• 公司组建以来,全体营造努力下,受到广大一致好评,多次获得国家省级专业设计奖项

    Company formation, in all the efforts to create a community, by the majority of households may praise and won several national, provincial professional design awards.


  • 假如生活一个狩猎—采集社人,在食物短缺频繁出现饥荒的情况下,如果你能敢于冒险,寻求新奇并且享受不确定性,肯定好处多多。

    If you're in a hunter-gatherer society, in a situation where food is scarce and there are frequent famines, you're served well by being risk-taking and novelty-seeking and enjoying uncertainty.


  • 中国新闻周二报道,中国计划送入太空,为期一周

    China has set its sight on putting three people into space for a week, the China News Service said on Tuesday.


  • 新华报道,中国每年浪费大约5000万粮食这个数量可以养活2亿了。

    According to Xinhua News Agency, the food wasted by Chinese people is about 50 million tons of grain every year, which could feed 200 million people.


  • 杂志广告经常会修正模特照片要么涂抹他们面部肌肉特征要么一张好看脸孔嫁接到另一个健美身体上。

    Magazines and AD agencies often alter photographs of models, either by airbrushing the facial and muscular features, or by putting a good-looking face on someone else's buff body.


  • 有些暗示1884年成立费边成立一百年。

    Some say he was alluding to the centenary of the Fabian Society, founded in 1884.


  • 芝加哥城市新闻犯罪报道记者通用电气公共关系撰稿甚至还过萨博汽车推销员

    He was a crime reporter for the Chicago City News Bureau, a PR writer for General Electric, even a Saab car salesman.


  • 古巴领导特别关注巴西因为它提供援助帮助新的合作私营企业

    Cuba's leaders will look especially to Brazil, which has offered aid to help the new co-operatives and private businesses.


  • 话说回来,强迫债权扣减将会诸如保险公司信用合作其他金融部门造成伤害。

    In turn, forcing creditors to take haircuts would undermine other financial sectors such as insurance companies and credit unions.


  • 有的就业是职业顾问发起建立的,这些有时为了更多的加入,才成立团。

    Some clubs are started by employment consultants - sometimes out-of-work ones - who hope to drum up clients.


  • 船上一位法新摄影师看到数百一家诊所接受治疗。他们要求缝补卷进汹涌海浪里而受的伤口。

    An AFP photographer on board saw hundreds of villagers being treated at a medical clinic, many requiring stitches to open cuts suffered as they were tossed around in the surging sea.


  • 今年国际合作主题是“青年,合作未来”,以突出显示发挥青年动力巨大价值

    The theme for this year's International Day of Cooperatives, "Youth, the Future of Cooperatives", highlights the enormous value of engaging the energy and drive of young people.


  • 67岁沙巴利耶,是一家名叫卡帕新闻创始,也是名声誉卓著外国记者自从接受戒酒治疗之后,已有7滴酒沾;影片便是以此为蓝本的。

    Chabalier, 67, founder of the press agency Capa and a renowned foreign correspondent, has not drunk for seven years since the treatment for alcoholism on which the film is based.


  • 最终得到一份杂志工作工作时间长得让发疯。

    I ended up getting the magazine job and worked crazy-making hours.


  • 最后滴血》中的独特阿米多顿生存合作作为周二夜场最新僵尸系列的拯救方法,不必降低这种风格的格调就弥补酒吧一大伙聊天的无聊剧情(相信)。

    Last Blood's peculiar Armageddon co-op is one that makes for great bar conversation (trust me), without dumbing down an entire genre as a Tuesday night antidote to AMC's latest zombie hit.


  • 确实事情发生一些曲折时候出版弥漫一些痛苦的气息。

    Indeed, there is a whiff of panic at some publishing houses as events spiral.


  • 大山:我们作品怎么样?

    Dashan: Would it be okay to look at the painting by the Group of Seven first?


  • 他们在一起差不多十年了,不过最后几年段关系中出现了第三者他们离开XY杂志,迁至新斯科舍省的省会城市哈利法克斯遇到的一个年轻

    They had been together nearly a decade, though for the last few years the relationship had a third member — a young man they met in Halifax, Nova Scotia, where they moved in 2001 after leaving XY.


  • 在成立自己的3l出版(3 l Publishing)之前参加公共关系职位面试,当时大约有200参加小组面试。

    A few years ago, before she started her own publishing company called 3l publishing, she interviewed for a public relations position in a group of about 200 people.


  • 来自劳合发言安迪·瓦利声明中:“高兴确认,丹尼·尔林·莱恩杰米·奥哈拉将要有第一孩子。”

    A statement from Lloyd's spokesman Andy Varley said: 'I am pleased to confirm that Danielle Lloyd and Jamie o 'hara are expecting their first child.


  • 约克郡建房合作就“看重配偶哪个方面”的问题调查研究了1527

    Yorkshire Building Society questioned 1, 527 people to find out what they most valued in their partners.


  • 约克建房合作就“看重配偶哪个方面”的问题调查研究了1527

    Yorkshire Building Society questioned 1,527 people to find out what they most valued in their partners.


  • 如果出版盼望iPad帮助唤醒(扩展)杂志销量,那美国发行量审计局(abc)近期公布数字乐观。

    If publishers are looking to the iPad to help revive (or extend) magazine sales, recent figures released by the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) aren't good news.


  • 1969年,雀出版(Black Sparrow Press)出版约翰·马丁(John Martin)那里谋一份差使,辞去邮局工作,专心于全职写作

    In 1969, he accepted an offer from Black Sparrow Press publisher John Martin and quit his post office job to dedicate himself to full-time writing.


  • 国际扶轮监督根除脊髓灰质炎规划担任领导12之久的Williamt .Sergeant世界卫生大会上获得卫组织给予嘉奖

    William T. Sergeant, for 12 years the leader of the programme overseeing polio eradication within Rotary International, received a personal citation from the WHO, at the World Health Assembly.


  • 印尼官方Antara通讯报导称,在Cianjur附近一个村庄里30困在泥石流造成的岩石泥土。Cianjur距离印尼首都雅加达东南约97公里地方。

    Indonesia's official Antara news agency said that about 30 people were trapped under rocks and dirt from a landslide in a village near Cianjur, which is about 60 miles southeast of the capital.


  • 印尼官方Antara通讯报导称,在Cianjur附近一个村庄里30困在泥石流造成的岩石泥土。Cianjur距离印尼首都雅加达东南约97公里地方。

    Indonesia's official Antara news agency said that about 30 people were trapped under rocks and dirt from a landslide in a village near Cianjur, which is about 60 miles southeast of the capital.


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