• 社会文化心理和交际心理综合作用产物

    It derives from the integration of social cultural factors into communicating psychology.


  • 教师合作文化一种复杂社会文化心理现象

    Teachers cooperative culture is a complex psychological phenomenon of social culture.


  • 诞生起,委婉语就深深烙上社会文化心理的印记。

    From the day it came into, euphemism has been marked with and reflecting social cultural psychology.


  • 儿童服饰承载许多社会文化心理儿童健康成长有关

    Children's garments carry a lot of social and cultural psychology and have a connection with the healthy growth of children.


  • 某种程度上讲,姓名民族社会文化心理密切联系。

    To some extent, name is closely related to the social cultural mental state of Han nationality.


  • 社会文化心理角度英语委婉语产生运用进行了具体分析

    The article analyzes specifically the arising and application of euphemisms in English from the Angle of social cultural psychology.


  • 谐音禁忌谐音崇拜产生汉语本身原因一定社会文化心理相关

    The appearance of homophone, taboo and admiration results from some reasons in Chinese itself as well as certain social culture psychology.


  • 认为,社会文化心态指反映特定文化境域且具有自发性质的社会文化心理氛围

    Accordingly, the author defined the meaning of social culture psyche as spontaneous social cultural psychological ambience, reflecting particular culture milieu;


  • 因为这样种植手法西方传统文化的产物,符合西方人生活方式社会文化心理需求

    This is because the way of planting design is a product of the western cultural tradition, and it is fit for the western way of life and social psychological needs.


  • 社会转型时期,随着竞争压力增大社会文化心理方面出现极大的波动不适应状态

    During the social transition, as the increase of the competitive pressures, a great fluctuations and maladjustment appears in the psychological aspects about social culture.


  • 相关研讨,涉及具体音韵学问题折射出明中叶以后某些具有普遍性社会文化心理

    The relevant researches not only involve some specific phonologic problems, but also reflect the social and cultural psychology of the Mid Ming Dynasty and the following periods.


  • 这种返祖现象语言学成因,除语言内部选择机制的作用外,还有思维经济原则社会文化心理作用。

    Through the exploitation of the origin and meaning of the word of "gate", the derivation mechanism and the social and cultural psychology reflected by the "X-gate" words are discussed.


  • 这种返祖现象语言学成因,除语言内部选择机制的作用外,还有思维经济原则社会文化心理的作用。

    Such an atavism is the consequence of the principles of economy in human thinking and sociocultural psychology as well as the internal selective mechanism of human language.


  • 审美文化社会时尚相遇合时就形成审美时尚。审美时尚背后往往有某种社会文化心理之相伴随。

    With some social culture psychological factors, the aesthetic fashion is constituted of the aesthetic culture and the social fashion.


  • 贺岁电影之所以能国内呈现繁荣趋势我国大众的社会文化心理以及由此积淀升华成的观影心理审美特点紧密相关

    The trend in the prosperity of New Year films shows that it results from the close relationship between the social and cultural accumulation and the psychological sublimation to the films.


  • 因而防治师专抑郁重在治根治表,不良情绪疏泄同时指导师专生有效地进行自我的整合建立健全社会文化心理支持系统。

    Therefore, to prevent and cure depression of the Normal college students, emphasis should be put on curing from both outside and inside. While relieving bad mood, more attention should be …


  • 消费者需求数量结构变化受到多方面因素人口经济社会文化购买心理购买行为等的影响。

    And changes in consumer demand and the number of structures affected by many factors such as population, economic, social, cultural, psychological, and purchasing behavior of purchase.


  • 历史语言学研究可以使我们语言因素社会文化心理因素等语言变化过程中所起的作用有更深的认识。

    The historical study of language also enables us to determine how non-linguistic factors, such as social, cultural and psychological factors, interact over time to trigger linguistic change.


  • 语码混合原因很多,但是,主要社会文化社会心理经济原则等因素

    There are various and complicated reasons for the code-mixing, such as social culture, social psychology and the principle of economy, etc.


  • 网络词语作为种在虚拟空间使用特殊词汇构成特点蕴涵了丰富的社会文化心理因素

    As a special groups of words used in fictitious space, network terms have particular characteristics which contain abundant social culture and psychological factors.


  • 消费行为社会文化因素作用心理活动的结果。

    The consumption activity is brought about by the action of social cultural factors on the human mind.


  • 青少年偶像崇拜心理问题也是一种社会文化现象具有正面负面双向性特点,但在现实中负向效应很大

    Youngster's idolatry is not only the psychological problem but also a social cultural phenomenon, which has positive and negative effect.


  • 从弗罗姆逃避自由心理机制观来看,高校快餐型”书籍流行既有社会文化原因,也有经济利益等方面原因,它会当代大学生产生消极的影响。

    The paper attempts to adopt the "Escape of Freedom" in psychology from E·Fromm to analyze the reason of the pop culture of "Fast-Food" books and the passive effect to the university students.


  • 通过对小说《围城》傅雷家书》语料分析可以透见交际者进行跨语言语码转换的社会文化心理动因。

    By the analysis of the conversations in the Besieged City and Letters from Fulei, this essay tends to clarify the cultural and psychological factors in code-switching.


  • 集体创造一个人类环境,其中社会文化心理集聚而成的结构。

    Men together produce a human environment, with totality of its sociocultural and psychological formations.


  • 集体创造一个人类环境,其中社会文化心理集聚而成的结构。

    Men together produce a human environment with totality of its sociocultural and psychological formations.


  • 汉语音译外来词,需所处社会文化心理角度进行分析,取用词需考虑中国人的语言文化传统

    When using Chinese transliterating foreign words, we should analyze from the society cultures and the view of psychology, considering the Chinese culture tradition.


  • 是主体自身文化心理结构客观社会文化环境外国文化思潮多重因素交互作用结果

    It results only from the multiple way interaction of cultural context an interaction between their respective psychological structure, the objective society and foreign thought.


  • 是主体自身文化心理结构客观社会文化环境外国文化思潮多重因素交互作用结果

    It results only from the multiple way interaction of cultural context an interaction between their respective psychological structure, the objective society and foreign thought.


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