• 知道过这样感受掉进个没有边际的空间里面,不断地破碎变成小块,好像雨滴落入大海那样慢慢消失

    Have you ever had the sensation of falling through infinite space, shattering, crumbling, of being about to disappear like a raindrop into the ocean?


  • 岩石细小破碎可以储水的,但当地下水被迅速的抽取这些岩石会发生坍塌那么就算以后储水层可以再补给没有空间储存这些水了。

    Tiny fractures in rock that can store water sometimes collapse when it's rapidly withdrawn, and then even if the aquifer had water to recharge it, there's no place for it to go.


  • 艾马尔认为今天的真相范围广,更加支离破碎没有长篇叙事留下喘息空间

    Today’s reality, much larger but vastly more fractured, says Mr Aimard, has little space for the monolithic grand narrative.


  • 破碎发生几个大型对象分配他们都会地址空间相同页面然后这些东西收集

    Fragmentation occurs when you allocate several large objects and they all get taken from the same page of address space, then let some of those objects get collected.


  • 公园不规则集合形状空间展现破碎三维地貌此,景观建筑融合一个884个不规则平面组成连续表面

    The irregular geometry of the park is spatially unfolded into a crackled three-dimensional topography, where landscape and architecture merge into a continuous surface formed by 884 irregular planes.


  • 完整布置破碎区域连接在一起,形成了具有显著特征的绿色均衡空间

    The complete arrangement ties the fragmented area together into a uniform space with a prominently green character.


  • 破碎舟上的水手漂到岸上得到什么就穿什么,他们还站得隔开一点,越过空间时间距离,而嘲笑彼此服装呢。

    Like shipwrecked sailors, they put on what they can find on the beach, and at a little distance, whether of space or time, laugh at each other's masquerade.


  • 由于植被斑块破碎,相互交错空间异质性景观要素或者斑块类型表现十分复杂空间镶嵌分布格局

    Because of fragmentation, intersection and high heterogene of vegetation patches, vegetation landscape showed a very complex and mosaic distribution pattern.


  • 仪器工作原理将样品循环引入高速相对运动定转子狭小空间被快速剪切破碎

    Its working principle is making the sample circularly loop into a narrow space between the high speed and relative motion stator to shear and break the sample.


  • 空间距离破坏当地居民一种“团结意识使曾经关系紧密家庭联合体变得支离破碎

    Physical isolation has destroyed the local sense of 14)solidarity, and contributed to the fragmentation of what were once cohesive family groups.


  • 同样我们需要充足空间调整破碎投掷CD施法时间,这样才不会和英勇投掷怪技能功能重复

    We also want to give ourselves plenty of room to adjust the cooldown and cast time of Shattering Throw, which again mucks up Heroic Throw's role as a pulling tool.


  • 突出支离破碎的十五日内植入了这个200平方米空间几个'群岛'部分免受窥探晶体拉丹条纹窗帘

    Highlighting the fragmented interior that Quinze tucked into this 200-m2 space are several 'islands' partially shielded from prying eyes by crystal-laden fringe curtains.


  • 运用折纸的艺术概念天花板设计之中,室内易于破碎空间进行连贯,亦延伸墙面使变化不再局限于平面,达成一气成之效果。

    Origami concept is well utilized in the ceiling. It joins all the fragmentary interior spaces and extends it to the wall, making the diversity more than 2D.


  • 断裂破碎形成构造空间,对湖北内生金矿具有重要控制作用。

    The structural Spaces resulting from the faulted fracture zones significantly control the endogenetic gold deposits in Hubei province.


  • 较大面积草地林地分割、破碎化,小盐碱化草地空间聚集扩张

    The arable land and salinized land patches congregated and expanded, while the landscape of grassland and forestland were becoming more fragmented.


  • 气候变化人类活动影响,湿地格局呈斑块破碎化和空间分布均匀孤立化的演变趋势。

    Influenced by the climate changes and human activities, the wetland landscape patches are becoming fragmented, and their spatial distribution is becoming homogenized and isolated.


  • 空间时间距离如一膨胀的汽球,瞬间啪一声破碎

    The distance between the space and time of the 7 years, like a tumefacient balloon, fell to pieces momentarily.


  • 小熊猫空间分布格局极不连续,存在许多空白区域栖息地存在破碎趋势进一步加强世界遗产地内小熊猫种群保护

    The distribution of red panda in Qionglai Mountains was discrete and existed many gaps and fragmentation trend. Thus, the protection of red panda in Qionglai Mountains should be further enhanced.


  • 作品探讨与运动有关姿态支离破碎的、梦幻般的雕塑空间

    The piece explores movement in relation to the painted gesture and fragmented, dreamlike sculptural space.


  • 如果Access数据库删除数据对象或者在Access项目中删除对象,文件可能会变得支离破碎使得磁盘空间使用效率降低

    If you delete data or objects in an Access database, or if you delete objects in an Access project, the file can become fragmented and use disk space inefficiently.


  • 如果Access数据库删除数据对象或者在Access项目中删除对象,文件可能会变得支离破碎使得磁盘空间使用效率降低

    If you delete data or objects in an Access database, or if you delete objects in an Access project, the file can become fragmented and use disk space inefficiently.


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