• 照镜子时为自己感到骄傲,即使是那些长久以来似乎不可能的“破碎”的部分

    When I look in the mirror, I'm proud of who I am even those "broken" parts that for so long seemed impossible to love.


  • 破碎的挡风玻璃,进入了卡车,打开了门。

    Through the broken windscreen, I got into the truck and opened the door.


  • 可以用破碎的心的碎片来做一个镶嵌画。

    Maybe I could make a mosaic (镶嵌画) by using the pieces of my broken heart.


  • 愚蠢破碎、有瑕疵缪斯依旧歌唱

    My foolish, broken, blemished Muse so sings.


  • 爱德华不要——”然后某个东西撞上破碎镜子上

    "No, Edward, don't -" And then something smashed into my face, throwing me back into the broken mirrors.


  • 可以想象父亲正在的笔努力修补破碎。他最后的话小鱼那样悄悄溜眼泪

    I pictured my father struggling to patch up my broken heart with a pen, and his closing words slipped like minnows through my tears.


  • 那天[儿子]萨贾德面前受鞭打烂了尊严和心也已经完全破碎了。

    The day I was flogged in front of [my son] Sajjad, I was crushed and my dignity and heart were broken.


  • 母亲经常小黑屋里哭泣声起来破碎玻璃

    My mother used to cry in her dark room, sobs that sounded like shattering glass.


  • 听见别的父母谈论他们他们来自一个支离破碎的家庭他们母亲不断进出戒毒所,他们的父亲总是游手好闲。

    I have heard from other parents that they come from a very broken home in which their mother is in and out of rehab and their father is always away on business.


  • 支离破碎方式一个看来,是那么可怕,那么荒唐以致于过了许多还摆脱发黑呆板印象

    To view man in this fragmentary way seemed to me so horrid, so absurd that I could not get rid of the impression of that dark, unmeaning leg for many a day.


  • 到处躺着生锈的、啤酒破碎玻璃瓶子很难受担心看到海鸥正在啃食被吃剩的不健康小吃

    Rusty, empty beer cans lay about and some broken glass bottles made me mad. I was worried to see unhealthy leftover snacks being eaten by sea gulls.


  • 天晚上就业中心告诉说:“现在美国已经破碎”,手指一边不安地叩击着桌子大都都是讲国语,于女士帮助翻译

    Now the American Dream is broken,” Shen tells me one evening at the career center, his fingers drumming restlessly on the table; he speaks mostly in Mandarin, and Yu helps me translate.


  • 爱尔兰朋友如果生活变得支离破碎怎么执行b计划

    I asked my Irish friend, Dion, what would happen if his life fell apart. What's his Plan B?


  • 给予家人同样机会接受并且自己一样。不是,视作破碎的希望——生活遭受伤痛无法挽回损失

    I offer my family the same opportunity to accept and love me as I am rather than seeing me as a blasted hope, whose life has suffered a sad and irreversible loss.


  • 认为无论你的心怎样破碎,可是这个世界不会停止忧伤

    I believe that no matter how bad your heart is broken the world doesn't stop for your grief.


  • 这些支离破碎笔记几乎都没有时间,因为被人逼迫着节奏忙乱的生活的

    So fast and furiously am I compelled to live now that there is scarcely time to record even these fragmentary notes.


  • 打破家人父母破碎婚姻三缄其口家庭禁忌

    I shattered the family taboo of silence about the break-up of my parents' marriage.


  • 开始难过,觉得因此死掉而没有留下任何东西,驾环游世界梦想因此而破碎

    The idea that we'd be left with nothing and that our dream of sailing the world was just finished - at first I was grieving that.


  • 开始破碎的心》的时候,十八岁---不算少年不算青年

    When I began to write the Bhagna Hriday I was eighteen--neither in my childhood nor my youth.


  • 即使转盘仍难以播放,因为的封面砂纸构成使得唱片的内部磨损破碎

    Even if I had a turntable it's completely unplayable, because the cover it came in is made of sandpaper, which scratched the record inside to bits.


  • 指出你们社会中,区别健康疾病完整破碎方式有些希奇

    I would like to point out that something strange is going on with the distinction between healthy and sick, or between whole and broken, as it is used in your society.


  • 手握洋红色封套,旧油污破碎的封套、磨损的书触动少年梦想夜晚回忆

    Holding that magenta covered edition, with its odd stains, swollen binding and scuffed corners, triggers a wave of teenage memories of late nights and idealism.


  • 破旧丰田本田里阿肯嘎嘎的歌震天响。这个美丽破碎的城市着迷,包括她的痛苦,她的狂欢

    Planted on the hoods of battered Toyotas and patchwork Hondas that blared Akon and Lady Gaga, I was enraptured by the persistence of the beautifully disjointed city, its pain and its revelry.


  • 承认,以往认为投保“水渍险”了;而且以为破碎引起种种损失包括在内

    I must confess that I was under the impression that W.P.A. insurance was quite sufficient and that losses due to breakage were covered.


  • 承认,以往认为投保“水渍险”了;而且以为破碎引起种种损失包括在内

    I must confess that I was under the impression that W.P.A. insurance was quite sufficient and that losses due to breakage were covered.


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