• (城内)尚存横额,“胥门”砖雕边维修

    To the east (the city) surviving banners, "Xu Men," the word has been destroyed, while brick repairs.


  • 江苏高淳明清时期砖雕艺术该时期中国砖雕艺术的重要代表

    Art of brick carving of Ming and Qing in Gaochun County, Jiangsu, was an important representative of that time.


  • 砖雕是从汉代画像石演变而来一种艺术属于雕塑艺术的一部分。

    Brick sculpture evolved from figure stone of Han dynasty, it belongs to sculpture art.


  • 大雄宝殿东西配殿皆无量殿形制砖雕仿木结构建造

    Temple Main hall and the side hall in a palace things are immeasurable hall of the Department of shapes, Fangmu brick structure with green construction.


  • 房屋雕刻装饰艺术五彩纷呈砖雕装饰题材丰富广泛,各具特色

    The colorful decorative art of carving, wood, stone, brick decoration theme and abundant, distinctive.


  • 处在当心间顶部砖雕藻井认为双塔砖雕艺术建筑艺术中的代表作

    Be careful in inter-brick at the top of the caisson, is considered to be the twin towers brick temple art and architecture of the representative.


  • 大门西高大顶楼,中间门洞式的门道,大门对面砖雕百寿照壁

    Gate toward the east, sit on the top, with a tall among the doorways and abutted city gate opposite is brick 100 longevity figure screens.


  • 例如墙上雕像自己正试图从墙里“出来”,这类似荷兰阿姆斯特丹学校砖雕品。

    The sculptures on the wall, for instance, want to grow out by themselves, similar to the brick sculptures of the 'Amsterdamse School' in the Netherlands.


  • 该镇主要建筑建于明清两代,有100多个传统庭院60砖雕的拱门沿用至今。

    The majority of the town's residences were built in the Ming and Qing dynasties, and nearly 100 traditional courtyards and 60 carved-brick archways are still in use.


  • 这些砖雕宋代成书营造法式载十分吻合,中国古建筑史上珍贵的实物资料。

    The brick, and the Song dynasty, "to create a French" is contained in line is China's ancient buildings in the history of valuable material.


  • 尽管断墙残垣,透过残存门庭依然真切地看到木雕砖雕石雕精致典雅

    Although some ruins, but through the remnants of the Menting, is still able to truly see the wood carvings, brick and stone carving of exquisite and elegant.


  • 内门额“瑞霭彤云两侧墙上保留砖雕韩湘子何仙姑吕洞宾四仙图案

    The amount of "Neimen Ruiai topware" four words, on both sides of the wall brick, retained the Han Xiangzi blue and He Xiangu, and Lv Dongbin four cents pattern.


  • 砖雕精湛工艺反映出晋商力求完美生活态度符合中国传统追求严谨庄重文化意识

    Exquisite crafts demonstrate that Shanxi Merchants strive for perfection of life in line with the rigorous pursuit of solemn awareness of the traditional Chinese culture.


  • 目前,青城大量古建筑,其木雕、砖雕石文化等,无不显现着中国传统文化独特魅力

    At present, there are lots of old architectures, Brickcarving and Stone Culture which reveal out special charm of Chinese traditional culture.


  • 一旦申请通过那些从事牛肉拉面临夏砖雕等特色职业的师傅需要通过资格考试就业。

    If approved, people hoping to become Lanzhou beef noodles chefs and Linxia brick carvers must first pass the exam before qualifying to work.


  • 三丰工艺产品传承古代砖雕艺术采用立体微雕工艺,再融入现代水晶技术手工精雕细琢而成

    The products of Sanfeng Art Tech. limited Company inherit the ancient Brick- Marble Art, utilize the Micro-carving . , adopt the modern Crystal Fashion, finely crafted pure Artwork with hands.


  • 第四这一时期建筑的遗存、砖雕壁画墓室石刻、砖塔、寺观壁画、绘画中总结两宋时期隔扇类型

    Chapter four is to summarize the Geshan type from old industrial buildings, tomb, stone seal, brick pagoda, temple mural, painting and so on;


  • 晋商建筑砖雕作品进行实地调研基础上分析明清时期晋商民居建筑砖雕装饰所折射出的民居建筑文化

    On the basis of field research on decorative brick carvings, this paper analyses the vernacular architecture culture in Shanxi Merchants' residential buildings of Ming and Qing Dynasties.


  • 荷花美展现在陶瓷器青铜器金银器石器、砖雕石刻、壁画藻井等方面,至少40类以上品种不计其数。

    The image of lotus flower can been seen on chinaware, copperware, gold, silverware, jade article, and brick carving with at least 40 kinds and in large variety.


  • 雄伟高大侍郎府,高门大户,斗拱十余精美的砖雕麒麟照壁明显强调空间秩序使院落尽显雍容华贵富丽堂皇

    The majestic tall Lang House, ten layer brackets, plutocratic family, beautiful brick kylin Zhaobi, clearly stressed the sense of order that courtyard space elegant, magnificent.


  • 雄伟高大侍郎府,高门大户,斗拱十余精美的砖雕麒麟照壁明显强调空间秩序使院落尽显雍容华贵富丽堂皇

    The majestic tall Lang House, ten layer brackets, plutocratic family, beautiful brick kylin Zhaobi, clearly stressed the sense of order that courtyard space elegant, magnificent.


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