• 必须自己确定切实可行目的目标

    You must set realistic aims and objectives for yourself.


  • 如果确定目标什么或者长期目标什么,不要担心

    Don't worry if you are not sure where you're headed or what your long-term goals are.


  • 确定完成目标的时间,不管这个期限最近几天还是几年以后

    Determine when you would like to accomplish this goal, whether it is in the near future or years from now.


  • 首先确定目标读者并且每一简短描述

    First of all you would determine the target audience and write a short description of each chapter.


  • 然而,要确定这些冲突都能够目标观众群投射自身生活兴趣职业中的冲突。

    However, make sure it is something your target audience can easily relate to within the context of their own lives, interests and occupations.


  • 然而,要确定这些冲突能够目标观众群投射自身生活兴趣职业中的冲突。

    Keep the conflict simple. However, make sure it is something your target audience can easily relate to within the context of their own lives, interests and occupations.


  • 然而,要确定这些冲突能够目标观众群投射自身生活兴趣职业中的冲突。

    Keep the conflict simple.However, make sure it is something your target audience can easily relate to within the context of their own lives, interests and occupations.


  • 可能需要年时间尝试不同广告评估结果确定哪些目标市场媒体组合适合

    You may need to spend several years trying out various advertising options and assessing results to know which target markets and media mix work best for you.


  • 一个模糊,无确定点的目标就像更多”,还是会让踌躇不前,开始很久之后也多少行动。

    Again, a vague, open ended goal like "save more money" leaves you too much wiggle room and makes it far too easy to never do so much as get started.


  • 社会网络重要的跟踪Twitter上接洽结果并不假设已经确定组织目标

    The great thing about the social web is that it’s not difficult to track the results of Twitter engagement, assuming you have determined what your organization’s goals are.


  • 通过确定目标用意充实了愿景

    By identifying the purpose of your goals, you enrich your perspective.


  • 每周固定时间(周一上班时)回顾一周进展确定本周目标

    At a set time each week (Mondays work for me), review your progress for the last week, and set goals for the week.


  • 清楚确定带有一个清楚确定结果目标应该能够看到是什么样子已经完成了结果部分。

    Have a clearly defined goal with a clearly defined outcome - you should be able to visualize what it looks like when you've accomplished the outcome.


  • 如果确定明智目标,要掌控找到恰当时间资源保持动力,这样达到目标

    But if you set SMART goals, manage them well, find the right time and resources, and maintain motivation, you'll get there.


  • 首先确定目标脑海也许形成个关于“完美”的雏形但是如果仅仅沉迷于这个“完美"的雏形而不去付诸实践,将一事无成 。

    Start with your objective: You may have an image in your head of what a perfect outcome would look like, but what does a an outcome you can live with look like?


  • 只需创建多个版本网站确定访客目标(下载注册购买),然后不同版本之间的切换流量

    You just create multiple versions of your website, define what your visitor goals are (download, sign up, purchase, etc.), and then they split your traffic between the different versions.


  • 第一目标开始确定在下星期开始这个目标时,需要采取具体措施。

    Starting with your number one, identify the action steps you need to take over the next week to start on this goal.


  • 如果很重要目标或是一个任务而且不是确定自己是否能力,那么把它想象出来

    If you've got an important goal or task coming up and you're feeling unsure about your ability to do it, visualize it first!


  • 设定短期长期目标方面许多需要考虑因素下面分类一些重叠的,尽管如此,考虑这些因素可以帮助确定你目标是否切实可行。

    There are a number of factors to consider when setting both short and long-term goals. There is overlap among several of the categories that are highlighted below.


  • 方法不停地席卷基地地面部队首先目标确定刺蛇然后孢子出击维京人来自天空的飞龙爆炸

    Keep up this approach as you sweep across the base: ground troops first to target Spore Crawlers and Hydralisks, then swoop in the Vikings to blast Mutalisks from the sky.


  • 现在开始通过计算老板工作时间,以确定现阶段具体的、合理可以达到的目标目标有利于帮职业上更近一步。

    Make your time count now by working with your boss to set specific, reasonable and attainable goals for your present position that will help you advance to the next level.


  • 只需掌握少数几个关键策略确定坚定目标这样任何天气下起来。

    All you need are a few key strategies and a firm running goal and you'll be running in any kind of weather.


  • 首先确定目标自我振作,然后可以别人一起出去彻夜放松了。

    Focus on cheering yourself up first and then head out another night to look for a guy.


  • 无论个人财务状况如何,也不管富有还是贫穷或是处于两者之间需要花时间确定目标

    No matter the state of your personal finances, whether you’re wealthy or poor or somewhere in between, take time to set goals.


  • 无论个人财务状况如何,也不管富有还是贫穷或是处于两者之间需要花时间确定目标

    No matter the state of your personal finances, whether you’re wealthy or poor or somewhere in between, take time to set goals.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定