• 一种检测存储模拟信号瞬时设备

    A device that senses and stores the instantaneous value of an analog signal.


  • 模拟部分采用电压电流瞬时控制提高响应速度

    The analog part adopts the control based on current virtual value and improves the response speed.


  • 采用电压瞬时值反馈降低了输出电压波形的谐波量。

    The total harmonic distortion (THD) can be reduced by the instantaneous voltage feedback control.


  • 频率调制载波频率依照调校讯号瞬时而改变调制。

    Frequency modulation(FM): the form of modulation in which the frequency of the carrier is varied in accordance with the instantaneous value of the modulating signal.


  • 提出了一种基于重复控制瞬时值反馈控制的逆变电源控制系统

    An inverter control system based on repetitive control and instantaneous feedback control is presented.


  • 同时阐述了电动机电流测定常用方法瞬时的测定,积分测定等。

    The common methods of current measurement for motor are presented, for example, instantaneous value measurement, integral measurement, etc.


  • 应用瞬时对称分量变换提取电压电流故障分量空间向量

    The transformation of the instantaneous value symmetry component applied, the positive sequence space vector of fault component of the voltage and current can be derived.


  • 仪器采用数字显示随时打印记录温度瞬时值平均最高

    This instrument has a digital display, which can print the instantaneous, mean value and maximum of measured temperature conveniently.


  • 提出一种利用正弦交流电压电流瞬时测量正弦交流电参量算法

    Adopting sinusoidal instantaneous voltage and current, a new algorithm for measuring sinusoidal electrical parameters has been put forward.


  • 文中目前逆变输出波形控制技术分为基于周期的控制瞬时值反馈控制。

    The waveform control technology of inverter is classified into periodic control and instantaneous control in this paper.


  • 感应电机定子电阻瞬时值诸多因素影响,无法建立精确数学模型求解

    The stator resistance of an induction motor is affected by many different elements, and the exact math model can not be established for calculation of the instantaneous resistance.


  • 方案采用电感电流输出电压瞬时双环控制,以提高输出稳定性和动态响应

    To improve the steady state operation and dynamic response, a dual-loop control strategy which incorporates the inductor current and the instantaneous output voltage has been used.


  • 所设计的电网参数测试仪可以测量功率因数电压电流有效瞬时参数。

    The tester designed can be used to measure the parameters, such as power factor, effective value of voltage and current, instantaneous value, etc.


  • 对于不同地区只要调整辐射折算系数便解决散发瞬时全天的困难。

    As in different area, adjusting net radiation convert coefficient only can solve the daily evapotranspiration calculation problem from the instantaneous evapotranspiration value.


  • 交流采样一定规律信号瞬时进行采样,用一定算法求得被测量的

    The AC sampling is carried out testing the AC signal based on the certain regulation, and desired the values of the AC signal based on the certain mathematical method.


  • 利用非传统电流互感器无饱和优点,将瞬时值电流差动保护原理应用分布式母线保护计算中。

    The principle of instantaneous current differential protection is applied in the calculation of distributed busbar protection, which takes the advantage of unsaturated current transducer.


  • 数字控制器存在采样计算延时实时控制性差,采用数字控制器实现闭环瞬时值控制比较困难。

    But it is hard to realize the dual-loop instantaneous control with digital scheme, because there is delay time of sampling and computing and lack of real-time regulation for digital control.


  • 研究认识反应动力学特性入手提出基于目标函数瞬时导数,确定最优反应工艺方法

    This paper begins with reaction kinetics' specific, and proposes an approach to optimization of reaction technology based on the derivative of instantaneous values of objective function.


  • 系统利用重复控制抑制非线性负载电压畸变利用瞬时值反馈控制加快负载突变时动态响应过程

    Repetitive control is used to reduce voltage distortion under nonlinear loads and instantaneous feedback control is designed to quicken the dynamic response process under abrupt load variation.


  • 本文开关磁阻电机发电运行原理,对采用定时瞬时比较方式PW M变流器的原理控制进行分析。

    This paper firstly introduced the principle of switched reluctance motor; the working principle and control of PWM converter, which USES timing and compare of instantaneous value, is described.


  • 逆变控制采用SPWM方式,由数字PID调节器实现输出电压瞬时反馈,采用有效调节实现稳压

    SPWM method is adopted to control the inverter model. Digital PID adjuster is used to realize voltage loop and the value modulation is used to maintain the value of output voltage.


  • 主要思想就是一个周期内若干交流信号瞬时描述交流信号波形计算有效其它有关参数

    Its main ideas are that the AC waves are described through some AC instantaneous values in a period, and then RMS values and other concerned parameters are worked out.


  • 电流数据采样离散性采样初始时刻不确定性导致采样瞬时电流差动保护动作模糊产生的根本原因。

    The decentralization of sampled value and the uncertainty of sampled time bring forth the action fuzzy area of sampled value current differential protection.


  • 单位功率因数整流器利用瞬时比较法控制电源电流,不但控制简单可有效限制器件最高开关频率

    The method of instantaneous value comparison for source current control of unity power factor rectifier possesses advantages of simplicity as well as valid restriction for maximum switching frequency.


  • 文中设计了模糊在线检测器检测电阻瞬时改善直接转伺服系统低速性能找到了有效方法

    This paper designs a fuzzy observer for measuring resistance value of induction motor and presents an effective method for improving the performance of the DTC servo system at low speeds.


  • 电力计量直接对象电子互感器IEC标准统一规定了电子互感器的两输出方式数字瞬时值序列模拟电压信号

    The direct object of power metering is electronic transformer. From IEC standards, electronic transformer has two kinds of output: digital signals and analog signals.


  • 该文输出策略电压增益开关动作顺序进行了详细分析,并与双电压合成控制策略下共模电压最大瞬时值进行了对比。

    The paper analyzes in detail the synthetical method, the voltage gain and the switch action sequence of matrix converter based on the zero-output commutation strategy.


  • 功率变换器主电路采用电压电流双闭环瞬时值反馈控制方式,电容电压电流瞬时值控制环提高系统稳定性、硬特性稳态特性动态特性。

    The voltage and current real-time feedback control method is adopted, which improves the stability, the stiffness, the static characteristics, and the dynamic characteristics of the system.


  • 功率变换器主电路采用电压电流双闭环瞬时值反馈控制方式,电容电压电流瞬时值控制环提高系统稳定性、硬特性稳态特性动态特性。

    The voltage and current real-time feedback control method is adopted, which improves the stability, the stiffness, the static characteristics, and the dynamic characteristics of the system.


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