebook have become your "permanent record" on the Internet, and that privacy on the web is just an illusion.


  • 如果年纪已达62岁并且至少10婚龄,你可以没有再婚的时候根据前夫工作记录申请社会保障

    If you were married for at least 10 years and you're 62 or older, you can apply for Social Security based on your ex-husband's work record, if you haven't remarried.


  • 这个团队正在研究其他历史事件记录比如登山事故以及911恐怖袭击,检验时间社会行为影响

    The team is studying records from other historical episodes, such as mountaineering accidents and the September 11 attacks, to test the influence of time on social behavior.


  • 但是自己还是不满意,他觉得现在这样战争记录变得平凡几近于平庸,”他:“社会关于矛盾冲突的图片已经感到麻木了。”

    Still, he found himself unsatisfied, feeling that coverage of war was becomingmundane, almost ordinary, ” he says. “Society was numb to the images of conflict.”


  • 这项调查对1815个年龄16岁及以上的进行了访问,并记录了他们对社会冲突看法

    To measure perceptions of social conflict, a total of 1, 815 persons age 16 and older were interviewed July 20-Aug. 2, 2009.


  • 准备就绪后,他们可以填写表格描述自己合作关系提案,表格记录他们全球问题地域行业核心竞争力、企业社会责任活动及合作关系优先选项等方面想法

    When ready, they can describe their partnership proposal by filling out a form that records their idea in terms of global issues, geography, industry sector, core competencies.


  • 那次采访中,施密特还,“认为这个一切信息都可获取知晓随时每个人记录下来年代里社会其实并不了解发生什么事情。”

    In that same interview, Schmidt said, "I don't believe society understands what happens when everything is available, knowable and recorded by everyone all the time."


  • 使有能力创下一个无人能及立法记录处理诸如医疗保健教育培训工作安全以及其他社会广泛关注问题

    This enabled him to create an unrivalled legislative record, dealing with such concerns as healthcare, education and training, safety at work and a wide range of other social concerns.


  • 美国社会保障服务拥有一份登记记录上面包含每个每年普遍100名字以及相对应婴儿人数

    America's Social Security Service keeps a register that contains the 100 most popular names in each state every year and the number of babies given them.


  • 研究人员可以记录分析每个机器人行为活动社会社会互动探索条件变化时这些行为怎样变化。

    Researchers can record and analyze each agent's behavior, activity, social and anti-social interactions, and explore how those behaviors adapt as conditions unfold.


  • 研究人员记录下了这些叫声,将它们与该特定啮齿类社会群体中的其他成员警报叫声进行了对比

    The researchers recorded these calls and compared them to the alarm vocalizations of other members in that rodent's particular social group.


  • 数据库被盗大量事例装满社会保障数据光盘丢失装有纳税记录笔记本电脑了出租车上了。

    Examples abound of databases being stolen: disks full of social-security data go missing, laptops loaded with tax records are left in taxis, credit-card Numbers are stolen from online retailers.


  • 数据库被盗大量事例装满社会保障数据光盘丢失装有纳税记录笔记本电脑了出租车上了。

    Examples abound of databases being stolen: disks full of social-security data go missing, laptops loaded with tax records are left in taxis, credit-card Numbers are stolen from online retailers.


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