• 钱包手机身份证都被偷了警察正在调查,准备将社会救助

    His wallet, mobile phone and ID card stolen, the police are investigating and will send him to a social assistance station.


  • 其他专业人员发挥作用,像社会工作者卫生访视甚至社区警察

    And other professionals are to operate from the schools: social workers, health visitors and even community police officers.


  • 一旦她们认定了不是警察不是社会工作者后,她们通常就会告诉她们故事

    Once they realized I wasn't a cop or social worker, they usually told me their stories.


  • 俄罗斯再次让人们看到的真面目,那就是,渴望国际关系中充当警察不想成为国际社会受到尊重杰出

    Russia showed once again its real face, that it preferred to be the gendarme in international relations and not to be a distinguished member of the international community that will be respected.


  • 当地警察为了躲避来自社会上的批评驱赶走了首次前来采访伍先生记者

    The local police, fearful of criticism, chased away television reporters when they first came to interview Mr Wu.


  • 地方警察提供资金也许有所帮助,但是为旨在给青年人提供工作社会服务的机构提供资金也许会更有帮助

    While more financing for local police would be useful, programs aimed at providing jobs and social services are far more important.


  • 社会太多了,解除警察武装应该是解除全体公民武装的一个自然组成部分

    There are too many guns about, and the disarming of the police should be a natural aspect of the disarming of the entire citizenry.


  • 即便警察倾向于针对黑人男孩警察社会整体种族主义倾向过去然而历史在踟蹰不前

    Even if the police are more likely to pick on black boys, both the police and society as a whole are far less racist than in the past. Yet history lingers.


  • 议会这个社会的;如果违规停车了警察马上

    The council have not said it is anti-social and the police would have been straight on to me if it was parked illegally," he said.


  • 也门,除了极少数人以外,Nujood父亲丈夫法官警察社会舆论,都把这个情况视为再正常不过

    In Yemen, Nujood's father, her husband, the judges, the policemen and the broader society - with the exception of a very few - view her situation as normal.


  • 随着不断发生的袭击事件以及塞族警察报复行动,冲突愈演愈烈,直至国际社会介入

    Attacks and Serb police reprisals followed, until the international community became involved.


  • 布什赞扬热火队球员所社会工作他对热火队阿隆索·莫宁成立基金会、“闪电”韦德做慈善工作、以及奥尼尔迈阿密海滩担任兼职警察表示了称赞。

    Bush lauded the Heat's work in the community, citing Alonzo Mourning's foundation, Dwyane Wade's charitable work , and O'Neal's part-time job as a police officer in Miami Beach.


  • 同样任职于CIDE社会学家MarceloBergman,这个谈话所忽略的建议通过业绩评测外部评估使得警察行为负责任

    What is missing from the discussion, says Marcelo Bergman, a sociologist also at CIDE, are proposals to make the police more accountable through performance measures and external evaluations.


  • 不管警察布置如何周密,如果社会大气候没有好的方向转变警察还是不能这么大幅度削减犯罪

    However shrewdly the cops are deployed, they might not have cut crime so dramatically if social trends had not also been moving in the right direction.


  • 上述判决激恼黑人社会长期以来,他们一直觉得洛杉矶警察种族主义泛滥

    The verdict inflamed the black community, which had long felt that the Los Angeles Police Department was riddled with racism.


  • 然而,还有很多这样罪行没有举报出来;还有许多受害者不为人所知。她们不仅媒体忽视,同样被社会人群警察法院所忽视。

    However, many of these crimes go unreported, with many victims remaining invisible, ignored not only by the media but by communities, police and courts.


  • 警察管,法官要管,如果这些不够,社会也早已创造了超级警察——上帝来收拾

    The policeman will stand between the lovers; the magistrate will stand between the lovers; and if that is not enough then the societies have created a super-policeman, God, who will take care of you.


  • 巴勒斯坦部署警察目的为了恢复法律秩序是国际社会支持的“中东和平路线图计划中的一个关键因素

    The aim is to restore law and order, a key element of the internationally-backed "roadmap" peace plan.


  • 因为警察牺牲社会安定他们牺牲了,难道是件见不得的事吗?

    Because the police have to sacrifice the stability of society, they sacrificed, is it a shady light thing?


  • 个人给予为期3年社会监管,之后他们他们社区接受实习单位警察以及社会服务观察

    The pair were instead given a three-year supervision order that will see them rehabilitated in their communities under the watch of probation, police and social services.


  • 尽管想来很令人痛心,但是,凶杀案件已经成为现代社会严峻现实,破获一起凶杀案需要不仅仅警察目击者贡献

    Painful as it is to think about, murder has become a grim fact of modern society, and solving one involves more than the contributions of the police and witnesses.


  • 警察指控那些青年人一带扰乱了社会治安

    The police charged the the youth with disturbing public orders of this area. Those young people were charged by the police with causing a disturbance in the neighbourhood.


  • 警察指控那些青年人一带扰乱了社会治安

    The police charged the the youth with disturbing public orders of this area. Those young people were charged by the police with causing a disturbance in the neighbourhood.


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